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Everything posted by DeeringAmps

  1. Evidently that is what is/was happening. Simple solution, remove the “.” t
  2. $11.09 at Best Service https://www.bestservice.com/en/ezkeys_midi_dream_pop.html No generic code this time... t
  3. @Billy86 IKM has included the folder Tonex.vst3 in the install. For some reason that is confusing CbB. Rename the folder TONEX. That "fixed" things here. Tonex standalone and the the vst3 is now working. See the screenshot below: . HTH, t
  4. Again, left my like and comments at YouTube, hope y’all do too! Stunning Jerry. 👍 ‘s 👏 t
  5. I prefer to think of it as “gainful unemployment”! t
  6. DeeringAmps


    Always a fan here Makke! 👍's t
  7. Some nice tone and tasty licks on the guitar Paul. t
  8. DeeringAmps


    Enjoyed Glenn! t
  9. You got me here. The acoustic guitar intro drew me right in. (the bare vocal on the intro never quite defined the start of the track properly for me) And of course, the Hendrix style unison bends on the last chorus, "sealed the deal"! (although they are a bit loud). (its too hot, its too cold; "I can't never be satisfied")🙃 I'm lovin' it Gary! t
  10. Dam I'm tempted! (the devil on my right shoulder says "rip off a few more towels Jeff") But my "better" angels; Dam... But to the rest of you, if you don't have Backbeats; what have you got to lose? t if I come up with a Backbeats code to giveaway, you'll know which angel won the round.
  11. While a $67 6-pac is “tempting”, I’ll pass on two levels. I already have backbeats, and want both TT and Best to thrive. Were I you @Bad Penguin, I would grab the midi pack of my choice, and go back for another backbeats code. I hereby absolve you of any “guilt”, you can thank me later… t
  12. @prey basic question I know, but I have forgotten to run the plugin manager after an install, so here goes; Did you run Scan VST Plug-ins in Plug-in Manager? t
  13. Subscribed and left my likes and comments over at YT. Hope all the rest of you will do likewise. Jerry I would shamelessly promote a bit more that you are the composer and the photographer. Always amazed by your work! t
  14. The only thing UAD I’d consider is Sound City, but at $349 less $50 = $299; I think I’ll pass… t
  15. HTH, maybe since you have YT prem you won't have to watch the 15 second ad that I did... t
  16. I could NOT build either of these amps and pay my bills at this price point. Flipping burgers at $20 an hour would be a “huge” raise in pay… And even “top of the market” is pretty much “a labor of love”! t
  17. DeeringAmps

    Problem solved!

    Thanks to the mods for prompt response!
  18. 200 million albums sold, and still counting. Yeah, I’d keep working that A chord too… t
  19. Yup, only difference is this puts everyone at the same time. Maybe this is a “heads-up” something is about to change? just speculation here, inquiring minds want to know… t this IS the Coffee House , ya?
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