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Everything posted by bjornpdx

  1. Is that finger snap supposed to be in there? Kind of hard to ignore it, but good tune. The song seems a little too "narrow" to me, like the instruments need to be separated more. Volume change at 3:30 stands out. Thanks for posting.
  2. A riff, 3 chords and a bridge is pretty much all you ever need. And a good story which you certainly have here. Really like all the old photos on the YouTube video. They were probably taken when I was the same age as those kids.
  3. bjornpdx

    Red Light Blues

    Red Light Blues Traditional 12 bar blues style with a couple of modifications. I've been learning the guitar the last few months and I worked up the nerve to record myself improvising to an Am Pentatonic Blues scale. I'm playing a Schecter Demon 6 into NI Guitar Rig 5 (Overexposure preset). I'm not at all familiar with guitar amps and effects and such but I think the GR preset I used sounds pretty good. Still have a lot of trouble using a pick - I keep hitting the wrong string pretty often but getting better at it. 😁 I haven't tweaked anything much. Just want to get an idea how it sounds so far. Thanks for listening. RealGuitar strums Kontakt Factory Library Rock Basic Organ Ilya Efimov Modern Bass Addictive Drums
  4. Keith Cool tune and not your average subject matter for a song. I think the vocal fx could be backed off a bit mainly to help the clarity of the lyrics. The vocal seemed to be competing too much with the instruments so maybe raise the volume. There was a brass instrument in the intro that didn't come in again, at least I didn't notice it. (Maybe too nit-picky there and just a matter of taste.) I think the end needs a definite ending and not a fadeout. Good job on the song. I like it.
  5. Christmas card from your nutty Aunt Jane.
  6. bjornpdx


    Beautiful. You don't need anything more than your voice and guitar really, but the video is a plus. And I liked the one static shot in the video which gives the viewer another emotional dimension to the song. I like your smile at the end too.
  7. "Don't answer that phone" I love your sense of humor, Freddy. I've been listening to your songs a bit more closely lately trying to pick up some bluesy licks I could learn from, or steal. 😁
  8. bjornpdx


    Mark One of those songs that brightens up the morning and puts a smile on your face. The cello can be such an expressive instrument and I thought you played it very well. Really like how it interacts with the other instruments, though I wanted the cello brought out a bit more. I didn't get an Indian feel except maybe at the end but that's okay. If you really want an Indian sound I'd recommend Native Instruments India - amazing stuff.
  9. I've been using Vegas for years and currently on v16. Because it crashes a lot and I just wanted to try something different I recently went for the free DaVinci Resolve and now HitFilm Pro. Resolve is good but it has a whole other way of doing things compared to Vegas or Adobe Premiere. HitFilm seems geared more for special effects and you get a bunch of those with the Humble deal (and they work in Vegas too. Haven't checked Resolve) . I caught on to the HitFilm way of doing things pretty fast and so far it seems stable. It probably won't replace Vegas but it's good for the brain to try out new stuff.
  10. bjornpdx


    Ahhh. Good old Korg synths. I tried to pick out the M1 but couldn't (maybe the harp?) Nice texture to this, almost classical. Good to hear something upbeat and optimistic. btw, I liked your response to the spammer.
  11. Kenny Even more impressive than listening is watching you play the guitar. Amazing. Yeah, I enjoyed it. As a somewhat beginner on the guitar, I had my guitarist scale book opened on the Gm (pentatonic?) page to see if you were playing that pattern, but you were going too fast.
  12. Bump Four days left on this $30 deal. I got HitFilm Pro, Ignite Pro fx plugins and a bunch of explosion and fire footage for pocket change. Probably best deal ever for me.
  13. Jesse Thank you. Your recipe is better than mine But you gotta make it rhyme. Nigel Thank you. Nope, none of that beanie weenie stuff around here. Steve I always have to google your comments. Thanks again for watching/listening.
  14. Lovely song and beautiful voice. Great accompaniment track to the melody. Top notch.
  15. David May have looked tasty but it wasn't. It got a bit burnt while I messed around with the camera. kloon Thanks. I like writing lyrics except for that part where they have to rhyme. Wookie Thanks. I appreciate the listen and comment. DeeringAmps Tom Yeah, next time becan for sure. Thanks for listening. Douglas Thanks and a Merry Christmas to you too!
  16. bjornpdx

    Take it All

    Good tune with an important message. Didn't quite get the connection with some of the video clips, but I did like the models in the bikinis. 🙂
  17. That guitar solo around 3:00? Love it. The mix on this one has that nice presence and width to it that moves it up a notch or two. Thumbs up. Again.
  18. David I had the same impression as Tom. Reminded me of that kind of jazzy TV show music from the 70s. Not sure if you could put lyrics to it, but I could see it as background to poetry or literature reading.
  19. bjornpdx

    Underground panic

    Interesting how a piano solo can suggest foreboding. That ominous drone in the background ramps it up even more. Nice one.
  20. Well, after listening to all the great songs and musicians on this forum I feel kind of stupid posting my song about Beanie Weenies. Emeraldsoul Tom posted a song a while ago about mixing up a batch of... something. Forgot what it was but it was funny and I decided to write something along the same lines. I tried playing the guitar part live but I kept messing it up so I used OTS Stratosphere. I've never eaten Beanie Weenies but I like the name so I went for it. I still haven't eaten Beanie Weenies even after making up a potful in the video. My wife tossed it out because it wasn't all that great.
  21. Very intricate and detailed arrangement. Sounds really good.
  22. You really know how to rock it out and how to get it to sound so good too. Not sure if you've already fixed the glitches mentioned above, but I didn't really pick up on them. I always enjoy tuning into your music.
  23. An old standard but I love how you played it. A+
  24. I'll just say ditto to all the comments above. I've been hearing more classical music around here lately and I'm starting to see how the genre is so good at telling a story without words. So yes, a journey in the woods and meeting frightening creatures
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