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Everything posted by Xoo

  1. It's not a bug as such - that's how ND-MIDI editing is supposed to work.
  2. Try this (this setting affects split behaviour): - Open Preferences - Check the Advanced radio button - Customization\Editing - Untick "Non-Destructive MIDI Editing" Repeat your test. Otherwise, rather than Trim, do Bounce to Clip.
  3. It did work sometime (as I didn't use to swear at it :-)) but not sure when it broke!
  4. That's 2 knobs though, not one knob and one button, right (that does make sense - it's the double mono/stereo button that doesn't to me)?
  5. Why do you need 2 mono/stereo buttons (I get the pan control bit)?
  6. I just popped in an Asus nVidia GT1030 silent card (https://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B0716JTSRW/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o08_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1) as an upfrade from an older nVidia card and it works very nicely with Cakewalk.
  7. Find the relevant .vst3 file in C:\Program Files\Common Files\VST3 and delete it (or, preferably, rename it to, say .vst3bad) and rescan in Cakewalk.
  8. You can also bind a shortcut key.
  9. No worries - I learned tricks about the Matrix View from your video, so good swap 🙂
  10. No, Bill, you're not: it's broken (well, it doesn't work as expected based on the GUI anyway).
  11. Nice - you know that clicking on an empty cell in a row stops that row playing (even when in "latch" mode), so you don't need to use the "kill all" button?
  12. I've had to do this with one (old) 32 bit VSTi (in the days of 32 bit SONAR too) - that's excluding the case where BitBridge refuses to recognise one 32 bit VST as a valid VST, despite everything else under the sun detecting it as such... Note that you'll lose this if you do a reset/rescan, so you may need to re-apply (my fix is to export the relevant registry (sub-)key and zap that in when necessary).
  13. Try saving to a completely different location too (if you haven't already)?
  14. Is D a network share or local drive? If the former, have you rebooted the server? If the latter, have you rebooted your PC?
  15. Just updated Windows to 2004 by any chance? If so, there's a thread on KvR about this with some possible ideas.
  16. Or (better?) implement some mode like other DAWs do where non-realtime tracks (ie. no input monitoring) playback at a higher/multiple of the ASIO buffer. Even if you have to click a button when you want it to activate (on all tracks for mixdown), it's clearly doable - hopefully on the Bakers' radar (and close up at that too).
  17. I've opened .wrk fikes created in Cakewalk Pro Audio 9 in CbB...
  18. I'm not sure how the scaling works on MIDI tracks - on audio volume, it's definitely just additive.
  19. 1 - Aha...read up on Offset Mode. I think it does what you want/.
  20. Having 2 volume controls makes it more confusing for users (IMHO).
  21. That smiley was meant to be c colon!
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