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Everything posted by Promidi

  1. What did you use to create the audio file that you’re trying to import?
  2. This does indeed appear that your keyboard is not sending the note off MIDI event. What you could do is download MIDI-OX. This lets you see the exact MIDI events that your keyboard is sending. http://www.midiox.com/ Can it be assumed that you have tried a different USB port on your PC.
  3. As a test, I temporarily set my CbB shortcut to "Run as Administrator", yet I was still able to drag and drop and audio file directly from a Windows Explorer file window into CbB. Maybe it's on certain Windows builds or from certain folders only. I am running the latest CbB (2021.1 build 98) on a fully patched Windows 10 64bit Build 20H2 19042.870
  4. Promidi

    Frozen Tracks

    More info needed...
  5. Assuming that you have updated your drivers for your Realtek soundcard (using manufacturer's websites rather than Windows updates). What driver mode, sample rate, bit depth and no of samples are you using? You can check this in Preferences | Driver settings and Preferences | Playback and Recording Note, as the Realtek soundcard is not really suitable for professional DAW use, you might want to eventually consider investing is a quality USB Audio interface that comes with its own native ASIO drivers.
  6. What did cakewalk support say when you contacted them?
  7. Select the events you want to copy. Go to FROM (I have set the ; key as keybinding to do this. I have also set ' to Go to THRU ) Then copy and paste (to make a duplicate - only one will remain selected) Process > Slide, then enter -4 measures.
  8. Promidi

    I'm going crazy!!!

    Yes you are going crazy.... along with the rest us who do the same thing (myself included - even though I am “following“ that particular forum).
  9. I am on Windows 10 Pro 20H2 OS build 19042.868 (fully patched). No issues so far relating to CbB.
  10. I should have mentioned that MME is the mode that I use as well. Way back, I also tried UWP and found that my 1999 MIDI sound module didn't like it. I quickly reverted back to MME. I have been using MME as long as UWP has been offered and have never had any issues. As mentioned, some older devices just don’t play nice with UWP. Glad you sorted the issue.
  11. Maybe drop a note Cakewalk support at https://help.cakewalk.com/hc/en-us/requests/new?ticket_form_id=360000025633
  12. I did a little test using your INS file you sent. I can confirm that patch change information is being sent from Cakewalk. I used MIDI-OX on another PC to monitor MIDI data and patch change data was indeed being received on that PC as a result of it being sent from CbB. Remember, an INS file does not actually do the sending of the MIDI data. It just populates any drop downs with human readable names for various events. I am starting to wonder if the issue is actual in the Korg Triton
  13. I can No issues with patch changes on older gear here. I use an external SW1000XG card (circa 1999) which is basically a Yamaha MU100 on a card. This is a 16 track multitimbral XG card that received standard MIDI data. I use the SW1K ins file with this in the latest CbB (2021 Build 98), which allows me to select (and use) all the patches, controllers, NRPN, RPN paramters and drum kits on this card and they all work. I have been using this same ins file for the last 18 years. Now I do not know the Triton Rack, but I am wondering if you need to change the bank select method. On mine, it's set to “normal”. Also, for each of my 16 MIDI tracks, I have set their respective MIDI channels to match the track (rather than“none")
  14. Promidi


    But Granted, that's worst-case scenario. The destruction might in fact be very localised, limited to merely our own galaxy.
  15. I think if you have a blob selected in Melodyne, that will prevent Melodyne from scrolling.
  16. Promidi

    Adobe Flash Player

    No. In fact, leaving Adobe Flash Player on your PC constitutes a security risk.
  17. It could be because there are tempo changes in various parts in your MIDI project. What you need to do is open the tempo view to see if there are arbitrary tempo change in there. To open the tempo view, press ALT+T
  18. There has to be something on your system causing this. I have not read the entire thread (TL;DR) so forgive me if this has already been suggested. Have you temporarily disabled all antivirus programs (including Windows Defender) Maybe try uninstalling Google Chrome (if present) and installing Firefox (Backup your Chrome profile before doing this of course) I have never had this issue with any version of Bandlab Assistant (since its initial release in 2018 up to version 6.4.2). This is on a PC configured as per my signature.
  19. Isn't this what a send is?
  20. I use a bookmark..... I get to these deals in one click.....
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