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Heath Row

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Everything posted by Heath Row

  1. I'm just saying what has and still does work for me. Take it or leave it, no skin off my nose.
  2. I think your link is wrong
  3. Just out of curiosity, are you signing in to InMusic or the TM before you try to use BFD? If you are don't, after everything is set up, leave the LM alone, unless you are installing a new expansion, and no need to sign in to the InMusic site. Just be set up and be on your way, It's what I do, I don't and haven't signed into anything since I loaded my last expansion. Zero problems online or off. Also, have you made sure that you are running the latest version of the LM, v3053, after installing BFD3 it reverts the LM back to v3052, it would be wise to then reinstall the latest v3053 over top.
  4. Just be aware, if you aren't already, when you install BFD3, it drops your License Manager back 1 version from the latest, 3053 I think, to 3052, you have to manually reinstall the latest 3053 to avoid any possible issues. But yeah, it's rock solid, I have 59 expansions and have 0 issues whatsoever.
  5. Right you are good sir, to much of this, not enough of that, confusion reigns supreme. Disregard my previous ramblings.
  6. No. Peter was asked that somewhere, and the answer was No.
  7. My answer would be 'No', but that is just my opinion. I never use the ones I have, some people love them, best to demo them and make up your own mind.
  8. Ditto here, except I've never thought about Re-installing it once since I left. I jumped ship to Studio One in 2015, never looked back. I'm just here for the 'Deals' Sub Forum.
  9. eSoundz, I've got their entire catalog and they all work fine, same goes with Chocolate Audio, and most likely "the one or two more"😁 I find it pretty much Rock Solid, If they make me sign in again every 3 months, I don't mind, it's a small price to pay to have the best.👍
  10. BFD3, hands down. I have owned them all, sold SD2, SD3 and EZD2 and all my EZX's and SDX's, AD2, about 3 months after SD3 release, they just never got used, never touched SD3 after the initial look around honeymoon period.
  11. Well it's ok, better than a poke in the eye with a blunt stick, be prepared to bring your own CAB IR's. If you have other bass amps, save your money, even at $19.
  12. Oh dear, I just blew a voucher and $25 on something I already had.😢 The other day I got a message when trying to purchase something I already had, I don't think I got one today, unless I just never seen it 😟 I think it's a sign of to many plugins, to much GAS. Studio One gives me a plugin count of 1599, I think I need to be admitted to some kind of help program
  13. You should be able to get access them. If you sign into your account at bfddrums.com, check your products, if they are listed there, and have a serial number beginning with BF (that is listed on the bfddrums site, not your original serial), then you should be good to go. If not message Drew with your original serial, requesting a new one, and he will fix you up. If you have them installed from before InMusic, thats ok, so did I, if not as long as you have the installation files saved. I don't know what all the trouble is people are having, I have 59 expansions, all are working fine, including the Zildjian's., and the trouble people are having with auth, they seem to be trying to sign into the LM/InMusic all the time, I don't sign in to anything (after I'm set up and running) and have no issues.
  14. For me, MODO Bass is just easier and sounds better, easier on the system as well. It never makes it to the final, as I just use it as a place holder during the creation process, just for simplicity. The bass part is always played in with a real bass in the end.
  15. It hasn't been released yet. Could you point me in the direction of these libraries, I have only got the bass's that come with Komplete 13, and, well, personally, I'll take MODO instead every time.
  16. Thank you all for your comments. 👍 Been listening to and reading about a lot of stuff on the Komplete 13 pages and elsewhere. It is very nice, there's a LOT of nice sounding stuff in there. Like people have said it's a bit of a no brainer really for what you get, so there goes roughly $265AU, but I think it will be well worth it. I hope Kontakt doesn't turn in to a bottomless pit like I think it might, ah that's alright, just have to use restraint 😟
  17. Heath Row


    The original MODO BASS was/is an excellent piece of gear, I'm sure v2 won't be a let down. MODO DRUMS on the other hand . . .
  18. Heath Row


    MODO BASS 2 CS - Reduced number of patterns. No fretless capability. Only 1 Bass https://www.ikmultimedia.com/products/modobass2/index.php?p=versions
  19. Heath Row


    MODO BASS 2 Pre-Order $149.99
  20. Hey fellow travelers, long time no see. Apologies for resurrecting this from the second page, but . . . I just got to know, I know everyone's different, and it depends on what you already got etc etc, but is this thing worth it? I think to myself 'you've gone this long without it' I could have got it at any time. I've looked through the contents etc, but I'm still at a loss. Will it just sit in my collection collecting virtual dust? I know only time and myself can answer that. Like is it's Synths, Piano's etc for example, so much better than everything else? is the included Bass Guitars so much better than Trilian, MODO BASS etc? the included Drums so much better than BFD, SD3? I know there will be, is a lot of stuff in there I won't use, but then there's Kontakt, supposedly good, but then that will open another bottomless pit of potential acquisitions, which could be good or bad. Is the Kontakt stuff really that good? I mean the price you can get K13 is, as you know less than the price you can get Kontakt for. Take into account I'm primarily a Guitarist, and I have owned Guitar Rig before, thought it was a steaming P.O.S and never used it, so it's not an attraction. HELP
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