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Hi Peeps,

I feel a little bit guilty posting something here after abandoning the old Songs forum during the demise of SONAR.

Plus, my creations were getting more and more "ambient," let's say. Very much an acquired taste, although I always received many great comments during that time.

Now? Well, I've gone even more off piste and I concentrated more and more on the drone.

But, I thought I would at least post something here that has some oomph to it. Some structure, and even some kick ***** percussion.

Normally I program my own percussion but for this track I enlisted the skills of my youngest son. He has been playing drums for a few years now but has only just recently starting playing with a couple of mates. He is strictly a metal head and doesn't like much what I do, ambient wise, but I asked him to come up with something for me. I said, "just play what ever you want... no particular style or feel." Besides, it's not like he's a well rounded jazz player. He practises when he can and plays within his preferred genre.

He now has a Roland TD-17KVX electronic drum kit so I thought it would be a great idea to record the MIDI performance instead of the audio. I'm sure the purists will be aghast at this but, having recorded real drums before, and needing to spend a considerable amount of time fixing timing issues, MIDI seemed to be the best option, plus it allows the tweaking of the kit within what ever drum VST is used.

In this case I opted for Battery 4, which at one point I thought was a mistake, having recently upgraded and not done anything with until now. I was quite surprised and disappointed that there was no ride bell samples and I had to raid my Battery 3 stuff to add one in.

I'll post the YouTube video, which I created myself using Chaotica software, which produces Flame Fractals and animates them.

I truly hope you enjoy and don't mind me posting here.






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Nice, Andy! Good to hear from you again. And sign the kid up -- for someone who"doesn't like what you do" he did a fine job for you. You drone guys need some rhythm!? Seriously, this is excellent ambient, with a toe-tappin' bonus. Thanks for sharing!

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Nice one Andy. Listening to this I found myself trying to follow the evolving layers, looking for repeating patterns and such. Which to me was as enjoyable as listening to the music, nerd that I am.  Great video too.
I thought the drum track was very good too. Maybe you owe your kid a favor now like coming up with a head banging drone creation.



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18 hours ago, amiller said:

I really like this...lots of layers coming and going.


15 hours ago, Johnbee58 said:

Kind of like a small tour of different sounds and layers.

Thanks @amiller and @Johnbee58, :)

Yes, I guess that where I don't do so well with structure and keys I have to make up in other ways and different layers of sequences is one way. Glad you picked up on that. And thanks for listening to Tangle.


14 hours ago, Larry Jones said:

Nice, Andy! Good to hear from you again. And sign the kid up -- for someone who"doesn't like what you do" he did a fine job for you. You drone guys need some rhythm!? Seriously, this is excellent ambient, with a toe-tappin' bonus. Thanks for sharing!

Thanks @Larry Jones :)

Yes, we are both quite pleased at how this turned out. Of course, there are always improvements to be made but sometimes you have to say enough is enough and release your project to the world.

Not sure how this would go with the ambient peeps though! Far too exciting!





13 hours ago, bjornpdx said:

Nice one Andy. Listening to this I found myself trying to follow the evolving layers, looking for repeating patterns and such. Which to me was as enjoyable as listening to the music, nerd that I am.  Great video too.
I thought the drum track was very good too. Maybe you owe your kid a favor now like coming up with a head banging drone creation.

Hi @bjornpdx :)

Thanks for listening... Glad you enjoyed it, including trying to unravel the tangle haha!

Yes, some Drone Metal should be on the cards some time in the future ;)


10 hours ago, daryl1968 said:

Great stuff Andy. Excellent playing by your young un

Hiya @daryl1968 :)

Thanks, and thank you very much for listening to Tangle. I'll pass your comments on to Scott, my youngest (He was 30 in March, BTW)




5 hours ago, Wookiee said:

Nice to see you @synkrotron Andy, I like this it has a very cool groove.  Mix come across nicely here on the Adam's ?

Hiya @Wookiee :)

Thanks for listening, and thanks for reporting back on the mix using your Adam speakers... Much appreciated.




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Good work Andy. I like this a lot.

Speaking of Drone Metal, I kept waiting to hear a guitar wall of sound drenched in reverb and delay (in synch with the drone of course!). Maybe doing some slide work in there too!!  All underneath the synths and never dominating. Get one of his bud's that he plays with to do it!


Really good work Andy. Really like your stuff and this is a surprise! The video was really well done. I would have loved this back in the day!! : )

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Hiya Peeps,

Apologies for the late response! I have been quickly popping in and out in between creating another "masterpiece" and usual life things and each time another person has left a comment, so I thought I'd better reply myself, now, before any more comments flood in :D

On 6/26/2019 at 7:31 PM, daryl1968 said:

So, you were 10 when he was born?

Haha! Yeah, I really do wish I was forty, again :D

Fifty nine and a bit will have to do.

On 6/26/2019 at 9:41 PM, Lynn said:

Andy, you and your son have created a lovely piece of music that is full of texture and movement.  I hope this is the start of something that you two can expand on.  Hope you remain a contributor for a long time!

Hiya Lynn :)

Thank you very much for having a listen/watch :D

Scott will probably be getting busier with his own stuff but I'm sure he'll do more stuff for me in the future. And I also need to get back on with my other, not so interesting stuff.




15 hours ago, freddy j said:

Well you and your son have created a excellent piece of music!  I like this new direction.  Thanks for posting.


Thank you very much, Freddy! :)

More like a temporary diversion than a new direction, but I will certainly do the same again, once in a while.

Thank you very much for having a watch/listen :D




12 hours ago, Joad said:

cool vid" great song. I know this is gonna sound stupid but I hear a little bit of early Supertramp back when they were more of a jam band.

Thank you very much, Joad, that is most interesting. Not that familiar with Supertramp other than their more popular tracks released back in the mid to late 70's. I guess I was into other things back then :)




3 hours ago, Grem said:

Good work Andy. I like this a lot.

Speaking of Drone Metal, I kept waiting to hear a guitar wall of sound drenched in reverb and delay (in synch with the drone of course!). Maybe doing some slide work in there too!!  All underneath the synths and never dominating. Get one of his bud's that he plays with to do it!


Really good work Andy. Really like your stuff and this is a surprise! The video was really well done. I would have loved this back in the day!! : )

Hiya Grem!

Thank you very much for taking the time to watch/listen :D

Yes, I keep thinking that I should try some "Drone Metal" stuff. I have the gear... Just need to get down and do it. And in case anyone was wondering, Doom Metal is a thing:-




andy :D


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Anyone who busts out of a self-imposed genre prison has my respect. Cool tune, Daddy-O . . . good to hear your stuff again. And I liked the ambient stuff as well! I honestly dont know enough about early Supertramp jams, but if so it's fun. I got a Yaz feel myself. Love it.




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Hi Andy ,

I enjoyed listening to your song .

I stopped looking at the video after a few mins and wound up imaging puppy's , kittens and all sorts of young animals ( wild and tame ) learning how to interact and play with each other.  Your tune  had an element of playful discovery going on  as the melodies  and the songs arrangement morphed  through it's variations.

all the best,


Edited by Kenny Wilson
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