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Every End is a Beginning (New Mix, New Vocals)


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New song idea, and a mix work in progress, trying to get the vocal clear and lyrics recognizable, let me know what you think . . . I'm at the point where I think I need to just sing it again, and hopefully pronounce clearer ? . . . but I'm not too sure . . .


Edited by noynekker
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I could hear the vocals OK - I really like the track - think when this is finished it will be excellent.

with regard to the vocals, the only thing i would say is they sounded pretty compressed

if this were me, this is such a good track, i would sing them again - try and double track them possibly to help them cut through

Cool song



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Great flowing song Bruce . Very smooth and it sounded Very well sung.  I think the vocals are just over processed. If it's not baked in I'd just pull the effects off and re-evaluate them. I think the pitch needs to be a Lot looser. They were just too perfect and you couldn't hear any climb up to the notes. Still , Very impressive especially for an early mix.  I thought all the instrumentation was Great.  I Loved the Surf sounding guitars.       Enjoyed it ..  mark

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@Bajan Blue


@mark skinner

@Douglas Kirby

Hi all, thanks for the very helpful insights ! . . . as I suspected I will need to sing this again. I didn't use any magic tuning, but agreed there is a lot of processing junk on this . . . I used the autosnap feature, to bump up the tempo of the project about 5 bpm, so something happened in that process. I'm going to sing it again this afternoon at the new tempo, and hopefully get better results. Probably have to re-do the guitars at some point as well, but mostly the vocal.

Nigel and Wookiee . . . glad you liked it, encourages me to keep going with it

Mark and Douglas . . . I used to be a piano tuner, so have trouble singing real loose like a rolling stone :)

 . . . anyways, thanks again everyone, I'll post a new mix here in a few days.

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On 2/12/2022 at 6:38 PM, noynekker said:

New song idea, and a mix work in progress, trying to get the vocal clear and lyrics recognizable, let me know what you think . . . I'm at the point where I think I need to just sing it again, and hopefully pronounce clearer ? . . . but I'm not too sure . . .


I love your new song, bruce.  Great topic as well.  

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8 hours ago, ant_in_wales said:

I really like the guitar. I think the pre-chorus could be stronger. Chorus needs more triumph.
Sounds like 70s English songwriters like Nick Lowe, which is a good thing.

@ant_in_wales . . . thanks for your comments. I think I get what you're saying about the chorus, maybe a bit understated, especially the first one shortened as it is. 

I'll think on that some . . .

When you say . . . "Chorus too short. Finish with "Every end is a beginning. Except Death [silence]?" . . . well, we may differ philosophically . . .

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1 hour ago, David Sprouse said:

I love your new song, bruce.  Great topic as well.  

Thank you so much David for having a listen . . . I did sing it again this afternoon, and posted a newer mix, I think I got it clearer, and took Nigel's suggestion about trying some double tracking . . . but the ears are now dead from a long day's recording session, let me know what you think ?

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Great singing, I must have caught vocal version 2.0 . . . Lyrics and feel gave me a Rush vibe, no finer compliment possible. Guitars are a treat. I agree you could ramp up and let loose in the bigger chorus! Easier said than done, but you will definitely find your way on this. Great song. Catchy to say the least!




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I'd definitely extend the chorus, and maybe use the pre-chorus section to build to it.

Every end is a beginning
Every good person is sinning.
Everything we've seen will come around again.
Every end is a beginning
Every loser's winning.
Everything's circular and comes around again.

(Except Death ?)
(Or I certainly hope so.)

(Actually, those lyrics are rather cheesy, but so am I.)


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Amazing transformation ! Re- singing it made a Massive difference. An increase of a couple of bpm can be pretty transparent , but I've ne never seen it work on vocals. The entire mix sounded Way better. I Loved the outro. If it was there on the first mix it didn't have the impact this mix has. Maybe a little more thickening or "saturation" on the main vocals would be the only thing I would try for trying to raise the bar a even more.  Fantastic song !   Enjoying it ..  mark  

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23 hours ago, PhonoBrainer said:

Great singing, I must have caught vocal version 2.0 . . . Lyrics and feel gave me a Rush vibe, no finer compliment possible. Guitars are a treat. I agree you could ramp up and let loose in the bigger chorus! Easier said than done, but you will definitely find your way on this. Great song. Catchy to say the least!




@PhonoBrainer  Thank you Tom for having a listen . . . never been compared to Rush, weren't they something.  Every time I think how to make that chorus longer, I see that 5 minute pop song leering in the headlights . . . if only the attention spans of sapiens were longer.

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4 hours ago, mark skinner said:

Amazing transformation ! Re- singing it made a Massive difference. An increase of a couple of bpm can be pretty transparent , but I've ne never seen it work on vocals. The entire mix sounded Way better. I Loved the outro. If it was there on the first mix it didn't have the impact this mix has. Maybe a little more thickening or "saturation" on the main vocals would be the only thing I would try for trying to raise the bar a even more.  Fantastic song !   Enjoying it ..  mark  

Mark, many thanks for the positive feedback . . . I did add a hair of saturation to the vocal, and a few other tweaks, I'm still workin' it ! . . . and I uploaded a new 24 bit mix to SoundCloud, which is something I learned from you, I'm just trying to see if it sounds any better than the 16 bit mixes I've previously uploaded.

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