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New Year Jazz

Tim Smith

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I like the cadence/rhythm emphasis in this, and the sax was a nice add indeed! I do think there is a next level for this, maybe one idea is to get them all in the same room reverbically? Bass is super dry, piano a bit of room, and sax is very far away. Maybe less sax reverb?

The ending was well done. You might also give the bass some, perhaps a solo section, a short one, where the piano drops out?



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really nice work on that Tim....nice chords (whatever you played you played very, very well ?)

i agree with Tom's suggestions, i think they would serve the song well....i did not hear any timing errors, all sounded right on the money....really enjoy that piece....may i ask was the sax live or VST (if VST which one....i've been looking for a good one and yours sounds really good)....best wishes for the New Year and always ????

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@jack c. Thanks for comments and listening.

21 hours ago, PhonoBrainer said:

I do think there is a next level for this, maybe one idea is to get them all in the same room reverbically? Bass is super dry, piano a bit of room, and sax is very far away. Maybe less sax reverb?

Thanks @PhonoBrainer based on your suggestions I changed the mix. I brought the sax forward and put everyone more in the same space. Made a huge difference. Sometimes we don't hear these things unless someone else points them out.?

18 hours ago, Larry T. said:

really nice work on that Tim....nice chords (whatever you played you played very, very well ?)

i agree with Tom's suggestions, i think they would serve the song well....i did not hear any timing errors, all sounded right on the money....really enjoy that piece....may i ask was the sax live or VST (if VST which one....i've been looking for a good one and yours sounds really good)....best wishes for the New Year and always ????

@Larry T. A second confirmation is always good. Thanks for comments and for chiming in. On the sax- I used session horns pro 2 a part of  Komplete 12. There is another one out there called sensual sax and I almost used it here but it was a bit much for this in terms of reverb wash and efx. I have used that one in the past with great success if I'm working a pop mix that warrants a sax. Here's the LINK

@Wookiee Many thanks Mr. Wookie for the listen and comments.

@Douglas Kirby Thanks for listening and comments along the lines of the mix. The piano was all improv. And i guess a really good piano player like our resident maestro ( not me)could do this in his sleep :)


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Thanks guys and I hope the new year got off to a good start for all of you! 

13 hours ago, DeeringAmps said:

Nice one Tim!
Evidently I'm hearing the re-mix, the sax is sitting nicely in the mix here.


had hoped the link to sensual sax was a work you had used it in...


I know I made a song with sensual sax in it but can't find it.



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