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To the Moon and Back (Savage Garden cover)

Lord Tim

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So I was chatting to another forum member about this song and it went something like:

Him: You should post this in the Songs forum, when did you last post something there anyway?

Me: Not that long ago? Surely...

Him: Really?

Me: [checks when I last posted here]  Uh... yeah, I should probably stick my head in more often... ?

So to remedy that, here's our cover and a clip we just released for the Savage Garden mega hit:


Recorded, mixed and mastered entirely in CbB, and bonus trivia, I directed and edited the clip for it as well, so lots of ego to spread around here! HAHA!

Hope you guys dig it! :) 

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@Wookiee  Thank you for listening, sir! )

Yeah, quite famous Aus band from the 90s and this song was a massive hit worldwide, although it got a fair bit of backlash at the time from the more... exclusive sectors of the music community. This is the original:

Lots of tips of the hat to the video as well as the song in our version. I always felt that unless you plan to entirely rework something as a completely new interpretation of a song when you do a cover, there should be a fair amount of respect paid to the original, so we really tried to capture every lick and nuance in the music and throw all of the visual elements from the clip into a big bucket and do our take on it all.

Of course, that means if you hate the original, ours probably won't do a lot to change your mind! HAHA!

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HAHA! Cherers, @paulo :)

Yeah, I have to agree - when we first started talking about this (and it was a weird spontaneous thing where we were chatting to Darren Hayes on Twitter and our bassist goes "LT could do a good cover of this" and I go "ehh... why not, this is a great song!") we had a few people chime in and suggest a real Iron Maiden treatment for it. That felt really like it was selling the original short. There's so much great stuff going on in the song - syncopated hats, really funky guitars, groovy bass, etc. and that would have all gone away with a simple metal style gallop. 

We basically come at what we do like this: The song is king, and doesn't care about your ego. Respect it.

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Cheers, @bjornpdx  :)

Actually it was really run and gun since we kind of flew under the radar filming in public like that without getting permits (it's legal to shoot in public but if the cops decide you're being a nuisance, you could be told to move on or have a free ride in a police car...), so it was super stripped down. It was basically me and my video company partner (he even made a cameo as the "angry phone box guy" later in the clip) with various gimbals, etc. and a few different nights getting B-roll, etc. to fill out the shoot. Our production company has a few more people, drone pilots, etc. and all of that stuff, but we figured we could get away with this one with less. I did the edit, colour grade and VFX later here in the studio.

Needless to say that after doing the recording, vocals, guitars, keyboards, mix, master, filming, editing, grading, delivery and PR for this song, I'm starting to get sick of listening to the damn thing! HAHA! 

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