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  On 5/26/2021 at 12:39 PM, Ben Chase said:

I'm having the opposite experience of a lot of other folks. The context menus for plugins are gigantic for me, even though my Windows display settings are set to 100% and 1920 x 1080, both of which are the recommended settings for my monitor.


Thanks for the report. I'm working on some fixes in that area, so I'll PM you to discuss shortly.

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I think I have a new (admittedly minor) item with 2021.04, build 175.  This is about setting the time signature on new projects to non-4/4 signatures.

I have a "clean start" template that has nothing in it except a master bus and has the "now" time positioned at 2:01:000, ready to receive imported audio.

Today I had a track in 6/8 to import.  I opted File | New and set the tempo, bit rate, time signature, path and project name in the dialog.  The template opened with the "now" marker at 2:03:000 -- and I imported all the audio tracks before I noticed it.  Okay, minor nuisance, and I corrected my project and moved on ... But I presume that the DAW recognized my time signature numerator (6), and it moved my "now" marker to the seventh quarter note (i.e. ignoring my input time signature's denominator of 8).

When I set 6/8, I would expect each measure to have six pulses, each pulse being an eighth note ... And a "now" marker set to 2:01:000 still should appear at/on the first pulse of the 2nd measure.  (I know, simple math.  Probably a bit of a logic flaw in there somewhere.) 

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Is anyone else seeing an issue with midi not being recorded? Since the latest patch, I find if I try record midi, the clip vanishes when I hit stop. If I open PRV I can see the notes appearing as I am recording, so it is definitely seeing the device and the incoming midi data, but as soon as I hit stop, the entire clip vanishes from the track view and the notes are gone! I will do some more investigating later - but just wanted ask here before I file a bug report!

Thanks all!

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  On 5/27/2021 at 7:40 PM, Chris Boshuizen said:

Is anyone else seeing an issue with midi not being recorded? Since the latest patch, I find if I try record midi, the clip vanishes when I hit stop. If I open PRV I can see the notes appearing as I am recording, so it is definitely seeing the device and the incoming midi data, but as soon as I hit stop, the entire clip vanishes from the track view and the notes are gone! I will do some more investigating later - but just wanted ask here before I file a bug report!

Thanks all!


@Chris Boshuizen, This has happened to me twice so far today. The first time I was just, "oh, I must have pressed SPACE when I meant R" but the second time I remembered this post. I think this may actually be a real thing.

Note: I am recording MIDI on a track that is not pre-armed, trusting Cakewalk to automatically arm the track when I press (R)ecord.

It's not reproducible - so far - in that the second time I try it, it captures the MIDI and creates the clip. I'll be vigilant for future recurrences.

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Hello. I'm trying to get started with Cakewalk but cannot figure out how to solve this font issue.

I've reset Windows fonts to default, I think, and reinstalled Cakewalk a couple of times.

I'm using W10 laptop @ 1920x1080 at 150% scale, but i've tried 100%

This is what I see when trying to pick an instrument for example.

I have searched for a solution a lot without success. Any help appreciated.




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I seem to recall seeing this issue (or a similar one).  I might be misremembering, though.  What version (including build) are you using? I will look for the post I am remembering.**  

Edit: **Still looking. Maybe this is what I was remembering? I didn't find any public follow-up discussion on this. Not sure if the cause hasn't been pinpointed yet, or if there has been a solution. Others might know.  

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Did I miss something in how the new Tempo Track works?

I lock Measure 1 at say 120BPM, I then set up a count in at Measure 9 and lock it at 120bpm.
Hit record and count the tune in and start playing. Then I go back and start start counting beats
find a "1" and SET MEASURE/BEAT AT NOW. This has always put that beat at the "1" .
Today (build 175) jumped back and changed the tempo at measure 1 (not to measure 9 as it always has)
and my beat that should be on the "1" is now late.
What gives? Is this expected behavior?



If I set Measure 1 at 120.01, then the tempo at measure 9 is set properly.
Evidently the Tempo Track ignores subsequent "anchors" that are the same value?

hope I'm making my "issue" clear...

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  On 5/30/2021 at 1:00 AM, DeeringAmps said:

Did I miss something in how the new Tempo Track works?

I lock Measure 1 at say 120BPM, I then set up a count in at Measure 9 and lock it at 120bpm.
Hit record and count the tune in and start playing. Then I go back and start start counting beats
find a "1" and SET MEASURE/BEAT AT NOW. This has always put that beat at the "1" .
Today (build 175) jumped back and changed the tempo at measure 1 (not to measure 9 as it always has)
and my beat that should be on the "1" is now late.
What gives? Is this expected behavior?



If I set Measure 1 at 120.01, then the tempo at measure 9 is set properly.
Evidently the Tempo Track ignores subsequent "anchors" that are the same value?

hope I'm making my "issue" clear...


As long as you're doing uninterrupted multiple Set Measure/Beat At Now operations, it will behave as it did before the tempo track was introduced.

If you manipulate the tempo track between Set Measure/Beat At Now operations however, it will remove tempo "anchor" points, as duplicate tempo entries in the tempo map are removed when converting from the envelope.

There may be a way to improve this for the next release, but in the meantime make sure you don't alter the tempo track between Set Measure/Beat at Now operations.


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  On 5/30/2021 at 8:48 PM, msmcleod said:

it will behave as it did before the tempo track was introduced


Yes, after I had changed the measure 1 Tempo to 120.01 (9 was set to 120.00) 9 (instead of 1) changed to the
new tempo (in this case 100.ish) and subsequent changes all worked as it always has.

What I think though, is that if a series of the same tempo are placed (say every 2 measures) then Set Beat
will jump back to the first instance in that series, Not the last. Of course this is conjecture.
I'll fuss with it and report back with my findings...
Again I hope I've made myself clear.


created this to illustrate what I'm seeing

On the left I dropped a bunch of Tempo Changes, the audio starts at measure 4.
Then at measure 10 the audio increases in speed and I'm about to hit Set Beat 13:1.
On the right you can see that the Tempo Change jumped back to measure 1, not to measure 10
where the last Change occurred and that last beat is not "spot on" at 13:1.

Not at all what one would expect. There's a work around, if that last 120 at measure 10 is set to 120.01
it all comes out exactly on the n^!s, well it comes out right.
If this is how it has to work, for the tempo track to work, I'm all good with it; just got to tell CbB that a "change is coming"

Edited by DeeringAmps
added clarity
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I waited to install this update until after I finished a project I was on--just in case.

I haven't fully explored all the changes but have a couple of initial impressions I'd like to share.

I like the waveform outline. Looks like Wavelab and I like the definition.

I like the vst2 and vst3 indications for plugins.

I'm not a fan of the menu fly outs being gone. I might not be naming the feature correctly, but when I used to want to insert a soft synth, if I hovered my cursor over soft synth, the choices of my soft synths would automagically fly out without me having to click. Small thing, but I'm being honest.

Everything works, and that's most important!


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  On 5/31/2021 at 2:04 AM, razor7music said:

I waited to install this update until after I finished a project I was on--just in case.

I haven't fully explored all the changes but have a couple of initial impressions I'd like to share.

I like the waveform outline. Looks like Wavelab and I like the definition.

I like the vst2 and vst3 indications for plugins.

Everything works, and that's most important!



Well    @razor7music ^This^ is the info I've been waiting for before I too go down the upgrade path...  Do I need to read through the 18 pages - or is there an update summary? 

As always - Thanks to the Bakers and all the Cakewalk team for continuing the development of this DAW.   


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About fonts in the new plugin menu.
I noticed that some symbol characters are not displayed.
Is this the correct specification?
The symbol character currently confirmed is "&".


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I really like the upgraded Bandlab integration, but I'm having a hard time make it work properly. Very ofter only some of the tracks have content and the rest are empty and when I try try to upload again it's ok. This happens both ways. Especially when you try to upload buses to get over the limitation of number of tracks. I only get one bus and master no matter how many times I try.

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Everything feels really really good with this update, it's a lot easier on the eye. Enjoying the GUI enhancements a lot. 

Only issues I'm encountering are the clip gain issue (which I know has been addressed) and problems with certain plugins which I think are GUI related. 

Soothe2, Oxford Drum Gate and Neural DSP Archetype Cory Wong all play up. Displays are laggy, jumpy and eventually stop displaying at all and turn into white boxes. Opening them sometimes crashes the program. This issue doesn't happen in Sonar Platinum, and plugins work fine there. 

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So - I've updated and now none of my plug-ins are working - They scan and load ok, but don't do anything.  - The insert appears slightly 'dimmed' in the channel. 

This applies to ALL plug-ins - (Cakewalk - ProChannel, Waves, Soundtoys, Unversal Audio etc ... ) 


Any ideas ? 


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