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[CLOSED] Cakewalk 2020.04 Early Access 2

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2020.04 Early Access 2 (EA2) installer now available!

Our sincerest thanks to those of you who have provided feedback on Early Access 1 - your support this week has been fantastic! We've addressed more issues and found opportunities for additional refinements as well. We invite you to try out the latest updates in EA2.

Please note that Early Access installers are update installers, which only update from a specific version. To install the 2020.04 EA2 build, you must be on the latest public release of 2020.01.

If you are updating from 2020.04 Early Access 1 (EA1):

If you currently have the 2020.04 Early Access 1 build installed, you must first roll back to the public release of 2020.01:

  1. Download and install the Cakewalk 2020.04 Early Access 1 to 2020.01 Rollback installer.
  2. Download and install the Cakewalk 2020.04 EA2 installer

If you are updating from 2020.01:

Cakewalk 2020.04 EA2 installer

Should you need to revert from the 2020.04 EA2 build to the public 2020.01 release, you can download the Cakewalk 2020.04 EA2 to 2020.01 Rollback installer.

If you haven't already done so, please read about the Early Access Program before participating.

Thanks again for your participation!
The Bakers



New in Early Access 2 


  • Misc. Arranger UI tweaks
  • Section color picker
  • Incorrect behavior when dragging a section beyond the left edge of the Arranger track
  • Drawing issues when resizing Arranger track
  • When dragging multiple sections, the highlight draws outside the Track view
  • Arranger track difficult to resize to minimum without collapsing 
  • Aim Assist for sections should mirror Aim Assist for clips
  • Section header and name disappear when zooming in
  • Arranger track supports Snap To but not Snap By
  • Arranger track auto scrolling doesn't work when resizing a section
  • Display hint marker / drop indicator for section edits
  • Creating a new section by dragging fails if the new section overlaps two or more existing sections
  • Aim Assist is lost due to mouse events not being fired in Arranger track
  • Commit Arrangement should copy contiguous sections in one go
  • Commit Arrangement should handle MIDI notes that are cut off at the left section boundaries
  • Arranger track does not auto-show when closed by dragging the splitter bar
  • Delete Section has inconsistent behavior with Ripple Edit All enabled
  • Arrangement drop-down menu shows incorrect arrangement after committing arrangement
  • SHIFT+double-click to zoom to section should be a toggle
  • Odd behavior when resizing section to the left when using Snap By
  • Arrangement does not preview properly when Set Now Time With Full Restart enabled in Track view Options menu
  • Inconsistent Aim Assist / Tool-tip when section is snapping to gesture
  • Arranger sections no longer add "(2)" and "(copy)" to section names when split or copied
  • Track view View menu should say Arranger Track Show/Hide
  • Incorrect section context menu is shown in the Arranger track
  • Clicking a section in the Arranger track should scroll the section into view in Sections pane of Arranger Inspector
  • Unable to scroll clips pane when hovering over Arranger track

Arranger Track.pdf


  • Split MIDI Notes option in Split Clips dialog box and Edit > Preferences > Customization - Editing
  • CTRL+mouse wheel scroll direction is reversed
  • Inspector displays wrong output strip after clicking inspector strip with track sending to aux
  • Inspector flickers when switching between tabs
  • Soloing aux tracks mutes metronome on playback
  • Editing text in PRV Drum Map triggers keyboard shortcuts
  • Custom project load affirmations truncate messages that are more than one line
  • Custom project load affirmations display unexpected characters in multibyte languages like Japanese and Chinese
  • Crash copying ProChannel Console Emulator settings
  • Unexpected behavior with ProChannel Modules when Short Names are disabled in Windows
  • Some Inspector keyboard shortcuts fail to close tabs
  • Applying a Workspace/Screenset referencing track based views to an empty project can crash or cause unexpected behavior
  • Keybinding for Input Echo does not update Simple Instrument Tracks in Track view
  • Verify failed duplicating instrument track
  • Screensets and view state unnecessarily persisted for unused internal views

View list of updates in Early Access 1


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How do I use Arranger with notes that are too early? 

If I have 2 Sections, the first starting at 3.1.0, ending at 5.1.0 for example, a note that starts at 2.4.930 will not be included into the first section.

A Note that exeeds 5.1, is longer than a quarter, starts at 4.1 for example , is cut off at 5.1 

A Note from section 2, starting at 4.4.940 is not from section 2, it belongs to section 1 and will cut off at 5.1 if I copy or move section 1


So I cannot use the arranger, cause I do mostly not have notes that start and end exactly at the section starts and ends!


How do I handle this? 


If I exeed the first section to over the first note and commit the arrangement, it's a mess to have 2 or 3 times the first section copied, it only works if it starts exactly at 3.1 and ends exactly at 5.1! All notes around are not copied or cut at the end of the section.


Am I missing some points, some clicks to make in some settings? I do very seldom have notes 100% placed in the timeline! so for me it's not possible to work with the arranger:( There are too many notes that are not involved or cut off!





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21 minutes ago, Heinz Hupfer said:



How do I use Arranger with notes that are too early? 

If I have 2 Sections, the first starting at 3.1.0, ending at 5.1.0 for example, a note that starts at 2.4.930 will not be included into the first section.

A Note that exeeds 5.1, is longer than a quarter, starts at 4.1 for example , is cut off at 5.1 

A Note from section 2, starting at 4.4.940 is not from section 2, it belongs to section 1 and will cut off at 5.1 if I copy or move section 1


So I cannot use the arranger, cause I do mostly not have notes that start and end exactly at the section starts and ends!


How do I handle this? 


If I exeed the first section to over the first note and commit the arrangement, it's a mess to have 2 or 3 times the first section copied, it only works if it starts exactly at 3.1 and ends exactly at 5.1! All notes around are not copied or cut at the end of the section.


Am I missing some points, some clicks to make in some settings? I do very seldom have notes 100% placed in the timeline! so for me it's not possible to work with the arranger:( There are too many notes that are not involved or cut off!





From EA2, the Arranger should handle this for you.

Any note that starts in one section but ends in another will use the new "Split MIDI Notes" option if those sections are separated in the committed arrangement.

This only works however if the two sections are abutting - i.e. the second section starts at exactly the point the first section ends.

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23 minutes ago, Heinz Hupfer said:

Am I missing some points, some clicks to make in some settings?

Please read my comment and the answer of Noel in the "2020.04 Early Access 1". The problem is already addressed there!

At the moment there are no settings. But as I mentioned in my comment for audio you can use slip edit, with MIDI it is more complicated.

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2 minutes ago, msmcleod said:

From EA2, the Arranger should handle this for you.

Any note that starts in one section but ends in another will use the new "Split MIDI Notes" option if those sections are separated in the committed arrangement.

But this is not the behavior I expect! If a note starts a tiny bit earlier I want that it is included as a whole, not partially!

With audio clips you can handle this with slip edit. But for MIDI notes, if you split them, you have to go back to the old place and cut(&paste) or delete the leftovers manually. For me this is no real solution. So I will prefer to do it manually with Ripple Edit. Copy each single track from the relevant position is far more convenient and you have better control not to miss something!

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>>>>Experiment with different song structures in a non-destructive and non-linear manner. 

Sorry! I've not read the PDF carefully enough to recognize this "Non-destructive"!

It's possible to slip edit every clip that has early notes  or notes that overlap to the next section, after moving or copying. That's a workaround for this problem. Wouldn't it be better to "involve" notes that are a portion of ticks too early? Maybe a 32th or 64th, 119 or 59 ticks can help a lot! 

And just let notes at the end of the clip "ring out"! 


Starting a Section at not exactly the beginning of a bar is not a good idea! You can't repeat them without messing the notes around! Move "by" works, but not commit.

The Section(s) should have an achor at the beginning of a bar! Or let them overlap (with an anchor)! Much better.



Can not find this "Split Midi Notes" ? Do you mean "Split clips..." or is it just in the english version of the EA2?


But overall, to do(a lot) slip editing after commiting or copying or moving will do it. Look for the faster method to move portions around, I think Ripple Edit will be the better solution for me. Let's see;)






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4 minutes ago, Heinz Hupfer said:



>>>>Experiment with different song structures in a non-destructive and non-linear manner. 

Sorry! I've not read the PDF carefully enough to recognize this "Non-destructive"!

It's possible to slip edit every clip that has early notes  or notes that overlap to the next section, after moving or copying. That's a workaround for this problem. Wouldn't it be better to "involve" notes that are a portion of ticks too early? Maybe a 32th or 64th, 119 or 59 ticks can help a lot! 

And just let notes at the end of the clip "ring out"! 


Starting a Section at not exactly the beginning of a bar is not a good idea! You can't repeat them without messing the notes around! Move "by" works, but not commit.

The Section(s) should have an achor at the beginning of a bar! Or let them overlap (with an anchor)! Much better.



Can not find this "Split Midi Notes" ? Do you mean "Split clips..." or is it just in the english version of the EA2?


But overall, to do(a lot) slip editing after commiting or copying or moving will do it. Look for the faster method to move portions around, I think Ripple Edit will be the better solution for me. Let's see;)






@Heinz Hupfer - Split MIDI Notes is a new option and will only be visible in the English version at present (we're expecting the translations early next week).


1 hour ago, marled said:

But this is not the behavior I expect! If a note starts a tiny bit earlier I want that it is included as a whole, not partially!

With audio clips you can handle this with slip edit. But for MIDI notes, if you split them, you have to go back to the old place and cut(&paste) or delete the leftovers manually. For me this is no real solution. So I will prefer to do it manually with Ripple Edit. Copy each single track from the relevant position is far more convenient and you have better control not to miss something!

@marled - I'll discuss this with the team. One way might be to tie the splitting of notes to the new "Split MIDI Notes" option, that way they won't be split when committing an arrangement. You should then be able to move the left crop point on your MIDI clips to include any notes that were missed.

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I know this is not the correct thread for this, but what the heck...

One small cosmetic fix suggestion to automation envelopes before the release:

Please make the envelope node dots flat in appearance! That sphere-like gradient is so 90's and a completely flat color would be not only more modern but also much clearer. The color should be the color of the line when not selected and a bit darker to show selected status.

It's probably just one routine which is used to draw the node dot, so not much to change there...

Thanks!   ?

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53 minutes ago, Heinz Hupfer said:


<<<... But as I mentioned in my comment for audio you can use slip edit, with MIDI it is more complicated.


If you don't use "Split Midi Notes" you can Slip Edit the beginning and the end of the midi clip after copying or moving .....




@Heinz Hupfer / @marled -  Currently "Split MIDI Notes" is effectively always enabled when committing an arrangement, but we've changed this to be dependent on the "Split MIDI Notes" setting in preferences.

So for the general release, if you commit with this disabled, you'll be able to slip edit the beginning and the end of the midi clip after committing your arrangement.

Thanks for the feedback on this guys - you both raised a very good point here.

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There appear to be some serious issues with VST plugin parameter automation when the VST plugins are on a bus channel. 

These are:

- VST plugin automation recorded or entered manually is not played back (/sent) to the plugin, when the project is played.

- VST plugin Automation recorded via 'Automation Write  = enabled' & tweaking in the VST plugin UI, cannot be viewed in individual lanes by pressing the 'Automation Lanes = On' button, as is possible on non-bus channels.

I originally bought this up in the EA 1 thread but I think it may have been missed, so I am posting it again here.


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4 hours ago, marled said:

But this is not the behavior I expect! If a note starts a tiny bit earlier I want that it is included as a whole, not partially!

With audio clips you can handle this with slip edit. But for MIDI notes, if you split them, you have to go back to the old place and cut(&paste) or delete the leftovers manually. For me this is no real solution. So I will prefer to do it manually with Ripple Edit. Copy each single track from the relevant position is far more convenient and you have better control not to miss something!

@marled I'm not sure what you mean by "If a note starts a tiny bit earlier I want that it is included as a whole, not partially!"
When you mark a section in an arrangement its up to you to set the section boundaries as you expect it. Why not set the boundary of the section such that it included the lead in notes? Then it would include the original note ons when you render the arrangement. 
I don't think the program should second guess and arbitrarily include earlier notes.

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8 minutes ago, foldaway said:

There appear to be some serious issues with VST plugin parameter automation when the VST plugins are on a bus channel. 

These are:

- VST plugin automation recorded or entered manually is not played back (/sent) to the plugin, when the project is played.

- VST plugin Automation recorded via 'Automation Write  = enabled' & tweaking in the VST plugin UI, cannot be viewed in individual lanes by pressing the 'Automation Lanes = On' button, as is possible on non-bus channels.

I originally bought this up in the EA 1 thread but I think it may have been missed, so I am posting it again here.


@foldaway - is this a general problem, or just after committing an arrangement ?

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21 minutes ago, foldaway said:

There appear to be some serious issues with VST plugin parameter automation when the VST plugins are on a bus channel. 

These are:

- VST plugin automation recorded or entered manually is not played back (/sent) to the plugin, when the project is played.

- VST plugin Automation recorded via 'Automation Write  = enabled' & tweaking in the VST plugin UI, cannot be viewed in individual lanes by pressing the 'Automation Lanes = On' button, as is possible on non-bus channels.

I originally bought this up in the EA 1 thread but I think it may have been missed, so I am posting it again here.


@foldawayCan you post a detailed recipe for this and also include a link to a project with the problem?
Is this something new you have observed and is it project specific - can you reproduce it in a new project? 

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@Noel Borthwick


<<<@marled I'm not sure what you mean by "If a note starts a tiny bit earlier I want that it is included as a whole, not partially!"
<<<When you mark a section in an arrangement its up to you to set the section boundaries as you expect it. Why not set the boundary of the section such that it included <<<the lead in notes? Then it would include the original note ons when you render the arrangement. 
<<<I don't think the program should second guess and arbitrarily include earlier notes.


If perhaps section 1 starts at 3.1 and goes till 5.1, and you commit this section 3 times , everything is fine. but if you include the earlier notes, let's say section 1 then starts at 2.4.950 and goes to 5.1, when will the second copy of it start then? It starts at 5.1 but ends at 7.1 + 10 ticks and all notes are relatively moved 10 ticks.

The third copy of Section 1 will start at 7.1.10 and will move all next notes by 20 ticks a.s.o. 

When you say I can include the earlier notes, how are you doing that without moving the rest of the notes at commitment?

Perhaps I have a problem understanding how this works......?




Edited by Heinz Hupfer
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