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{More of an Update] The Cosmic Brain Parts 1 & 2


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I took some notes while listening

Beginning: Ping-ponging bass is very good. Menacing feel.

~2:00 the happy part of the cosmic brain here
    I thought my cell phone rang at one point

~ 5:45  Explosions followed by debris raining down - really cool effect.

8:00 Random chord changes exploration

~10:30  Different direction here. Sinister synths. Really liking this part
        Nice add on fx too. Spooky.

Another reliable ambient track from you. The 2nd part starting around 11:00 works better IMO.
Mix is good as is the dynamic range.

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Hi Wookiee  --  wow, this was quite a cerebral trip.  It was ~14 minutes and yet kept my mind (what's left of it) interested and involved the whole time.  I loved the bass sounds ping-ponging in the beginning.  You do have a talent for coming up with the appropriate sounds in the best sequence to create good emotion generating music.


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@freddy j My thanks for taking the time to download and having a listen to the end.   Again thanks for the kind words regarding voice selection, most are presets that are tweaked, in some cases heavily. 

With Arturia V 7 Collection Synths alone, I have access to some 10,825 presets but like all presets they worked fine in their original context but need tweaking for use in a different context.  Some tweaks completely change a voice, some mangal them beyond recognition.  Though for this there are a number of original patches, the Voltage Modular is providing two of the SFX and is an original patch.  All of the ARP Odyssey patches are original of which there are 6 instances all slightly different in tone and pattern. 

Thanks again.

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@Lynn One day many many eons ago I stumbled across one of ARP's really early synths at the college I was attending we could get nothing out of it, no patch leads, but it sparked something in the little single cell that rattles around inside my furry skull.  Been playing with synthesis ever since. I even built a guitar synth which never ever really worked but was fun to use. 

Discovering Cakewalk in 1992 and adding a Korg 05R/W a few months later opened up a world of sound to me.  Then Arturia introduced the Moog Modular V which I loved but was virtually unusable on a single core pentium PC.  It has been downhill since then.

Again thanks for taking the time to download, listen and comment.

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Wow - this is an impressive labour of love - so when's the rock opera coming out or are you going for the full Tubular Bells experience? ?

Hat's off to you Wooks - this is some body of work. You know this is not my thing  - right? I've never really 'got' this style or genre of music, but there are a small (very small in my case) number of artists that manage to make it fresh and interesting and you're right up there with the best of them. Some very clever and subtle discords at around the eight-minute mark and I also preferred the second half. I guess a part of me wanted it to lift and soar and go all 'wall of sound' on me at one point, but the objective here is control and surprise - and you achieve it extremely well.

There's a lot of light and shade in here and plenty of unexpected plot twists - overall - really very well done.


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13 hours ago, AndyB01 said:

You know this is not my thing  - right?

A special thanks to you for listening then, I completely understand how some just do get the whole synth thing.  I am tending towards the second part too, but I had to create the first to get to the second if you understand.  As to the wall of sound somewhere tickling the back of the furry skull I can almost hear a part 3 so you never know.

Thanks again your time, ears and your kind words.

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On 3/15/2020 at 7:06 AM, Wookiee said:

Chrome warning you it cannot scan for viruses?

Exactly, its a file size thingy; no worries!
@bjornpdx pretty much said it all as far as a critique, so I will simply comment as a "listener"; WOW!
This is definitely at least a Top 5er in your catalog Wooks!
Furred, fuzzy goody goodness! and then some!
I just got hit by the "bomb" (6ish on the counter), way kooooool...
Ok, I gotta make one critical comment, and it ain't critical by any means; the sound stage is just gorgeous!

Wookiee, man oh man...


thumbs just wouldn't say enough

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You are too kind Tom.  The first hardware synth I obtained along with my 61 key Roland MIDI controller was Korg's O5R/W the initial Patch on turn on was called Death Stars.  I just knew that one day I might well be able to use it when I got my head round all the other things to do with making music in a Sequencer as Cakewalk was back then.  Some 26 years later that something fell out of the furry paws.

@DeeringAmps Many thanks for your time, your ears, your kind words and your generous offer.

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