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Everything posted by Bapu

  1. Went to see what might be new that I don't own yet. Silly me. I still own it all. So I saved 100% of whatever I thought I was going to $pend.
  2. I heard the Bapu's Random Thought For The Day fred was going to be acquired by the Song Association Game fred. Rebranded as Bapu's Association Game. Similar to Six Degrees Of Kevin Becan except in this one paulo sings 'Never My Love' in the OP.
  3. My Tele is that too (Partscaster). I bought the body off ebay, purchased new Fender noisless pups and a '59 neck from Musicians Friend. Then my buddy who is a luthier put it all together. ?
  4. Installed. Used my last serial number, but did I stock up on 6 more? Yes I did.
  5. Then there's the "bakers dozen" of basses: LtoR: Alembic 1977 Series I, Rick 4003, American P-Bass with Quarter Pounder PUP, Players P-Bass, 1977 EB-3, Dano Longhorn, Squier Fretless Jazz, Custom 5 String, Variax, Hofner Ignite, Kala Uke Bass and Epi Jack Casady. And then..... the last bass I bought....
  6. @Doc H All by 6Strings are of dubious heritage: Epi, Custom FrankenTele, Variax, 85/86 MIJ Strat with active PUPS.
  7. Yes, the old SSL stays in the computer.
  8. Bapu

    12 Days of UAD

    I'm considering the 3 + 1 for $399, I'd get over $950 (at today's prices, or $1250 at non-discount prices) for my 4 choices.
  9. Yup, free as a bird (for me). Installed.
  10. What are their names and ages @Doc H ?
  11. Doc, I'm m ore into my wife. But the Stick is nice.
  12. @Zo As paulo says, they (basses) all sound alike. ? Seriously though... A P-Bass with round wounds would not get close enough to that James Jamerson/Bob Babbit Motown sound because IIRC they used flatwound strings. This is why I have two P-Basses. One with roundwounds and add on 'hot' pickup, and one with flat wounds and standard pickup. Since that vid exampled a Hofner with flatwounds 'that' sound shines through. And of course it all depends on playing style too. Whether it was FX'd (compression etc) or playing style I would say the sound of a Hofner in McCartney's hands has more of a choked note feel (very little decay). It's part of his charm on bass IMO. The Motown sound of the bass would also have to do with recording chain too. But that's another issue altogether.
  13. Persuasively effused, never interrupted sentences.
  14. Bapu

    Secret Mission

    Lovely. Yup, Secret Agent Man vibe. Not a ripoff, just in the vein of.
  15. Eric, that was a wonderful tribute to the love of your life. May she always be with you in spirit.
  16. Great track Douglas. Bass tones is killer. Guitar work is stellar. Vocals are great. Drums fit the bill.
  17. Thanks for the listen and lyric suggestion Tom.
  18. The song is really good, the mix is really good, but to my ears the drum patterns (especially the kick) are too over the top. Kind of distracting to me. If I were producing I would strive for less is more on the drums.
  19. Needs some build up of additional instruments added along the way to increase interest IMO. Changeups were nice but took way to long to get there.
  20. Very cool groove and the vocal is really top drawer. Mix is well balanced on my Sennheiser HD600s.
  21. This is great Daryl & Son. Love it!
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