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Everything posted by Bapu

  1. Excellent! Made me want to Waltz. However, it's best I do that in a room by myself, it's not a pretty sight.
  2. To the OP, turn ripple edit off and it will never annoy you again. Simples.
  3. Thanks Nigel, your comments and listen are always welcomed.
  4. "Bummer, maybe add WUP?" ~Fleer
  5. I did on my Mac but not on my PC.
  6. All EZKeys modules were updated. Fortunately you only have to update one for them all to be updated.
  7. Oh well, as DLR sang "Might as well jump install". - 1 prepaid serial.
  8. Or not enough raw fried becan to keep them fit.
  9. So does the CR8 install put any libs on my OS drive by default?
  10. Well, good on me. Somehow I missed the purchase of CR8. So, I just purchased and installed it but did not yet set my samples lib location(s).
  11. Maybe they can't deal with the fact that you are either cclarry or that other guy? I'll get me coat.
  12. It's a little better to me in my HD-600s.
  13. Bapu

    Sandra Nye

    Really cool track Phillip.
  14. David, your orchestrations keep getting better and better. I like the full string version.
  15. Good song. Agree on the 'boomy' freq happening.
  16. I prefer the original vocal fx. Nice song. Good production.
  17. Looks like your words (so far) have no sway @husker
  18. So my TB2 Octo boxes shall always remain TB2 Octo boxes. ?
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