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Everything posted by Bapu

  1. And it would really round out their offerings
  2. Does anyone remember the fiasco when updating EZD to EZD2 where the multi-outs were wonked up and you had to manually reset them? That was in Cakewalk and at that time that was only DAW I used EZD in so IDK if it was that way in other DAWs.
  3. I have a 3 second memory when it comes to plugins. I purchased more than one plugin twice.
  4. Universal Audio Support Home UAD Spark Support FAQs Today at 07:39 If I already own the UAD version of a plug-in, do I get the UADx version for free? Yes! If you already own a UAD plug-in or UAD instrument that has been ported to UADx then you can get the UADx native version for free. To use your UADx plug-ins you will need to: Download and install the latest UAD Software including UA Connect Open UA Connect and login to your uaudio.com account Allow UA Connect to create a new iLok account or link your existing iLok account Redeem your UADx plug-ins in UA Connect Download and install your UADx plug-in
  5. It's out and on the website and it looks like a subscription model (of a limited set??!!??) of native plugins. No hardware required on Mac today, and Windows to be released Fall 2022.
  6. Not at the DAW right now but you go to settings and then the VST page. There's a timeout length dropdown (IIRC) and I chose the max and did a rescan.
  7. Should I just say "installed" now and be ahead of the game?
  8. That might fry my onboard audio card. ? I keed, I keed.
  9. FYI here is a representitive example of what mine looked like (except the foam around the tweeters were both gone, and my woofer foam rings were completely disintegrated) My cabs were in near perfect shape, no scratches or scrapes or dents. The grilles were in perfect shape to. That pair on Reverb (poctured above) was going for $149 "as is" and his cabs are dinged up a bit. I'm perfectly happy with my decision to just "dump" them.
  10. Thanks for the comment and listen.
  11. In our area Goodwill is extremely picky about what they will take. Anyway, they are gone now.
  12. Not to be critical but until she twirled in the air I counted about 3 basic moves she did in all that time. She's a cutie though.
  13. The only time i can get a stutter in Studio One is when I forget to pause Carbonite (cloud backup) and it kicks in while I'm playing a song or recording a track.
  14. Being that I've only ever heard of him 'bang on de drum all day' and sing, there's a good chance I (even) own more basses than him including my juan Alembic. Maybe even guitars since I own four of those. He probably has me beat on drums though. I just have the one pitiful set.
  15. All over 'em like white on (Jasmine) rice.
  16. Too many of the wrong kind of strings.
  17. Even if I could get original replacement woofers and tweeters (or had them re-coned) it would just not be worth the time or effort to get a couple of Benjamins. I got my used out of them.
  18. @Shane_B. When I use monitors (rarely) I now have these: Believe it or not, I mostly mix on headphones these days. Sennheiser HD598s with a custom SONARWORKS profile (bought directly from SONARWORKS).
  19. I've dumped my very first pair of studio monitors in the trash EV Sentry 100A Bought them new in 1985. After I went to powered monitors they went in the garage and were lugged from home to home. I was clearing out my storage shed in the back yard and decided it was time for them to fully retire. Man were they heavy for not powered monitors.
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