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Everything posted by bluzdog

  1. bluzdog

    Quad Cortex

    After extensive research I took a leap of faith and ordered a Quad Cortex. I contacted Neural and asked about inventory, they recommended Thomann. They have the best deal and it should ship within 2-3 weeks. Sweetwater is taking 4-5 months at $1849. I paid $1600 shipped but I'm sure I'll have to pay duty of $60ish. Anyone else using a QC here? https://neuraldsp.com/quad-cortex Rocky
  2. 20 minutes and it's not downloaded and installed by Baps! Is it time to do a wellness check?
  3. bluzdog

    Sonar X1

    I sent this: Just a heads up: You're right that this was awesome software but Sonar X1 is abandonware and can no longer be registered. Cakewalk was purchased by Bandlab. The latest version is Cakewalk by Bandlab and is 100% free. Still awesome though. https://www.bandlab.com/products/cakewalk?lang=en Here's the reply: Wow! How bout that?
  4. bluzdog

    Sonar X1

    Now this is a no brainer: https://denver.craigslist.org/msg/d/strasburg-sonar-x1-producer-software/7491448517.html
  5. They charged me and I have serial numbers!
  6. If you could give us some instruction on this dusting and cleaning, I would be grateful. ?
  7. Everytime I think I'm out, they pull me back in!
  8. Orville, no apology necessary. We're just letting you know that the deals forum gets way more traffic and is where we expect to find deals like this. It's a sub-forum of the Coffee House.
  9. You should post this in the 'Deals' forum. There's more activity there.
  10. This is hard to resist for $9: https://www.shure.com/en-US/products/accessories/rk143g
  11. I have all of the ADpaks. I mostly use them with Addictive Trigger for kick, snare and tom replacement. I like the work flow in EZ Drummer for building drum tracks. I sometimes use AD2 after I've created drum tracks with EZ Drummer. If I wasn't so heavily invested in AD2 and not using the samples for drum replacement I would take the King's advice and go EZ Drummer and/or Superior Drummer. I don't know if it's still available but XLN had a download page for gm versions of the AD Paks.
  12. I like Fairfax 1 & 2 as well. ADPaks also work with Addictive Trigger which is a big bonus.
  13. Bruce Johnston did. He wasn't an original member of the Beach Boys but he joined the band in 1965.
  14. Is MS2022 pretty intuitive for someone without video editing experience but is comfortable with Cake and Studio One? Thanks. Rocky
  15. No pop up here either. It must be because I'm greedy and already purchased it in the past. ?
  16. Just enough to get you addicted!
  17. Finally, Project page automation!
  18. This chaps my *ss for sure!
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