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Everything posted by bluzdog

  1. bluzdog

    Studio Desk

    Butcher block stained and 3 coats of polyurethane.
  2. bluzdog

    Studio Desk

    I went with the pipe option. I'm working on a bottom shelf and I still need to build a keyboard tray. I bought the parts from Pipe Decor, they were way cheaper than Home Depot. https://pipe-decor.com/?gad=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjwgLOiBhC7ARIsAIeetVDvk8GySpqxGpA_1E1F-0PjtjBp7-6XFXLMpgsqL_-vmnAuoSiAgGgaAjjeEALw_wcB
  3. bluzdog

    PA NEOLD U2A out

    How did you do that?
  4. Any way you choose to reference is fine. Metric A/B is about convenience. You load several reference tracks, volume match them and you can switch between your track and any section of those easily. The ability to have presets with different reference tracks at a click and not having to load reference tracks per song/project is convenient.
  5. Interesting that the first article has to do with software pricing.
  6. I just ran Dani California by RHCP (wav) through it. It picked up some clipping, excessive loudness for streaming and said it was pretty wide. It suggested adding some bass and highs for clarity. It's definitely a hot master.
  7. Tone Junkie has a NAMM special. NAMM80 has been working to get 80% off. https://tonejunkiestore.com/
  8. If you have jam points from previous purchases, you can get up to 30% off in the online IK store.
  9. I have openly shared EZ Keys midi six packs here with other members because I had almost every midi pack that was on offer. Seems completely legit to me.
  10. bluzdog

    Studio Desk

    Thanks, too big for my space though. I came across this https://www.google.com/search?q=studio+desk+build&oq=studio+desk+build&aqs=chrome..69i57j0i512j0i22i30j0i15i22i30j0i22i30l3j0i390i650l3.8413j0j15&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8#fpstate=ive&vld=cid:dd8987d2,vid:Te6JA3zpwoU, it's built out of pipe and fittings. I did a search for desks built out of pipe and came across all kinds of interesting ideas.
  11. bluzdog

    Studio Desk

    I've watched some diy platform videos. It doesn't look too difficult and I have access to some wood working equipment. That might be a good way to go. Thanks.
  12. bluzdog

    Studio Desk

    I'm still putting together my new room. What are you guys using for studio desks? The Platform Output https://output.com/products/platform looks perfect but it's been out of stock for quite a while. There's a Rab desk at Sweetwater that would work but it's back ordered. Some of the others at my price point get bad reviews. Speakers will be on stands. Any ideas in the $500 - $600 range would be appreciated. I'm also ready to pull the trigger on an Audient Nero https://audient.com/products/monitor-controllers/nero/overview/ anyone using one here? Thanks.
  13. I've been sitting on a bunch of stereo files of live shows from years ago that I've been wanting to remix. I didn't have much luck with RX, I bought Rip-X a while back hoping it would work better. Neither are there yet but some day........
  14. I thought you could move licenses between machines with a usb key.
  15. They should have more subscription packages. I have everything and then some from the essential package. If I want to explore anything I don't have I would have to subscribe to the ultimate package and I would be paying for access to plugs that I already purchased. The sub is not a bad deal if you're new to Waves but I don't do subs. I've been plugging away wup free for a long time with what I have. No regrets here either.
  16. 6 Packs are $105 at Thomann. https://www.thomannmusic.com/toontrack_ezbass_midi_6_pack_bundle.htm
  17. Yes, that mage it a no brainer for me.
  18. Isn't that what XLN XO does?
  19. I have BFD but got tired of fighting with it. Most of my content doesn't show up.
  20. I'm controversial, sometimes I let EZdrummer play the sounds in AD2. ?
  21. I concur, while they don't lend themselves well to gas, their plugs always work well and the sounds are legit. I'm pretty sure I'm all caught up on drum samples at the moment. ?
  22. Those are nicely done. Definitely nicer than the ones I built. Thanks.
  23. I'm moving in to a new room and I'm looking for a few ideas. It's not big ( 10' 4"x 11'4"). I'll mostly be recording guitar. The current plan is use a laptop ( I'll probably get another machine at some point) with a Babyface, Quad Cortex and/or a Tonex pedal and monitor through Dynaudio BM5As. I have Masterlink ( CD player) and a turntable that I want to include. I'm considering an Audient Nero as a monitor controller/hub as it will give me enough i/o. It would be cool if I could monitor everything through room correction software. The room is empty and I'm pretty stoked to get it set up with guitars, amps, etc. I don't have a huge budget but I plan to pick up a desk https://www.sweetwater.com/store/detail/ProRakLS840B--rab-audio-pro-rak-ls840-studio-workstation-black-trim An Audient Nero, A Fryette Power Load IR, a Schiitt Mani 2 and a couple of speaker stands soon. Any help and ideas would be greatly appreciated.
  24. I think @cclarry posted a 2tb drive that's on sale. ?
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