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Everything posted by bluzdog

  1. bluzdog

    Quad Cortex

    No worries. I have a Tonex pedal as well. Listening with Dynaudio BM5a monitors and BeyerDynamic DT 770 250 ohm cans, they both sound fantastic. I mostly use both to recreate my current analog rig.: Rimrock Mystical OD, TS, Barber DD, Line 6 DL4 in to a '67 Super Reverb. I can dial both pedals so close that I'd be hard pressed to tell the difference in a blind fold test.
  2. I'm pretty blown away with the amount of captures in the Quad Cortex pack.That's some value right there.
  3. He's pretty vague about what's in the Quad Cortex pack but for $34 I'll give it a shot. Thanks. edit: I scrolled down, lots of goodies! ?
  4. bluzdog

    Quad Cortex

    Neural released a PC and Mac control app for the QC yesterday. It's definitely a game changer.
  5. Is Studio One 6 playing nice with Windows 10?
  6. I would personally research monitors that fit your requirements and price point and then look for deals. Amazon days are coming up next month and Black Friday will be here before we know it. My first generation Dynaudio BM5As serve me well, the current version get great reviews. I allocated about 1k and was not disappointed.
  7. They should enter this in the Cans Film Festival:
  8. Cranked Marshalls were never conducive to that. ?
  9. As much as I like IK, I can't get myself to do it. Other than the new ST sounds and synths, the only thing I'm missing is Mesa Boogie 2. Since I collected these items a la carte my upgrade price is $299 which gets me MB2 and some sounds and synths I will likely never use. A little off topic but Tonex is fantastic!
  10. They still want $1000 for me to upgrade to Mercury from Diamond. They're actually doing me a favor zt this point. ?
  11. What's not to like about a renoun reverb?
  12. https://gigperformer.com/when-does-gig-performer-go-on-sale/
  13. This thread and the one upstairs is like "Nextdoor" on steroids. People bitching about hypotheticals and other people bitching about the first bitchers. ?
  14. FYI: At the bottom of the new website there is a link to the Sonar Legacy website. Under support you can login in to your old account and access your legacy products.
  15. Sonar Platinum to the lifetime upgrade was $199 in 2016, $99 credit if had upgraded to Platinum in the previous 12 months.
  16. The original my products page was still working up until this announcement. Now it is directed to the new Cakewalk site.
  17. bluzdog

    New monitors hunt.

    I love my Dynaudio BM5A monitors. edit: they've been discontinued
  18. check out the brand 'Worlds best cables" They're made with quality cable like Mogami and similar for a reasonable price.
  19. Check out "worlds best cables" on amazon.
  20. When I downloaded mine, the choice list was long. I'm pretty sure it has everything.
  21. Couldn't resist with 30% off at the IK store. I'm all caught up sans the Tascam two. Thanks for the heads up.
  22. bluzdog

    Studio Desk

    That came out awesome!
  23. bluzdog

    Studio Desk

    I went with a Gator Frameworks 12u Rack table and Ultimate Support speaker stands.
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