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Everything posted by bluzdog

  1. The Group Buy continues with new hardware entry points and more FREE software! Check out all the qualifying iRig and UNO products below. We’ve also added new software like the virtual X-GEAR pedals to choose among your FREE titles. Keep spreading the word. I just saw this.
  2. There's a typo on the counter, it's showing 18 free products and X participants to 20 free products. The GB is looking scary close to making it to Halloween! edit: The typo is fixed.
  3. Since I have not yet made a guess, I'll go ahead and enter 24 freebies now. That will leave some selections on the table as I only have 7 more to go to check all of the boxes but I'm more than okay with that. ?
  4. I getting down to the nitty gritty. I have everything on the list except for these but I already have the Fulltone OCD, any suggestions? Amplitube Fulltone Collection Hitmaker: Reggaeton Hitmaker: Trap Hitmaker: EDM Cinekinetik: Fractured Piano Cinekinetik: Malletension Cinekinetik: Malletopia Cinekinetik: Shipwreck Piano
  5. I like Fender 2 better but I hear ya. My go to amps are a '67 Super Reverb and a mid 70s Champ.
  6. I like Fender 2 better than 1, the Mesa Boogie amps are awesome, both SVX bundles rock for bass, I like the Marshall amps in Slash. I haven't delved in to Satch, Brian May or Dimebag yet because I just picked them up.
  7. My Rockman had broken solder joints on the headphone out jacks. I resoldered those and it fired right up.
  8. I just picked up that and Satch. Satch inspired me to get my old Rockman working. It's way too much fun!
  9. I'm going to start collecting tape machines, which one should I try first? I currently have Softube Tape. Grats!
  10. I went to Savannah for St. Patrick's day sometime around 1990. It was awesome! Bars were set up everywhere, bank lobbies, hardware stores, etc. I would have never guessed how much fun that would be! All the best for your wife Peter.
  11. No more Slate for me unless they remove the dongle for perpetual licenses. I don't do subscriptions.
  12. With gas we are unable to separate our wants vs needs. This is what makes group buys work. ?
  13. The IK site has become inaccessible here.
  14. You can get it for $49 with Jam points.
  15. Hmmmm...... at $124.50 because I registered Arcane for free. I might bite for the same reason.
  16. Jam Origin Midi Guitar 2 might get you closer. https://www.jamorigin.com/
  17. I've never seen AD MidiPaks at retailers.
  18. They were always towards the original end time. Dollar to doughnuts this get extended!
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