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Bruno de Souza Lino

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Everything posted by Bruno de Souza Lino

  1. I'm gonna lose that one because of Puremagnetik themselves. I forgot my password, asked to recover it and they keep sending this newsletter email instead of the password recovery one.
  2. Epic always gives at least one game for free every Thursday. I have around 40 games on Epic just from those giveaways.
  3. Warren receives two thumbs down for removing the silly singing parts from his Focusrite Scarlett videos.
  4. Everything their software does can be accomplished better using free software.
  5. The full version of Graillon 2 is 50 bucks.
  6. What I would suggest is this. Rather than looking for plugins already, just spend some time fiddling around with the stuff that comes with CbB. It has most of the basic tools and effects you need to make music instead of hoarding plugins already. Sure, you'll eventually start having dozens of plugins but will only use the same ones over and over.
  7. No miner buys these mining cards. They have no video outputs and cannot be sold used once they need to replace their mining rigs, as who's gonna buy a card that doesn't mine as good or can't be used for other tasks? That would be like a car manufacturer making a dragster version of a car because a lot of people are buying the standard model just to use it for drag racing.
  8. I wouldn't hold my breath. We know nothing about which features this DAW will have and there's also a hint that it will be subscription based at some point. Their PR department is doing a stellar job of painting the company in a light smeared with bodily fluids I cannot mention. So even the information they teased about the product cannot be trusted either.
  9. In no moment I said I was a Python developer or that this machine was used for development. EDIT - The fix is something worthy to add to the post as another case of IK stupidity. I had to find an older version of Lurssen Mastering Console, install it, then install the latest one from IKM. That's because the latest version of LMC doesn't include all the files the software needs to run. EDIT 2 - Scratch that. Installing the latest version on top of the old one introduces a similar error.
  10. I would love to test that. Unfortunately, all attempts to load Lurssen end up with the dreaded mkl_intel_thread.dll missing error ARC users were plagued with many moons ago and that IK products tend to cause on people trying to run Python Anaconda environments in their machines. IK doesn't know what causes that issue and none of the solutions I found worked. And this is not a case of "your hardware is not compatible with the product" as is with MODO Drum requiring AVX instructions. My hardware is more recent than the minimum required to run Lurssen.
  11. As fully feature as CbB is, some DAWs are better suited for specific tasks and workflows. But of course, you have to pretend CbB is the only DAW you use, just like ProTools users.
  12. And look...That's the first CbB video Warren "did"...Of course, it only exists as a vehicle to promote his course.
  13. And, according to one KVR review, Lurssen Mastering Console boosts the output of incoming audio by 6 dB even with everything bypassed and there's no way to change that behavior, except for using a plugin after it to correct this "feature".
  14. Which he's never done a video about since the introduction of it, but hey! We have a course to sell here!
  15. And...The IKM doesn't update itself. You have to manually download it and install from the zip. Why do you have a product manager again, IK?
  16. I never said it was the same thing. Using your computer keyboard is a compromise to not having a controller keyboard or manually writing the parts using keyboard and mouse or other means. If you look at FL Studio, which does use the entire keyboard for notes, none of the shortcuts use those keys and when they do, you have to manually deactivate the feature, otherwise, a note comes out instead of the function.
  17. Return to version 4. Version 5 is riddled with bugs IK "cannot reproduce".
  18. This is how all hardware companies work: when they're not selling hardware, they're losing money.
  19. A DI Box does one job: convert high impedance signals into low impedance ones. It is not a preamp, therefore, it does nothing to change the voltage amount put by the instrument. Only the pickups. Electric basses are not acoustic instruments, so the weight of the body does nothing to the sound, as it's a purely structural element of the instrument. The fret noise is caused by the thick strings and the fact that our hands cannot fully clamp it down to the fret. Nothing to do with the preamp or DI. It's part of the bass sound and one of the two things that allows you to tell it apart from something like a Bass VI or a Silhouette Bass. My inexpensive audio interface has a MOSFET in the instrument inputs and, since that's effective a tube without the pilot light, it takes care of those transients. Interesting idea, though.
  20. Let's see: - SLI was removed from the 1060 series cards just so people couldn't have multiple of them for things like 3D rendering on the cheap. If SLI was enabled, you could have 1070 performance for half the price. - On the Linux front, nVidia has been caught a few times removing features from the open source drivers just to force users to install proprietary ones. These are two examples of a whole slew of questionable practices nvidia has done over the years. The only thing they didn't do yet is bribe companies, like Intel used to do quite heavily not long ago.
  21. Or you don't try to transfer Image-Line products. They'll probably even ask for a DNA sample just to be sure you are the person that bought the product.
  22. And how can the bass tell the difference?
  23. Last time I checked, all mining algorithms that run on nVidia cards use CUDA. So, if you needed CUDA for any computationally expensive tasks, you're screwed. nVidia couldn't care less about who buys their inventory. It's money either way. What they're actually doing is gimping CUDA performance to force people to buy the higher end cards under the guise of "stopping miners".
  24. Even gain matched? Some people have noted on T-Racks modules that they actually increase the gain of signal going through them even when you haven't touched that knob at all.
  25. I don't need any help from Waves to make my vocals sound horrible. I'm a natural at that.
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