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Brian Lawler

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Everything posted by Brian Lawler

  1. @pseudopop I am not seeing Red Diva presets included with Diva at JRR. The combo is 99.50 before coupon. Maybe they decided not to throw it in during the sale.
  2. JRR has picked up their sale now. Reason 12 perpetual license (from 1-11) is now $83.16 with "group". I think it was even cheaper several months ago. Likely the same price for Reason+ sub BUT if you have a current sub, you need to wait for it to expire and use the JRR authorize link after. I didn't see enough "return" for my sub so I am letting it go. Still considering the perpetual upgrade from Suite 11. Also have $75 "Reason bucks" to get a couple plugs that are not included in perpetual.
  3. Bit of additional info- Image-Line used to sell VST versions of some of their plug-ins. They stopped offering those and are FL Studio Only now. That info is all the way to the bottom of the description. They really should have a banner up top with that admonition, as someone clicking "plug-ins" from the landing page of the site might not be aware.
  4. https://www.sonicacademy.com/products/ana-2 $52.30 Very nice synth Packs are 40% off
  5. https://feelyoursound.com/current-sale/ Nice MIDI tools. 20% off singles, 30% off bundles. Ends Dec 2.
  6. I will give filterscape a look (Hive is amazing). I bought Morph EQ in a past sale and was quite disappointed in it- No MSEG or even modulation or LFO. Yes you can do it with automation, but I should have looked closer before I bought it.
  7. I will keep an eye out for that one. It certainly looks like a good one to play late at night when the cat jumps into my lap from the shadows. Starfield is still sucking down my gaming time lately. It's not immersive, but I am a fan of a lot of Bethesda stuff.
  8. Sneaking on a rooftop at night and hearing the headcrabs scurrying up the drainpipes to attack you. Still an unsurpassed horror/suspense experience in gaming IMO.
  9. I installed the demo and took it for a "spin". Not for me. There is a lot of capability in generating interesting arps from the many chord sequences, and the passing tone thing can be interesting. I just can't live with the circular UI. My brain doesn't like a piano roll going in circles. I would like to see an option with a traditional left-to-right piano roll for old fuddy-duddies. Thankfully the note editor presents in traditional horizontal format, but it is very poorly rendered. Also agree that WA should consolidate the MIDI offerings. I love MIDI gadgets, and there is impressive coding behind the WA tools I have tried, but it is the UI in their stuff that is just not worth muddling through (IMO). Maybe if Image-line acquires Audiomodern...
  10. Agreed, but it was my last chance before Larry finished unpacking his suitcase.
  11. https://www.waproduction.com/plugins/view/loop-engine-2 MIDI generator. $21.80 or $10 upgrade 15 day intro sale
  12. I have been looking/waiting for an EQ that could work this way for a long time. Are there any competing EQ's that can tune by scale like this? I have wondered if some "sound goodizer" plugs might be working in a similar way, but conceal what's under the hood.
  13. They sent me a similar "sorry" letter last year. I don't think they make "upgrade" offers for the big bundle during the BF sale. I went ahead and bought the bundle, and sold off my duplicates on Knobcloud that I already owned. UJAM did free transfers at the time- I don't know if they still do. This is a better, cheaper offer though. There might be a flood of individual titles going on sale in the secondary market. Interesting times.
  14. Me too! What caught my eye was their YouTube post (they are in my feed), which jogged my memory of the email that I binned. I like Audio Imperia stuff, and own a couple, but I admit I am just a little skeptical that they are going to teach theory, harmony, orchestration, composition, and business ops in a 10 hour course. It looks from the info on their page that only the first two sections (of six) are up so far.
  15. https://www.learnwithmaestro.com/the-modern-composer-blueprint They are promoting a "Limited Early Access Special" for $299 which includes Audio Imperia's Nucleus Lite Kontakt library. $199 if you already own Nucleus Lite ($99) or full ($400).
  16. https://www.sononym.net/blog/new-release-1.5.0/ Free update for owners of 1.x They usually do a BF sale, so keep an eye out if interested.
  17. I was hoping they would offer this during the "Colors" intro. Pitchmap at PB $89 and Pitchmap Colors/Orange Vocoder Nano direct from Zynaptiq for $35 make a $124 bundle (plus you get about $4 "PB bucks" for the purchase from them). The Colors/Nano crossgrade offer expires Nov 12. Zynaptiq site:
  18. I was disappointed, but I have a ton of multiFX already. Do use the free trial. I thought the UI was ... poor. Categorize the effects by colored triangles, and in case you are confused, put a legend below them with words like Fire, Earth, Water... I know- it's cheap, the sound quality is fine, and the CPU load is OK. I just have other multifx that label stuff like Reverb, Delay, Transient, etc... and find them easier to tweak. -The Grump
  19. Flamenco! ? $10 upgrade. T.C. is awesome!
  20. 9€ At UnitedPlugins 82% off intro price. Multi-effect, I guess? https://unitedplugins.com/QuickMuse/ QuickMuse by Instant Audio Ignite your creativity Everyone can experience days when their inspiration runs dry. And that is why we created the ultimate plugin to ignite your creativity. With just a single click, powered by the magic of randomness, QuickMuse delivers a multitude of instant but also unique results, injecting fresh and unpredictable elements into your compositions, productions, and sound design.
  21. Ah... The page inside FL says "Save $30". They must have originally applied that to the 49.99 rather than the 79.99. Internal page is fixed as well.
  22. Looks like they fixed that web page already. They have a ways to go before they match the search features in Loopcloud, but they will probably catch up.
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