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Brian Lawler

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Everything posted by Brian Lawler

  1. Log in at https://www.vps-avenger.com/ Changelog for Version 2.0.6 below. 2.0.6 Change Log - Added upwards/downwards OTT compressor FX. - FIXED: Crash in ProTools when loading Avenger. - MEMORY button -> SAVE: Disabled the quick save function when the preset name has changed, to avoid overwriting the previous saved preset. - Fixed issue in chord detection for 5th-multiloop samples with MIDI-note-on that are just a few samples apart. - Corrected the position of the "NUM WAVES" dial in the resampler editor. - Prev/next preset now works correctly when preset search is active. - OSC sound browser search is reset when the sound browser is closed (to avoid confusion when coming back later and seeing just a few sounds). - Preset preview with progress bar and stop button. Additionally, any note will stop the preview, and any new preview will stop the synth. This is to avoid simultaneous audio from the preview and the synth. - OSC quantizer: incoming MIDI option is now set correctly for the selected osc and not just for OSC1. - Quantizer preset browser context shows the correct selected preset. - Converting samples to any expansion content type will cause an update of the OSC-Soundbrowser to show new samples as intended. - Fixed: Rename preset in custom expansion not working. - Fixed issue in drumkit where "Copy Sample to Slot X" was not working correctly. - Fixed issue in granular/spectral with multisamples where the wrong root note was used. - Fixed a rare crash when accessing internal content lists while these lists are being updated. - Fixed an issue where the "SURPRISE ME" button at the preset-search yielded the same sequence of presets each time Avenger was opened.
  2. He had me trained to wait for the 90% off sales, but the past three freebies were new ones for me, so he managed to lower the bar to 100% ?
  3. https://soundpaint.com/ https://soundpaint.com/blogs/news/whats-new-in-soundpaint-3
  4. I also noticed that Udemy is running a sale again for prices that look about the same as BF- ends Jan 11. They don't do subs , but I bought a couple for the first time at $10-12 last sale thought they were worthwhile. Still working through them at 20+ hours each. Then I also got this one just because it's 83 freaking hours and the bullet points were a hoot (not started it yet).
  5. Ask Audio/Video $72 One year sub. I think this is as low as it goes. 24AVNewMind72 is the coupon code. Promo ends Jan 12.
  6. K7 has never behaved well for me. I can't believe it is up to version 7.7 and still not working properly. Two of my non-player libraries from SampleLogic (M.A.P. is one) crash Kontakt 7 when I try to change patches. They DID work in an earlier 7.x version however! I thought "Batch Resave" would fix them, but all that did was stop them from working in Kontakt 6. I had to reinstall from backups so I could use them (in Kontakt 6). I can certainly see why developers are jumping (Kontakt) ship.
  7. https://www.adsrsounds.com/ Noize 2 from Denise Audio. Info: https://www.deniseaudio.com/plugins/noize-2 Sale plug-ins: https://www.adsrsounds.com/sale/plug-ins-sale/
  8. Thanks @mibby Exactly what I figured a fair price would be. Of course I was hoping for "better than fair".
  9. Probably a few of us have Equivocate, which was free in the past. Current upgrade to Mastering Bundle is about $55. Curious what it changes to for those that bought Saturate for $15.20?
  10. Coupon code BOXING. Sale run about a week. Profiles for Streamdeck/Loupedeck hardware and many softwares. https://www.sideshowfx.net/products
  11. ADSR Re-running some recent deals "For a limited time". https://www.adsrsounds.com/vendor/limited-time-bundle/
  12. ? This is only usable if you own two paid packs. Sorry- I missed the fine print. It is free, but you can't d/l without owning two paid packs. https://lunacy.audio/products/flurry/ Download using the "Pack Portal" link inside the Cube App.
  13. Ah-so - My neurons took a detour. ?
  14. I didn't read the terms and conditions. Installing now. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  15. I think it is pretty good. I bought Live 11 Suite on KVR a couple years ago for $400 and that was a fair price then. I actually sold it last year for the same price ($400). I am intrigued by the new MIDI features so I am jumping in again, and figure I can get most of my $$ back out if I don't like it. I have a copy of Live 11 Lite that I got free somewhere, so I like this deal at $380 for sure. My upgrade price from Ableton direct is $479 (reg $599).
  16. Ableton Live Suite version 11 with free upgrade to v12 on release. Ableton 11/12 Suite $439 https://www.thomannmusic.com/ableton_live_11_suite.htm Upgrade from Lite $379 https://www.thomannmusic.com/ableton_live_11_suite_upg_lite.htm Lite upgrade is $387.31 at Best Service plus 12.57 BestCoin
  17. I came across this when I was checking out the Humble Bundle Holiday Encore. More FX and canned music than Foley though. https://www.humblebundle.com/software/audio-odyssey-bundle-encore-software
  18. I agree with your comments regarding Orange Tree (or Ample and others) vs UJAM, but I think "phrase based" is a better characterization of the UJAM guitar approach. While the strums are samples, the patterns are not. UJAM does have "player mode" where you can create custom phrases based on note samples. Iron, Sparkle 2, and Iron2 have MIDI drag and drop of the internal phrases to your DAW that you can customize. I think older versions worked on the same principle internally, but they have only been adding MIDI DND options to new releases. To me "Loop based" implies canned sampled phrases that can only be altered by stretching or other digital treatment.
  19. OK- I see the problem. I didn't have my DAW open, so I just ran the standalone Musio app. I assumed that it would tell the Musio Connect app to update the catalog, but it didn't appear to do that the first time I ran it. You can only manually initiate a catalog update from the Connect app. Lesson learned- Thanks!
  20. These were not in my account when I first loaded the client. Decided to exit and reload before I posted a grump, and there they were. Glad they are better at syncing availability with their announcements lately.
  21. Ah- That is why I couldn't find it for sale there. I had good luck selling Ableton Suite and Cubase Pro, each within a day. Just look at the sales history and price accordingly. I think the stuff that sits "on the shelf" for months is just overpriced.
  22. I already own V9 but I looked for the heck of it. 404 error when adding to cart. Looks like they ran out of codes or it was a glitch. Fantastic deal for those that got it!
  23. I don't sell much stuff, because I just don't want to hassle with it, but I have sold a couple DAWs on Knobcloud, and felt that it worked well.
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