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freddy j

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Everything posted by freddy j

  1. freddy j

    Our Humanity

    Hi Paul. Thanks for listening and for your kind comments. I used the good old Cakewalk TTS-1 for the MIDI. I do struggle with MIDI so I am glad that the horns turned out OK. Hey John. I appreciate your taking the time to comment. I appreciate what you are saying. As I have matured, I've come to the realization that life is to doggone short to be full of hate and spend all of your time being angry. This also brings to mind another old saying: "Aging is a heck of a price to pay for maturity" --- there is some truth to that also. I have used that quote from the "street philosopher" Rodney King on a couple of songs. It is a simple question but certainly relevant. Thanks again.
  2. freddy j

    Our Humanity

    Hi Lynn. Thanks very much for your input -- it is very much appreciated. It has been a long time since I got out to listen to live music in a nice intimate venue or any venue for that matter. I better get out before I forget what it is supposed to sound like. Thanks again! Hi Tom. You really have some great ears! I went back and listened and you were absoflippinlutely right. I used the Waves L1 + Ultramaximizer on the drums (primarily with the intent of increasing the sound) but I over compensated. Thanks for pointing that out. In fact, thanks for all of your insight. Although I got off track on this one, it is nice to know that I didn't get too far off track. Hey Jesse. Peace, love, and understanding. It is an old phrase but it is still relevant. Thanks a lot for taking the time to listen. I appreciate the kind words. I didn't use any thing fancy for the horns --- just the Cakewalk TTS-1 (Alto and Baritone Saxophones). Hummm, an oxymoron --- it certainly seems like it to me. Hey Bob. Thanks very much for the comments! They are much appreciated. I do struggle with MIDI, so I'm glad that the horns worked out. Thanks again pal.
  3. I dunno --- maybe it is because as a wee little rug rat I was diggin' on beatnik music-poetry. I love the dissonance in this song. The whole number just bleeds angst, at least IMHO! The only nit that I have is -- maybe, the vocals should come forward a bit? I couldn't catch them all but then again, I'm old!! I always look forward to your stuff Jesse.
  4. Great sound on this song. You have made a great start on what will be a real rocker!!!
  5. freddy j

    Song in E Major

    Super mix on this song!! There is something about the melody of this song that is really attractive, and the vocal presentation fits perfectly. Nice One!!!
  6. freddy j


    A very cool song and well done! As mentioned above it is kind of a dark message but the lyrics really tell a story that captures one's attention. Nice one!!
  7. freddy j

    Our Humanity

    This song was started before my trusty computer crashed and died. Fortunately, I had saved it on an external drive. It was intended to be a Blues song; however, in the transition from old to new computer, and after working on it for a while it morphed. It is a mess now --- maybe, a kind of funky, jazz, bluesabilly song??? Anyway, whatever it is now, it is a bit out of my comfort zone and control. Therefore, I would be very grateful for feedback and comments. Many thanks. OUR HUMANITY https://www.soundclick.com/bands3/default.cfm?bandID=963481
  8. Hi Paul. Thanks for listening and I very much appreciate your comments. BTW, I really like the song on your new post --- well done! Thanks for listening Daryl and for commenting. I appreciate your insight about the delay. I get that all the time. I don't know what it is about me and delay/reverb but I just love the stuff. I also have a penchant for slow attack on guitars also. I guess it goes back to when I was a wee bit of a pre-teeny bopper. On a good night I could get radio stations like WLS Cleveland, WABC (NYC - the Chuck Dunaway show), WLAC (Nashville - the John R show). and even our local station (CFPL - London, Ontario) would play rock 'n roll from 4:00 to 8:00PM. Not only did they play the occassional r 'n r songs with a lot of echo and slap-back but even the DJ's would use reverb occasionally. Some habits are hard to break. Thanks again.
  9. Hey Paul. This song and your last one have struck me as being very personal statements. This one, as I stated in my reply to your previous post, seems like it is one guy unafraid to express some hurt that he is feeling. I like the minimalist approach to this number (e.g., the full instrumentation coming in later in the song). I can't comment on the mix, since I have troubles with that myself. However, I do believe that music must be honest and that honesty must not be lost in perfection. This my friend seems like a truly honest song. Nice one!!
  10. freddy j


    This is a bit of a departure for you Tom ----- but WOW did you hit a home run with this one. It is absoflippinlutely brilliant . Great coordination between music and video frames. The song has merit by itself but put together WOW! Where in the world do you find the video clips used?
  11. Hah! ---- restarted my computer and now YouTube let me log on. I believe I remember this one. Cool video and a professionally done powerhouse of a song!! Great stuff my friend!
  12. This is a really "catchy" song. It all fits together to make for and interesting song with some good lyrics. I don't really know why but it reminds me (in a slight way) of some of Lou Reed's stuff. Nice one.
  13. Hey Bob. I tried listening to this but YouTube kept giving me an error message. I'll come back later and try again. Glad you are active on the new forum and look forward to your new stuff!
  14. It is consistency --- of course. You are constantly putting out such good stuff.
  15. First of all my apologies for being so tardy on responding. Much to my horror my trusty 9 year old computer died on me. It resulted from a number of ailments but the most tragic one is that it ruined my internal hard drive (an estimate of ~$500+ to see if my files could be recovered -- with no guarantee). To complicate matters it was not sending backup files to my external hard drive. Fortunately, most of my songs were on the external drive but I have lost some import "other"files. I now have a new computer and have been getting things set up including Cakewalk by BandLab and Studio One. However, I am having a problem getting plug-ins back and am not getting great support with one or two of the vendors. Ahhh well, this is one of those challenges that just makes life interesting. Hi Lynn and thanks for your kind comments. I too am glad that you have found your way to the new forum. I always enjoy listening to your music and look forward to your posts on this forum. Hi Douglas. I appreciate your taking the time to listen and comment. I have been often accused of using too much reverb on my vocals and ya, probably rightly so. I am glad that it turned out alright on this number. Thanks again. Hey Emeraldsoul have you changed your avitar ---- I like it! I'll have to go back and listen to the choruses on this song. Actually I didn't plan for any overload (I'm not that good) but thanks for pointing it out. I will listen and analyze as much as my knowledge and limited talent will allow. If I can figure out what is going on and it sounds like it works, I might even want to see if I can duplicate it on a future sound. I very much appreciate your input -- Thanks again!! Hey Bjorn. Great to hear from you. I am glad that you, Emeraldsoul and others have pointed out concerns about my use/abuse of reverb and delay and I admit guilt. I just love the stuff but thanks to y'all I am more aware of it and hopefully I will be less abusive. Thanks for the input! Hi John B. Guilty as charged --- I am an abuser of delay. Seriously, I do appreciate your suggestion and the suggestions of others. I will indeed spend a lot more time on syncing tempo with delay and delay with other delayed instruments. Thanks for listening and for the good suggestion. Hi Paulo. I appreciate what you are saying in your comments. As mentioned above, I'll be paying a lot more attention as to how I use delay/verb in future songs. Thanks very much for your input. Hey Starise. I'm glad to see you on the new forum. Thanks very much for listening and the kind comments. Hi Beagle. Thanks very much for the kind comments. Freddy-esque ? -- well, I guess I gotta be me (an attempt at mild humour). Hey Bob. ... and I am glad that you have made the transition to the new forum. I looking forward to listening to some of your new stuff. I know that you are a busy guy and I appreciate your taking the time to listen and for the kind words my friend.
  16. freddy j

    I'm Retired

    Ha -- I love this number and I couldn't identify with the lyrics more! I have been retired for about 10 years and still one of my favourite things is to sit in my chair in the morning with my cup of coffee and read the entire newspaper at my leisure (at least on most days). You used the perfect arrangement to convey the lyrics. Great stuff my friend!
  17. Rats --- looks like I too missed the boat on this one.
  18. I listened to the SC version and well done lads. Great cover! Great job on playing, harmonies, and overall performance!
  19. I agree with the comments above. The mix sounds very professional. It is ready to go. BTW your harmonies are really beautiful.
  20. Hi Reece, Indeed this is a good worship song, and the arrangement and performance are very well done! I agree with Bob (above) that guitar panned hard right is just a bit loud (at least in my primitive equipment) but over all great stuff.
  21. Wonderful! Great lyrics and I love your metaphors. Great performance: your vocals are great for this genre (and not oversold as some tend to do with the Blues), the playing is great (good guitar playing), and to me the mix is spot on. Nice one!
  22. This is a really great tribute John. I don't know how you managed to wordsmith all of those lyrics in there and get them to make perfect sense but --- well done. Kudos also on the video. Excellent job!
  23. This song has good crossover country-western style to it. The melody is infectious and the performance great. Also, the mix sounds good to me. Nice one!!
  24. I was cleaning up some old Cakewalk files on my external hard drives and came across this little number that I did a few years ago. It is a little, fun soft-rocker. The mix was rough , so I tried to clean it up. Hopefully, it is a little bit more presentable. As always, any comments and suggestions would be much appreciated. Thanks. WHAT YOU SEE IS WHAT YOU GET https://www.soundclick.com/bands3/default.cfm?bandid=963481
  25. I believe that I remember this song also. IMHO this song has a perfect commercial feel to it. The melody is infectious and the lyrics are great. Great number!!! BTW congratulations on reaching 50. I only wish I could go back and celebrate 50 --- again.
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