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freddy j

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Everything posted by freddy j

  1. Really nice work on this song! beautifully written, performed, and the mix sounds good also. You did an excellent job on matching the video and music. Well done!
  2. Hey Tom. BINGO!!! I wasn't quite satisfied when I posted this song but you hit the nail on the head and suggested the change that it needed. I cut the harmonica in the areas where I felt the lyrics and/or lead guitar were important. Also, I EQ'ed the tracks and panning a wee bit. Hopefully, it sounds better now. I certainly think that it sounds better than it was. Thanks very much for the help!!!
  3. When I was going through old files searching for tracks to send to Jesse, I came across a song that I never completed. I remember stopping work on it because I wanted it to sound slinky but I couldn't get the sound I was looking for and with out that I could not come up with lyrics. Well, I gave it another go and this is what resulted. I'm not sure it is exactly what I wanted but it is close. Anyway - comments, crit.'s, suggestions, etc. will be much appreciated. Thanks!! MY BABE IS SO SLINKY https://www.soundclick.com/bands3/default.cfm?bandID=963481
  4. Well Jesse you did it! !! You took that jangle of disjointed tracks that I sent you and you created a fun, cool, and relevant song. Quite a feat -- well done buddy! Great job on the lyrics, keyboard and harmonica. Thanks for inviting me in on your project! Thanks to all for listening and commenting.
  5. Ya, I really like this song. The over all arrangement and sound just had something that really appealed to me. Good suggestions above but to my tired old ears everything sounded good. Excellent stuff!!
  6. I'm glad that you do post on this forum Jesse, because I always find your music interesting and creative. You actually do have a hint of a folk-rock feel to this song and the plugged acoustic sounds good. There is actually the embryo of a nice melody going on also. Cool stuff! Keep posting you music pal, I surely enjoy it.
  7. You have a nice Bluesy feel going on in this song and of course social commentary is not new to the Blues genre (particularly the older style of Blues. Nice one -- I enjoyed it.
  8. freddy j


    I echo the comments given above. This is an excellent piece of work.
  9. Cool song gentlemen. Having just listened to this the first time the new drums have been added and they sound good to me. Love the lyrics and the vocals are very well done; however, my ancient old ears do find them just a tad too bright. That observation might be due to the fact that as I have accumulated years, everything on the low end has become more muted and the high end has become more dominant. True to my nature, I believe that is just the opposite as to what is supposed to happen. The over performance and mix sound good to me and I think that you have done yourself proud.
  10. freddy j


    This is a beautiful song Bjorn. It just radiates honesty and emotion. The lyrics are great and the performance does indeed complement and convey the honesty and emotion of the lyrics. Your vocals are perfectly suited for this song. Your love one must really appreciate this song. All-in-all, I would say that you did one terrific job on this number.
  11. Hi Joad. Thanks for taking the time to listen and comment. Hey - " Now get the hell off my Lawn" -- you might just fit in with this aging thing (when you get there)! ? Thank you Andy. I'm glad that you liked it and thanks for the encouragement!
  12. Oops! Punched the wrong key -- so I shall continue here. Sorry for the delay in responding. I recently returned from spending a few days in the FL Keys. I did what I always do when I'm there -- turned off the phones and did not turn on the internet. So now it is catch up time. Also as requested I have added the lyrics. Hi Steve. I must admit, I did have fun and was entertaining myself while doing this. However, there was a bit of reflection involved also. Thanks for the kind words and the lyrics have been posted above. Thank you Grem! Ya -- my dad used to make that noise and now I am doing it. Oh well, what are ya gonna do? Thanks again for the kind words and encouragement! Hey Bob. Yes I did have fun after deciding that I am old - there is nothing I can do about it - and - "I'm still kickin' and alive"! Thanks for your kind words and encouragement pal.
  13. Sorry for the delay in responding. I recently returned from spending a few days in the FL Keys. I did what I always do when I'm there -- turned off the phones and did not turn on the internet. So now it is catch up time. Also as requested I have added the lyrics. Hey Kloon! You too shall be added to the "Those who can relate" list. Thanks for listening and the kind comments. Hi Beagle. And yet another one for the "list". It is nice to have the company. Thanks for the kind words!
  14. A very peaceful and engaging song. Lovely work!
  15. freddy j


    Well you and your son have created a excellent piece of music! I like this new direction. Thanks for posting.
  16. Hey JohnB! All good comments above. My comments are that you are a great lyricist, your composing is also great as are your playing, mixing and arrangements. The melody in this song I believe would be ambitious for most singers. Besides, what are your intentions in posting -- composing, arranging, instrumental playing, vocal perfection, mixing or a superperson that can do it all. There are very few superpersons. If you are composing, recording, etc. and posting on this forum it seems to me that you haven't grabbed on to music but music has grabbed on to you. You take it and personalize it. I appreciate that you and others are posting your songs. I love the diversity of music found on here. It certainly is hard to find this kind of diversity on commercial radio. I certainly have a multitude of limitations that affect my songs but I need an outlet for my musical silliness and I appreciate the great advice that I have received on this forum. I have learned a lot. It would be nice to have things perfect but things rarely are. So take the advice given, do your best, and enjoy what you do (which is pretty darn good). Relax and have fun with your music. After all -- why are you doing this. Oh, and most importantly keep posting your songs.! I think that we all enjoy what you do. BTW I particularly like Joe Jackson's early stuff. I have one of his early American issued (late '70's or early '80's) issued albums (vinyl). Good stuff!
  17. This is a beautiful song. I don't remember this song but the mix sounds excellent. Nice one.
  18. Hi Paul. I'm sorry that you got the Blues. Apparently I should put you on the list of those who can relate also. I view the picture as being happy that I made it this far! So look at these as the happy Blues not the sad Blues. Thanks for the kind words and encouragement! Thank you John! I will also add you to the membership list of those who can relate. Your comments about the Gen X'ers is spot on. Also it applies to the Millenials and for all who follow. It seems as if your are young and then blink and all of a sudden you got the Baby Boomer Blues. Thanks very much for listening and for the kind comments! Hey Kenny. Welcome to the club! Yup that is how I want to be when I'm 93. Thanks for taking the time to listen and for your comments. I will try and find the lyrics for this song and post them if I am successful in finding them. Thanks again. Hi Wookiee. Thanks for listening and I very much appreciate your comments. About the vocals --- you know me, I have a penchant for abusing reverb. Maybe some day I will kick the habit and get it right. Thanks again.
  19. I might opt for the first version but both are pretty close (at least on my phones). I like the FX on the vocals it does have a Lennon sound to it (goo goo ka chu). It seems that you have gone on a slightly new path on this song (a 1960's feel) --- and ---- it works!!! Great fade! Oh ya - nice mix also. Good stuff Jesse!
  20. What is this --- electronica meets reggae? However -- it really doesn't matter, because this is an absolutely wonderful song. Your vocals are great and to my ears the mix is perfect. Excellent stuff Steve!!!
  21. I absoflippinlutely love this. You have taken a everyday situation and turned it into a pleasant 4:54 minutes of listening. You do know your stuff -- composition, arrangement, performance, recording, mixing, etc. are all excellent! Terrific Job Tom!!!
  22. I think you have a powerhouse rocker going on with this song. I listened to all mixes/masters and there is a slight difference in the lows. The newer mixes do have a "fatter bottom" (to use a Blues term) I kinda like the first mix -- for what that is worth. Cool vocals/harmonies. By any regards though you have a winner of a rocker in this song.
  23. freddy j

    C'mon C'mon

    I too was looking for a specific subject for the lyrics but then I listened again. I think I was wrong in my search for a specific subject. This song seems to stand as kind of a broad anthem for personal involvement/action/and decision making. At least that is what I get from it as a result of my second listening. The instrumentation complements the lyrics and its "pop" feel makes the song very appealing. I like your vocal delivery. I am not a big fan of over-selling a song as seems to be the trend with a lot of popular music today (60 second held notes at full volume, coming at a note from multiple sides (at full volume), inane repetitions, etc. -- --- Good heavens, I sound like my father). Your vocal presentation allows one to listen and ponder the lyrics. Great stuff !
  24. freddy j

    Simon's Song

    This is a heck of a good story coming from a 19 YO! Lots of advice above -- so, I have nothing else concerning the mix to add. It certainly does not sound bad! It is your song and you must be satisfied with what it sounds like. Once you get it where you want it -- you will know it. From my perspective it sounds pretty good already.
  25. Hey Daryl. I will add you to the list of those who can relate and now you can consider yourself a member of the Reluctant Mature Musicians Club (RMMC). I'm glad that it made you chuckle --- after all that was the point of the song. Thanks for listening and commenting. Hi Bjorn. Thanks for the kind words my friend. I know that at least some of us on this forum can relate to the subject. I'll add you to the list and the RMMC rolls. It is always a challenge to find a photo that will match the song. Thanks again! Hi Allan. I'll also add you to the list of those who can relate. An RMMC invitation is extended. Thanks very much for taking the time to listen and comment. Hi Lynn. You are also on the list and consider yourself a member or the RMMC. Thanks for your kind comments. KC huh --- hmmm, what is the weather like! ? Hey Tom. Another one for the list of those who can relate (and invitation extended). Thanks very much for your suggestions. I'll be going back to the working file on this song to take a look at what I can do and also apply this advice for any future song. Thanks again. Hello Jesse! I'm sorry, but if you can't relate you can't get on the list or obtain membership in the RMMC. However, not to worry!!! Time passes very quickly and before you know it, bingo, you'll be able to relate and up for membership. After all there are some advantages to -- ummm -- let's call it to maturity. Thanks for listening and your kind comments Jesse!! Hi DeeringAmps. 1952, Yup your in and on the list. Thanks very much for listening and the kind comments.
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