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freddy j

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Everything posted by freddy j

  1. freddy j

    A Flattened 3rd

    Hi Wookiee. I think one of the traits of music is that it should create some kind of feeling or emotion (e.g., happy, sad, introspective, crazy joy, etc., etc.) You always seem to weave notes and sounds and landscapes that draw a person in and really create a feeling (like the terms soundscape and cinematic above). This song is no exception. Well done!!!
  2. Hey Rik. Glad to see you participating on the new forum. You betray yourself when you say that this song is "worse". I think that you have done a terrific job on this cheery jazz number. I enjoyed listening and thank for posting.
  3. I know I'm in a minority but I don't particularly savour PF's musical style. However (let me quickly add), I do listen to them. One certainly has to admire their command of music, skill, and creativity. I think you have done an excellent job in covering this and adding your own touches. Well done and you certainly don't "suck" at what you have produced here.
  4. freddy j


    Good one John B. I like the jazz/fusion to it and the vocal fx. The drop in the vocal at the end of some of the verse lines adds an interesting dimension to this song. Nice one!!
  5. That "hypnotic" guitar riff initially reminded me of Sonny James song -- Young Love (ya, I know -- I'm dating my self). I really like the guitar lead break. Nice one!! I enjoyed it!
  6. Several days ago I was listening to the song "Tuff" by Ace Cannon. It was done in a style that we used to call "raunchy rock". A few days later I was in a silly mood and was thinking about that song. Using the title I came up with this number. While it used the title and it is about tough, it is not an instrumental and I don't think that I duplicated that raunchy rock style (mine is too up-tempo). Anyway, if you listen to it, I hope that it gives you a bit of a giggle. As always comments, crit.'s, suggestions, donations (?), etc. will be much appreciated. Thanks! LITTLE ANNIE FANNIE https://www.soundclick.com/bands3/default.cfm?bandID=963481
  7. Jesse, I don't know how you do it but somehow you took some pretty bland guitar stuff that I sent and made it sound really cool and creative. Daryl is right -- this type of music will never be heard on mainstream radio but there are some of us who like something that is a bit different and creative. There are also a few venues that actually venture into the experimental genre (e.g., community radio, pirate radio, on-line radio, etc.). Anyway, keep on doing what you like to do and thanks for asking me to participate again! Thanks to Daryl and Grem for their comments! Oh ya --- I love the ending and the "catsup" stuff!
  8. I must have listened to the version with improvements because it sounds doggone good to me! Great job on the vocals and ditto to the complements above!
  9. This is another emotional song that you have shared with us and I think that your vocals really convey the message and intent of the lyrics. To me this song is particularly interesting because while it is an emotional and introspective song the melody has a bit of a light feel to it. I find that this give the song a very attractive and "pop" feel. Well done my friend!
  10. What a wonderful tribute to your father. Well done!!
  11. This is a beautiful video and musical piece. The choice of video and matching of music smacked me in the face with emotion. Your vocals were brilliant and really sold the song. Thanks for posting.
  12. Excellent playing!! Your excellent playing skills really bring out the emotion of this song.
  13. This is indeed a beautiful piece of music and your playing is excellent. I ditto all of the comments above. Excellent work!!
  14. What an absoflippinlutely wonderful treat it was to watch (and listen) to this video!!! I know that we have all been trapped by someone showing us pictures of babies, grandkids, etc. but I really appreciate that you shared this. You did an excellent job with the music. In particular, I liked how the clips of the singing were incorporated into the video and how the tempo of the music matched the singing. Brilliant --- Kudos!!!
  15. I do this music stuff because it is great therapy for me but when it brings a smile or giggle to another, then that is just icing on the cake (walk). Thank you Bjorn!!!
  16. Hi John. Ya, it is a bit different --- hopefully, a bit more Slinky? Thanks very much for taking the time to listen and especially for your comments and letting me know what you think. Hello Bob. As always, I appreciate your insight and comments. I was going for the slinky feel and if I hit that then all is "sat-fat". Thanks again pal!! Hey Lynn. Thank you for your kind comments and encouragement. BTW I just finished listening to your new post and it is an absolute knockout!!! Well done my friend! Thank you Daryl. I very much appreciate it! Hi Steve. I have taken Tom's and your comments to heart and have posted one more attempt at getting it right. Hopefully, this new attempt will sound a little less cluttered. Thanks very much for your input!! Hi Joad. Thank you very much. Ya, it is kinda old school --- like me. Thanks again! Hey Kenny. I think that we all have a place where we used to go to listen to the Blues. Unfortunately, here in the Tampa Bay area good Blues places seem harder to find. Thanks very much for taking the time to listen and comment.
  17. A beautiful rendition of this song. Your vocals are absolutely perfect in this song. As one who tends to abuse reverb/delay, I admire your ability to cut back on it.
  18. Living here in central/south FL I have been exposed to a number of Latin styles of music. I'll be doggoned if you haven't done an excellent job on this style of Latin Rock. Excellent playing and I got a kick out of the background vox --- nice touch (nice touch on that guitar also). Thanks for posting, I really enjoyed this.
  19. Absoflippinlutely, terrific number Lynn. The music and instrumentation complement and accentuate some really poignant lyrics. Sincere complements on your vocals. They are urgent, express great emotion and are even somewhat demanding but they are not over selling the song (over selling the song - a pet peeve of mine). Maybe a train drumming might be an alternative for the drums; however, I don't have a great concern with what you used. An excellent song with a message that needs to be heard. Well done my friend!!!
  20. Good information --- Thank you gentlemen!
  21. Hi Garybrun. Thanks for your comments and insight. I'll be working on bringing up the vocals and maybe a wee bit more EQ -- probably tonight. Hi Jesse. Thanks much for commenting. Also, thanks again for inviting me in on the colab. You did an excellent job on putting it all together! Hey Douglas. I very much appreciate the kind comments. Wouldn't it be nice if the Fabulous Thunderbirds had covered it . Hi Allan. I am very glad that you dun dug it. Thanks very much for taking the time to listen and comment!!
  22. Excellent!!! I think that this is one of my favourites from you. I was ready to jump in my m'stang and start driving somewhere --- any where. You know what you are doing when it comes to recording and mixing and recording, so I won't (and shouldn't given my abilities) comment about that. However, this song has your signature hard rocking style. You have a great ability in adding little nuances that really make your songs interesting. I reference the "shifting gears" mentioned by Jesse and Lynn above. I felt like I was bumped up into overdrive at the 2:30 mark. Really good stuff pal!!!
  23. What a great and fun song. To me it sounds as if you were trying adapt the early 20th Century ragtime style to the current time. I got the same impression from Professor Longhair for his era. For me it works! I wouldn't worry about the drums they work. The same thing with the horns. To me they don't strike me as the pioneering style of ragtime but in this song and styling they work. Good stuff and thanks for posting!
  24. freddy j


    I certainly echo the compliments above. This is a very haunting song both melodically and lyrically. An excellent and absolutely beautiful and well done song!!!
  25. What is not to like about this song?! Great composition, the performances by all, the vocals are excellent and the mix (production) sounds really good. Oh ya the lyrics are terrific! Excellent job by both of you!!!
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