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freddy j

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Everything posted by freddy j

  1. Well I did a cold reboot, and that did the trick. I can't answer the question but I can say that I did enjoy this number. Well done my furry friend!
  2. Well now ain't this a shame? I tried listening but that little thing just keeps going round and around and I can't get any music. This I want to hear -- so, I'll try again later. I have had this trouble on BandLab before.
  3. Cool!!!! I love it. The music was very well done and the video creative and fun. Just one question ---- how, do those aliens play guitars so well with only three fingers??
  4. Beautiful song Rex. Your performance, particularly the vocal, is great, as are the arrangement and lyrics. Excellent job!
  5. freddy j

    Sunday jam

    Crisp, clean mix and some really nice guitar playing on that lead guitar!!! The two rhythm guitars panned left and right really give this number a Credence Clearwater Revival (one of my favourite groups back in the day) feel and carry the the song along nicely with that swamp music feel. Love it!!! Great Job!
  6. Hi tom. I'm really glad that you like this one. I always appreciate your commenting and encouragement. Hey David. Thanks very much for the kind words and I very glad that you liked it. I think that we have all been in situations where we feel that way. Yup, I have certainly gotten egg all over my shoes. Thanks Douglas. I very much appreciate the comments. As this was my first real attempt at this style I was a bit wary about it. Thanks for noticing the organ. I did kind of push it in the background as all those black and white keys confused me. ☺️ Hi Nigel. I appreciate that you took the time to listen and comment. I very much appreciate the kind words. Hi Jack C. Thanks for listening and commenting, and I glad that you enjoyed it. Thanks also for the tip on the bass. I went back and listened to some reggae, and I get what you are saying. As I am used to playing on the downbeat, I am going to have to practice that a bit. Thanks again.
  7. Sweet home in ' bama indeed! It does have that southern rock feel to it. Performance was done very well and the mix sounds great to me! I enjoyed the video as well. For a Yorkshire guy you captured that southern (Dixie) rock sound. The Lawson and Peacock side of my family hail from Yorkshire. Thumbs up on this one!
  8. freddy j


    Let me join the list of Kudos above. Brilliantly done and a very professional job by all involved. Loved the guitar work! Oh ya -- the sax also.
  9. freddy j

    ya ba da ba do

    Fun song -- fun but somewhat serious lyrics. I liked the panning on the percussion and good timing on the vocals. Daryl is right this is something that might get stuck in one's head. Experimental Hip Hop?? Whatever -- but fun and enjoyable for sure!!!
  10. Brilliant indeed!!! Great job guys. Not only great performances, arrangement and mix but really great lyrics. Now that I am old and retired, I have claimed the right to be an old grouch and I can relate to these lyrics. It was a treat to listen to this song.
  11. I thought that you did a great job on this. I am a fan of live performances and not so much for "over-production" on some of the commercial stuff put out. I guess that is why I like the old time Blues, early R 'n R, etc. Your recording of this performance captured a great balance between the humanity of a live performance and the art of a studio production. Well done!!
  12. Jesse - you have a great talent for putting together sounds, vocalization and instrumentation that may not sound "traditional" on their own, BUT, when you put it all together it makes sense. Nice one pal.
  13. freddy j

    Walking on Eggs

    Here is a light little song about an uncomfortable feeling that I have had a few times. It is done tongue-in-cheek (of course). Have you ever had that feeling? I have walked away from this song a few times. It is the first time that I have intentionally tried to approach a reggae style song -- or at least my approximation of one. Therefore, I would especially appreciate any suggestion, crit.'s, etc. Thanks!! WALKING ON EGGS https://www.soundclick.com/artist/default.cfm?bandid=963481
  14. You have made a very good video that really shows some great nesting behaviour and the humming bird feeding was excellent (particularly the ending where it leaves the feeder). That is quite a combination of equipment that you have. It makes me want to rush out and get a camera while it is still cool here and the transitory birds are here for the winter. The song really fit well and enhanced the video well. Nice work my friend.
  15. Excellent!!! What is not to like? You have produced a piece with a great message, vocals, melody, instrumentation, mix, etc. The message is particularly poignant for the time. Cheers to the new Dynamic Duo of the forum.
  16. Captivating work!!!! This might be especially poignant today. Well done!
  17. Very nicely done indeed and good tribute! I did like the work-song/gospel parts that started and ended the song.
  18. Hi Daryl - I'm glad that you found the song. Thanks much for taking the time to listen and the kind words. The drums are from an old clip that I had. A wee bit of comp and tiny bit of reverb and they almost sound modern. ☺️ Thanks again. Hi Starise. It is indeed a sad situation for many. RE: the vocal -- this involved my abuse of delay and reverb. I used my old Boss Digital Delay stomp box on the lead vocal. As I seem to uncontrollably do, I perhaps (or actually?) used too much. As soon as I can find the working file, I'll give it another go. I appreciate the input and thanks for listening.
  19. Apologies for taking so long to respond. Time just keeps rushing past. I can't quite figure out why as we are being good and staying at home trying to avoid Cov. Time should be moving slowly not fast. Go figure? Hi Lynn. Thanks very much for the very kind words and encouragement! This was a bit of a different style for me. I recently heard about an acquaintance that was struggling with another round of depression. This brought to mind others that I have known. I do not suffer from such a malady but I can empathize. A few days later I was listening to the song Torokh by DakhaBrakha and was mesmerized by the bass (cello) line. It seemed to fit what I had been thinking about and I mixed up the two ideas. Many thanks again. Hey Paul. Thanks!! I appreciate the kind words. I think that you are right - most of us have experienced such a state at one time or another, or known someone who has. Hi Mark. I am very glad that you enjoyed it. You made my day! Hey David. As a wee bit of a child I remember hearing some beat poetry/music on the radio. I was too young to understand the lyrics/poetry but I dug the over all feel. Finger snap applause - brilliant idea -- why didn't I think about that? ? Thanks very much for listening and commenting. Hey Kenny. I have known a few people that have suffered from problems like this right into adulthood. I fortunately had good, supportive parents and did not carry problems like that into adulthood (with the exception of my possible quirkiness). However, one can certainly empathize. Thanks very much for listening and the kind comments. Hi Nigel. Thank you very much. Given the excellent quality and creativity of what you have been posting, I very much appreciate your comments. Hi 53mph. I was caught a bit off guard by your interpretation. However, upon listening to the song again I can see where one could possibly take this as being sarcastic. Please be assured that this was certainly not my intent. My intent was concern and compassion. Thanks for the reference and I'll give it a listen. Also thanks for listening and your perspective.
  20. Great production all the way around. Interesting lyrics and subject!
  21. This is a bit different from you but it has your wonderful Jesse signature all over it. I love that extra dissonant guitar sound! Ditto to Gary above.
  22. The lyric and story told are very interesting. The dark music is a perfect accompaniment and the video really ties everything together. Very good production ----- it all works!
  23. Great start! I look forward to hearing the finished product!
  24. freddy j


    I thought that I responded to this but I thought that I should check to be sure. I am glad that I did -- because -- I hadn't. This is indeed a beautiful mellow piece. Really nice guitar, cool Bass solo, and the horns sound great.
  25. Hi Jack C. Thanks very much for listening and for the input and suggestions. Hey Wookiee. I very glad that you liked it and thanks for the feedback. But, more specific on my genre definition!!!??? That was my edited definition! You should have seen it before I edited it. ? Hi Douglas. I was a bit hesitant about posting this song. It was not my usual type of style and my most thorough critic (my wife) hated this song. She said it was the lyrics - they were too dark (can you imagine that?). Thanks very much for listening and the kind comments. Hi Bjorn. Ya, this was a bit different for me but to misquote John Lee Hooker - it was in me and had to come out. Thanks for listening and the kind comments. Hey tom. Thanks for listening and commenting pal. I'm still looking for your YouTube site. There is a Deering Amps but is that you? Thanks again.
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