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freddy j

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Everything posted by freddy j

  1. Electronic music and synths are much too complicated for me to try and use. However, I can appreciate the music that they can produce. I very much appreciated this song. Well done!
  2. I believe that this really captured the NPR flavour. As is, this would make great "bumper" music for on air use. Very well done indeed!!
  3. Let me add my kudos to the ones above. Your vocals and lyrics are great but I was really impressed by the instrumentation. There was really a lot going on but it all fit perfectly in a great arrangement.
  4. freddy j

    penny too

    Luv it Jesse! I love the start and stop drums. Would you be so kind as to share----- what drums are you using? I am driving my self nuts trying to do an AfroBeat thing --- starting with the drums. Tks!
  5. freddy j


    Great sounding 1960's pop-ish sound. Your vocals, harmonies and BGV,s sound very good indeed. To my fossilized ears the melody and vocals have a wee bit of a McCartney sound (a complement indeed!). Good work Allan!
  6. Throughout life one gets a chance to meet all kinds of people. Some become friends, some acquaintances, and other not-so-much friends. This is a song about some that I have met. These individuals had a hard childhood which in turn made adult life difficult for them. I have combined these images into the subject of this song. It is done up in a mix of styles: jazzy, bluesy, beatnick-ish, and alternative. How is that for specificity? Anyway, I hope you enjoy it. As always input, comments, crit.'s, suggestions, etc. will be very much appreciated. POOR LITTLE DARLIN' https://www.soundclick.com/artist/default.cfm?bandid=963481
  7. freddy j

    Milo !

    Hi Kenny. Congratulation on your new canine friend. Love the jazzy funk sound of this song. The back and forth between the Washburn and Telecaster was an absolute treat. Of course your playing was absoflippinlutely stellar!!!
  8. Oooo, I love this! The guitar work is great - very tasteful! The vocal melody (especially in the beginning) really captured me and the choruses are very well done. Good work all the way around!
  9. Depression and addiction seem to walk hand in hand - don't they? This is a great tribute to your friend. Well done my friend!
  10. A nice breezy, jazzy feel to this song. That shared lead sounds great. Good one!
  11. freddy j

    Part 5

    A high five on Part 5. This one has a bit of and anticipatory edge to it. Cool!!! I like the change coming in at the end!
  12. IMHO, thought that your production was wonderful. I appreciate the scrolling lyrics as they tell good stories and have poignant messages to tell. I agree with Mark (above) - you are a talented guitarist. I have attempted (with the emphasis on attempted) to do a few videos and have used HitFilm. The reason for this choice is that they have lots of video tutorials. Good work and I look forward to more of your postings.
  13. I went through a phase where I was absolutely blotto about late 1930's -1940's big band music. Charlie Barnet 's cover of Ray Nobles' "Cherokee" was one of my favourites. This is an excellent representation/recreation of the sound of this era. The vocalist really captured the crooner style of the time. Your mix sounds excellent. The instruments are all clear and identifiable while still contributing to the overall sound. My attempts at mixing more than just a few instruments have resulted in something much less than barely adequate. Well done!!
  14. Hi Noynekker. Thanks very much for listening and for the very kind words. I'm glad that you enjoyed it and hope that it might have brought a bit of a smile to your face. Admittedly, it is a bit of a bother to be restricted, as we are supposed to be. However, I think that I can see a small light at the end of the tunnel. Thanks again. Hi Bapu. I'm glad that you liked it. Thanks very much for listening and commenting. Hey Tom. Thanks for listening. I went back and listened and my vocals can always use some help. Given my EQ'ing/mixing skills I'll make an honest attempt at trying to pump some air into the vocals. Thanks very much for the input and suggestion! Hi John B. I hadn't heard that but if anyone should be a non-spreader and immune it certainly should be Santa. What a relief! Thanks very much for listening and I appreciate your comments.
  15. This is very cool Wookiee. I can see this as complimentary music to a video scene or a video as complimentary to the music. The music itself certainly calls up emotions from this listener.
  16. Ya done good Jesse. At least I always feel good after listening to your work.
  17. freddy j

    Free Flight

    Really excellent job by all!!! I love the driving throughout the song and the build up from acoustic to electric on the guitar. The video was a perfect complement to the music (or visa versa). Congratulations on the HiFi deal!
  18. The mix sounds good to me as did the performance. BTW, your vocals sounded great! I loved the lyrics, subject and humour of the song. Very clever indeed.. Excellent work!!!
  19. freddy j


    Shades of the sounds that came out of Jacksonville (FL) and from Skynard. Great job on singing, playing, and mix. You certainly captured that sound from the early '70 southern rock style.
  20. Hey Bjorn. You noticed the Jingle Bell Rock intro! Ya, it was just a bit of a borrow, that I hope doesn't violate any copyright laws. I couldn't quite figure those kayakers/surfers either. Its not nice to mess with Mother Nature -- especially sharks. Hopefully, we are on the road to defeating this pandemic. Thanks for checking out both the song and the video, and thanks for the kind comments. Hi Douglas. Thanks for checking out both "Santa and the Mask" and "Great White Shark." It was my intent to have the former represent a kind of jazzy Blues style and the latter as more of a low energy surf song. Hopefully that came through. Thanks again for the kind comments. Hey David. I enjoyed your last post! Well done! Thanks for taking the time to listen to the song and watch the video. Thanks also for your kind comments. I have been introducing myself to HitFilm Express (Express is free). In trying to learn it, I find that my learning curve is approaching exponential. It is fun however Thank you again. Hi Beagle. I doing well Beagle. How have you been? I listened to your recent post and really enjoyed listening to this well done, uplifting song. Thanks for listening to the Santa song. I very much appreciate it and your kind comments. It was a slight attempt and providing tongue-in-cheek encouragement in this time of pandemic. Thanks again!
  21. Wow and Wow again. This is excellent. It gives me a bit of a Gang of Four vibe, especially in the first verse or two. The lyrics were most impressive and carried nicely by the vocal presentation. Delay --- I absoflippinlutely love delay. That must be why I abuse it so much. However, your use of it in this song was perfect. The rhythmic nature of the instrumentation was also perfect in driving this song along. Great work!!!!
  22. This is a wonderful and uplifting song. Kudos to all on a job well done. My headset is a bargain basement variety and all sounds good. However, on my set the lead vox was a bit low especially near the beginning.
  23. freddy j

    Hate Me

    Another well done up-tempo pop song. Love the guitar work (lead and rhythm notes) in this song. Also, I like the rhythmic feel to this song. Well done!!!
  24. A trumpet ??? You know what -- it works!!!! Luv that guitar in the beginning. The guitar reminds me of the sound by one of the punk bands in the mid to late "70's. I just can remember which one (oh well, another senior moment). This is just plain old COOL stuff!!! Another treat for my ears Jesse!!!
  25. freddy j


    Hi again Douglas. I have never used those pick-ups. My Strat (early 1970's) predates the Lace pickups and fell in to disuse due to the long hours required at work. I did have a friend that had a Strat with those pickups (single coil I believe) and loved it.
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