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freddy j

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Everything posted by freddy j

  1. Hi John! How did I miss this one?! Thanks for letting me know about it. What can I say about this but -- Excellent! The arrangement is complex but still "accessible" to unsophisticated guys like me. All the changes smoothly lead into each other. I love the bass leads in this number as well as your harmonies and performance . The mix is crisp and each instrument clear and over all has a good level of DR. Your lyrics do express wonderment indeed. This might be your best yet. I very much enjoyed this one!!!
  2. Thank you for the listen and comments Mark. You're right -- too much time for thinking can be a bane but can also be a time for some good reflection and decisions. My, my --- that is uncharacteristically optimistic of me. ? Hi Tom. Thanks much for your comments and PM. I do hope that your wife and you are doing well! Hello HSM. Thanks very much for listening and responding! I am very glad that you liked it! Hi Nigel. Thanks very much for listening and taking the time to comment. Just a wee bit of social observation from the fictitious Freddy J and the Good Guys. BTW, Luv your new post!! Hey David. Good to hear from you. I am glad that you enjoyed it. I very much appreciate your kind comments. Hi Bjorn. Thanks very much appreciate the kind words. I'm looking forward to listening (and watching) to some new posts from you!
  3. And yet again ---- excellent! It does indeed "Sound Like Heaven".
  4. Very nice nice song indeed! It has all of the qualities that would make it commercially viable. You vocal performance is great!! Oh ya, cool title!!!
  5. freddy j

    8 Hot Dog Buns

    I like this song and I agree it does have a Numan-esque sound to it. To me (from a somewhat selfish standpoint) one of the real values of this forum is the advice I have received. There is some good advice above. This is coming from someone who has and still does occasionally receive impassioned comments to cut back on the amount of reverb on my vocal. This is a good song and a wee bit of work will certainly add to it.
  6. Hi tom. Thanks for the kind comments. As long as I got close --- Jimmy McCracklin's rhythmic style is certainly his own. Not sure if the comments down the post were directed to me nor am I sure what the numbers mean. I don't follow stat's like that very closely. I will be the first to admit that I am a poor communicator - especially virtually. I offer no excuses but do offer a reason for a recent lack of participation. My wife had to go in the hospital a few weeks ago and now that she is at home I have been taking care of her while she recuperates. I appreciate your taking the time to listen and comment!! Hey Wookiee. Thank you my furry friend (I love alliterations). A lot of McCracklin's songs were that way (e.g., The Walk). I was hoping I got near that style. Hi Bapu. Good to see you back on the Forum again. Can we expect some tunes from the Coffee House Band (or spinoffs)? I hope so. Thanks for taking the time to listen and comment. It is much appreciated.
  7. freddy j

    You & Me

    Hi Mark. I agree with David above. My first thought in first hearing this was --"What great driving music." Very nice guitar work indeed and everything fits together nicely. IMHO, it doesn't really need vocals.
  8. This is an interesting and well done piece. Kind of fun really! Love the title but I prefer mine black. Nice one indeed!
  9. This is a beautiful song and the images are great. Well done!
  10. This turned out great Lynn. You did a very professional job in putting this all together. This is indeed a very important topic. Not only from an ecological standpoint but from an economic stand point. Much of Florida's agriculture depends on these little critter's. I love oranges and I love honey. The honey comes directly from bees and the oranges come from the activities of bees in pollinating orange tree flowers. Excellent work Lynn, and thanks for inviting me to participate.
  11. Indeed whatever you are using works. Great guitar playing, luv the background instrumentation and the changes throughout. Excellent!
  12. Not only the mix sounds great to these unsophisticated ears but the entire song, from lyrics to performance, sounds good. To me music is a qualitative experience and thus perfection depends upon the listeners and composers individually. Of course consensus tends to rule, so sign me up as a vote that it sounds doggone good as is! Nice one!!!
  13. Well it is back to the comfort zone and love of the early 1950's style Blues. The attempt was to do it in a kind of Jimmy McCracklin style of Blues/Rhythm 'n Blues (early to mid-1950'style). It is about a guy who has been isolated (perhaps due to CoVid 19?) for a while. This has given this poor subject of the song - "Too Much Time For Thinking." I am always appreciative of your comments, suggestions, crit.'s, etc. Thanks! TOO MUCH TIME FOR THINKING https://www.soundclick.com/artist/default.cfm?bandid=963481
  14. I don't have any additions to the above comments. I just want to let you know I enjoyed the song - thanks for posting!
  15. This song has a lot of majesty and dark tones to it. I too am impressed with how we you have arranged and mixed this number, and the creativity behind it!
  16. freddy j

    Rock Song

    Definitely shades of AC/DC and I have always liked their stuff. They were a great hard rocking band and they knew that is what they were -- no false pretenses given off by them. I agree with the comments above about the first song. However, given that little tweak, you have posted a couple of well performed and cool hard rockers. Well done!!
  17. freddy j

    A Soft Parade

    I liked the lighthearted sound of this number. It certainly put a smile on my face. I have had a contentious relationship with synths and MIDI. Because of that I always admire those, such as you, that can create such wonderful sounds.
  18. Very nice number indeed! I add my kudos to your excellent guitar playing.
  19. Thanks very much for your comments Wookiee. On this particular song I used WAV clips from both MT PowerDrum Kit2 (Free) and the now extinct Drag and Drop Drummer. The clips from MT PowerDrum Kit are not as pliable as I would like but I do like their sound. Thanks again.
  20. Jack C., Nigel, Douglas, Makke, Tom, tom, John B, Bjorn, and Lynn. First of all my apologies for the delay in responding. It has been one of those periods of time where what can go wrong does go wrong. In my case roofing problems (need a new one -- not a good time for this during rainy and hurricane season), a brief brush with preparation for and clean-up from Elsa, and a stint in the hospital for my wife, and yes - etc. Secondly, my apologies for not responding individually but I thought it wise to get out a response sooner than later. Thank you all for listening to this song and your comments are very much appreciated. Y'all have made some good suggestions and I will be pulling up the working file and trying to apply some fixes. I assume that most comments about the vox are concerning the BGV/harmonies -- after all it couldn't be my lead singing (I jest -- of course), Actually, a MIDI voice was used on the BGV's (oddly enough called Voice Oohs). I think that the balance between the two octaves used might be off and of course I will look at the timing/sync issues as well. The guitar balancing will also be looked at. Thanks also for all the kind comments and the encouragement! Cheers!
  21. I am off on a bit of a different path again. This is a laid back, kind of early 1960's pop ballad song. At least that was the attempt of this number. The subject of this song is just having an imaginary conversation with a past memory. Not that he is unhappy or regretful but he is just enjoying a pleasant memory, As always any comments, suggestions, etc. will be appreciated. I hope you enjoy. DO YOU REMEMBER? https://www.soundclick.com/artist/default.cfm?bandid=963481
  22. I am not familiar with the original song but I love what you have done with it. I agree with Nigel above. It does have a bit of that Shadows sound which makes it even better for me. Well done!
  23. Don't y'all ever "mess-up". Your consistently brilliant productions are a wonderment to we mortals. This song has a wee bit of a U2 feel to it (at least to me). One of the things that I used to love about the early U2 stuff was the driving tempo (a good mix between drum and bass) and the urgency of the presentation of the song. This number reminds me of that -- so, you know I like it. Excellent work pal!
  24. This is indeed a beautiful song. Great lyrics and excellent performance. I tend to draw upon advice given by Thelonious Monk to a young but rising vocalist. This advice was --- don't try and be so perfect but just follow the music. Your song might have a few minor points that you might want to correct but you certainly have engaged in following the music and presenting a great song.
  25. Thanks for listening and commenting! You would love some of the summer thunderstorms that we have had over the past few days -- if you like lightning. I also hope that is it is a light season -- thanks!
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