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freddy j

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Everything posted by freddy j

  1. Very nice work indeed! You have captured this song! I think that all of the Beatles would approve as would Mr. G. Martin.
  2. freddy j

    The Garden

    Personal experience always adds emotion and a reality to songs. This is a beautiful song with good lyrics and an honesty about it. Nice one!
  3. Another great sounding song from you! Allan might have a good idea with a bit of vocal harmonies or BGV's. Very nice indeed -- liked that lead break!
  4. Thank you very much Mark. Your comments are very much appreciated and thanks for both the kind words and suggestions. Lynn has already sent a Re-Mix which I have posted. It sounds to me that most if not all of your suggestions were taken by Lynn. I hope this sounds better. I'm very glad that you enjoyed it! Hi tom! Thank you very much for the very kind words and suggestions. Your comments are always insightful!! Lynn is the master mixer and I have posted his re-mix. Hopefully, it will have earned that second thumb ?. Thanks again! Hi John. I am glad that you enjoyed it and I hope it brought on a bit of a smile or maybe even a giggle. The suggestions have been taken and Lynn has made some revisions which have been posted. Hopefully, this virtual aural gig will now be a little closer to a live gig. Thanks again! Hello Jack. Thanks for listening and also for taking the time to comment. It is much appreciated. Hopefully, your suggestions have been addressed in the revision. Hey Wookiee. Thank you my fine furry friend. We very much appreciate the comments. I'm very glad that you liked it. Hopefully, it gave you a bit of a smile. As to the 1% ----- it would be nice if they could at least pay a living wage and their fair share of taxes.
  5. Hi Paul. You have a wonderful way of combining introspective lyrics and melodies with very cheery instrumentation. Luv it!! This has a great sound and commercial appeal!
  6. Being the perfectionist that he is --- Lynn just sent me a revision to the mix based on comments by Mark and Tom. Yet again he made the first mix sound even better with this one. Thanks Lynn!!! This is deja vu all over again. I had another song that I have been fighting with for quite a while. I again turned to Lynn and he was kind enough to help. I sent him the lyrics, a draft mp3 of what I had done and a pile of wav files for each track (e.g., instrumentals, vocals, BGV's/harmonies, and even crowd noises). Lynn had the savvy and talent to take this mess clean it up and make something cogent out of it. He added a hot sax and dressed up the guitars so that they now sound good (especially that one panned R), and added to the BGV's/harmonies and banter of the intro. I know that the intro is long but I was trying to recreate a small venue atmosphere and a style that some of the old blues guys used to use. You know - introduce the band, introduce the featured guest, set up the song with a little banter, and make the call to order (e.g. are you ready)). Anyway I am glad that the song is finally done but I had fun doing it and I hope Lynn did also. Lynn - many thanks for lending your talent and immeasurable help for this song. I hope that this song gives you a bit of a giggle and maybe puts a smile on your face. As always comments, suggestions, crit.'s are very much appreciated. POOR BOY https://www.soundclick.com/artist/default.cfm?bandid=963481
  7. Thanks for putting it back up John. I think that musically this is a beautiful song and that the lyrics are honest. What in the world could be wrong with that!? I hope you keep posting your songs. Nice one!!!
  8. Thanks Douglas! I very much appreciate your listening to and commenting on this song. Lynn had a great deal to do with shaping this song and bring it into the 21st century. He is indeed quite a talent! Hi tom. Well I am glad that you found us. Lynn has a much better understanding of all the bells, whistles and stuff to make a song sound good than do I. Hopefully, some of it will be absorbed by me. Thanks for your comments and encouragement pal! Hi Wookiee. I get what you are saying. Actually, this was song was an attempt to disparage greed and wealth disparity. Having worked through the last two years of high school, and undergraduate and graduate school, I did develop some of that focus that you mention. I didn't have a lot of "things" but I did learn to appreciate the good moments. "Carpe Momentum"! Thanks for taking the time to comment. Hey Jesse. Thanks for the kind words. BTW , i enjoyed your post "Jam With A New Band". BTW @2 there may be another collab posted shortly.
  9. I always always enjoy the songs that you post Doug. Love the guitar accents/leads and the driving power pop sound of this song. Your vocals/harmonies are also great. I agree with comments above -- you do have your own signature style and it really works!
  10. Sorry that you deleted this one John. I normally like what you have posted and feel as if I have missed something by not hearing this.
  11. freddy j


    This is a beautiful piece of music and the visuals are stunning. I thought that the black screen transitions were very creative. Even an old rock n roller/Blues lover like me can appreciate the mood that you have created in this song/video. To my tired old ears the mix sounded darn near perfect. Well done!!!!!
  12. freddy j


    This does have a bit of a retro psych-pop sound to it. This song has a very light, happy sound to it. I really enjoyed this one!
  13. Hi John. Thank you! Lynn had some great ideas and was easy to work with. I believe that you might be hearing at least one more in the not do distant future. Thanks again.
  14. Well the boys and girls in the band were good but the song is pure Jesse. Although pursuant to the conversations above, this song must be jazz (jelly) because funk (jam) don't shake like that. BTW, the drums - the drums - who played the drums? Nice one pal!
  15. freddy j


    I love that bass sound in this song. Great production on this! The guitar sounds are absoflippinlutely awesome - especially that wee bit of dissonance on that one chord. I must be sounding redundant but this is another wonderful production from y'all.
  16. I absoflippinlutely loved this!!! It was creative - the visuals were perfect and synced to the music- the music was excellent, - and the mix was also. The lyrics were also perfect for the theme. There was nothing not to like about this one (is this a double negative?).
  17. freddy j


    Wow -- excellent. The song, arrangement, performance and mix are wonderful. The visuals are equally good. This was entertaining and professionally done. BTW, luv that little whispering vocal like sound panned right.
  18. freddy j

    Warp 6

    Your whole Warp series of posts has been absolutely stellar. Warp 6 is no exception. Excellent stuff! BTW if one travels at 392 times faster than the speed of light does that mean that when you arrive at your destination you are younger than when you took off? Just wondering.
  19. Love this song Douglas! The rhythmic riff throughout "Lucky Break" is absolutely hypnotic and good. The sounds that you have gotten out of that Strat are excellent. Vocals and BGV's are also excellent! What-the-hey, the whole doggone thing is just terrific!
  20. freddy j


    Another captivating piece from my favourite alien musician!
  21. Great sounding mix John! This is a lovely song with some very heart felt lyrics carried along by a great melody! Oh ya -- "very creative ending" indeed.
  22. Most cool Indeed!!! Some interesting social observations in this song. Luv the pauses -- they give one a brief second or two to absorb the lyrics. Finger snap applause with both hands on this one!
  23. Hi Noyneker. This song was bothering me. I tried to trash it but it wouldn't let me go. I appreciate Lynn's help in getting it out of the mud and cleaning it up. It also was a lot of fun! Better get your castaway songs out of the trash bin before the trash truck comes. Thanks very much for listening and your kind words are very much appreciated. Hello Makke. Thank you -- I appreciate the kind comments. BTW, I very much liked listening to your recent post "Dark Eyes". Hi Hidden Symmetry. Thanks for listening and for your comments. I just had a feeling that Lynn might be the person that would pull this number out of its rut and boy did he ever! Thanks again. Hi Steve. Lynn took your and Tom's comments to heart and sent me a new mix which I have now posted. Thanks for your insight and for listening. I think that Lynn's changes have improved the song and should address your suggestions. Thanks again. Helloo Jesse. I personally have not been "... taken, over and over" but I have been over taken a few times. I'm glad that you liked it pal! Thanks for listening and the suggestion. Hi David. Cynicism can be useful at times. It can also be overwhelming at times. This song was a bit different from the usual bluesabilly stuff but it feels good to go in a different direction every once in a while. Thank you for listening and for the kind words David. Hey Nigel. I'm very glad that you liked this number. It was a treat in doing this song with Lynn. He certainly has some good ideas and talent! Thanks for your kind comments -- they are very much appreciated!
  24. freddy j


    Love the retro feel to this song. I really enjoyed the story being told by the lyrics. Well done Allan!!
  25. Absolutely cool stuff my furry friend. Could one get past the speed of light in a black hole or perhaps around the edge? As I have this rather contentious relationship with synths (they intimidate me), I am always amazed by your ability to create sounds and put them together in a musical package that creates mind images (at least for me). Well done -- I enjoyed this brief period of space travel.
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