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Everything posted by freddy j
I like this song. You are right the lyrics are good and I really like the change in tempo. I always hate to comment on mixing since I always have trouble with my own mixes and I use "dollar store" equipment. However, I will make an attempt anyway! This sounds like a very rhythmic song and thus the bass, drums, and rhythm guitars should be driving this song ( not prominent but present). There are many ways to pan these instruments and all ways can work but a common way is the spread these out in the center area of the recording. The lead and organ can be place more to the L or R. All of this is up to the tastes of the mixer of course. Early on in my participation in this forum I received early advice concerning Dynamic Range and over compression. I normally try and keep my dynamic range around 8 or 9, with the realization that the current trend is to apply more compression. Before considering any of the above suggestions, I suggest you wait for other suggestions, from persons such as Douglas, who really know about which they are talking. With a little work I think you have a good song going here. I look forward to more of your songs.
First of all Happy New Year! I hope everyone had a good holiday season. My apologies for taking so long to respond but this was the first Christmas since the start of the pandemic that my wife and I had a chance to spend it with our son and my sister. We took some time to enjoy it and yes appropriate pandemic procedures were followed. My family is too important to me not! Hi Old Joad. Thanks very much for listening and taking the time to comment! The early electric blues of the 1950's and somewhat into the early 1960's is one of my favourite listening pleasures. The music was: raw; had a live emotional feel to it; loved the over-driven guitars; and the "under production" (is that a term?) are all what appeals to me. Thank you Antler! Good suggestions and I very much appreciate them. I am also having a problem with the competition among instruments and vocals in current number on which I am working. It is driving me crazy! I will apply some of your suggestions to this effort! Hi Allan. You are right we can all use advise on our songs and I very much appreciate the advice that I have been given. Thank you very much for your kind words and encouragement. That also is very much appreciated!!!!
Thanks Jack. This use of horns, synths, samplers, etc. is relatively new to me. Playing horns is a bit different than guitar. Trying to emulate the breathing, phrasing, etc. while trying to pay attention to recording and handling a keyboard are a bit overwhelming for a new area such as this for an old guy like me. Then there is the mixing ... oh my! Any specifics that you can provide me with would be much appreciated. Hi Makke. Thank you very much! BTW, love the song on your recent post! Hi tom and many thanks! When I re-work this one I will spread the panning out more on the horns and perhaps tone them down a bit. I used Session Horns (got it on sale) for the trumpets and the old Cakewalk TTS 1 1 for the baritone sax. I tried the DSK and Saxophia VST's but liked the sound of the TTS 1 1 much better (lower register?). I value your suggestions and appreciate your support. Thank you again!!! Hey Douglas. It is a bit different for me - as is using these new VST's. I'm very glad that you liked it. I appreciate your taking time to listen and for the kind comments! Hey Jesse. How are you pal? What I hear in my head is not always what comes out in the final product. I think in most instances that is a good thing. ? Thanks much for the comments and taking the time to listen. Much appreciated!!
This is a nice smooth, easy rolling Blues song! Well done!
Very well done. This is a beautiful honour to your mother.
You had me from the first few notes of this song. It is a very catchy song; well performed; and the mix sounds great. Very nice!
Very nice and well performed! The match between the vocal melodies and the guitar rhythms really set this song off well -- IMHO!
An absolute listening treat. Excellent playing and use of the tremolo bar. To me this definitely had a surf instrumental feel and reminded me a bit of some of the songs done by the Eliminators. Very good work!!!
Hi Bapu! I believe that you are right. This song is not based on any particular individual that I have known but a collection of memories of individuals I have known or of whom I have been aware. Oh ya, and characters on TV shows or movies. Thanks much for listening and commenting! Thank you Paul. I appreciate the kind comments and I'm glad that you liked it. Perhaps this song might serve a an argument for the equivelant of designated drivers for pedestrians (probably not .?!). ?
This is a simple little Blues/Bluesabilly number using a typical Blues topic --- a guy bemoaning a "cooler than ice" woman. I struggled with this one because I tried to include some horns (2 trumpets, sax, and baritone sax). This required using VST plug-ins with which I am not accustomed ; MIDI with which I struggle; and soft synth. I have a rather contentious relationship with these tools. Therefore, any input would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!! COOLER THAN ICE https://www.soundclick.com/artist/default.cfm?bandid=963481
Hi Makke. I am glad that you liked it. Thanks for listening and commenting! Hi PhonoBrainer. I very much appreciate your kind comments - much appreciated!!! Thanks for listening.
WOW-- excellent summary in about 5 minutes!! The visuals are great and the music is tied in perfectly with the scenes and story. You have outdone even yourself! The subject is indeed mind boggling. Now that the quantum physicist are coming up with hypothesis about dark matter, dark energy, the transition from energy to matter (and visa versa), subatomic particles throughout the universe, etc. the relationships among the extremely large (Relativity) together with the unimaginably small (quantum physics) are growing at almost an exponential rate. My mind hurts every time I learn something new about this subject. It does bring up the thought --what's it all about? Anyway, back to Earth. This is a well done piece of which you can take some pride!
"Friendly ..., upbeat, wholesome and fun" indeed. This is a wonderful melodic popish song. Production and performance sound great! As one who enjoyed the "love" of two dog and lost them both, I can certainly relate to the lyrics. This was a listening treat!
Great guitar work on this song. It has a soft rocker sound with a wee touch of the Blues. Lyrics and vocal are very well done. Nice one!!!
Excellent!!! This is a very dramatic piece with some very nice tempo transitions to a softer touch. Great production, video and excellent vocals!!
A fun video indeed! The music sounds great on my end! The message, you are right --- it is up to the listener! It does make one ponder the lyrics and isn't that one of the functions of the arts? Nice one!!
Luv those bass lines in the background (images of the fission and fusion actions driving the power of the sun). The more melodic riffs remind me of pictures and videos that I have seen of the flares and bubbling caldron on the surface of the sun. Very well done and in a musical way descriptive!!
I had to go looking for this song. Due to home repairs, Dr.'s appointments, etc., it has been a while since I have been able to get on the forum. Sorry for the delay in responding. Hey Mark. Your suggestions concerning the vocal are appreciated (particularly the BGV's) and will be on the agenda when I can get to the re-mix. Thanks for the help and the very kind comments. I am very glad that you liked it. One never knows how a "novelty" song will work. Hi David. Thanks very much for listening and your very kind comments. They are much appreciated. BTW -- 'gators -- the big ones have always been around. I think that the main reason that we are seeing so many of them is that their habitat is being filled and built on. They have no where else to go but closer to people. Hey Wookiee. Thanks for listening and I am glad that you liked it. BTW, I just got done with listening to your recent post and really like it. It is Icy cool! Hi tom. Thank you very much and thanks for the thumbs. I'm glad that you liked it pal! Hi Steve. Thanks for listening and the comments. You are most kind. I'm glad that you liked it. Hey Jack C. Thanks soooo very much. I appreciate your listening to it and for your kind comments. Hey Lynn. Thanks for listening and the kind words. I have a new external drive that I'm now starting to use to save working files. BTW - I just gave your new post a listen and wow! Excellent my friend! Hi Bjorn! Thanks very much Bjorn. I very much appreciate the kind words. I was not sure how a novelty song would be accepted. Transfusion by Nervous Norvus is one of my all time favourites. I was briefly in touch with a guy in the UK who formed a company named in honour of Mr. "Norvus" called Nervous Records UK. I guess Nervous ( I hope he doesn't mind being called by his given name) had an impact on more people than I thought!.? Thank you again!
Given my struggles with synths and MIDI I have no idea what those things are that you list (except for the Strat and Superior Drummer). However, I do appreciate what you do with them and the way that you can weave sounds into images. Love those little icicle sounds panned left. Very nice indeed!
Wow! What timing issues. It all fits and sounds excellent. Your playing is also excellent. How do you do it? Luv that bluesy harp!!
Pleasant, fun and yes Christmas -ie. Well crafted and it was a treat to listening to it!
Now that is what I would call some "mighty fine" soulful funk. Excellent and creative work, pal!! Lyrics are cool and your vocals really deliver them in a manner that expresses what they mean. Those BGV's --- absoflippinlutely excellent. As is the bass, guitars, mix, etc., etc.! It has your signature all over it and it is excellent!
Not Secret Agent Man but it carries along that style perfectly! It was a treat to hear it and great work Makke.
Hey Larry T. Yes I do remember Dr. Demento and I used to enjoy listening to him! Thanks for the link! I will certainly give a listen to your suggestions. Thanks also for taking the time to listen to this song and for your comments. Hi Douglas. I appreciate your kind comments. I'm glad that you enjoyed it. I did indeed use just a bit of delay (my trusty Boss Digital Delay DD-5) on the vocals. I though they could use a wee bit of help. Thanks again. Hey Walt. First of all let me say that I was really impressed with the recent post by Tom and you. Excellent work! I am glad that you may have gotten a giggle out of this song. Thanks very much for listening and taking the time to comment! Hi Antler. Thank you. I appreciate the kind words and your taking the time to listen!
This is a very well done song and very pleasant to listen too. The introduction of little sounds (e.g., around 3:18) was very clever. Enjoyed the solar journey!