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Doc H

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Everything posted by Doc H

  1. The 8k format allows for larger screens with clearer definition. I’ve got a 4k 86” in the media room. I can’t imagine getting anything larger. And it’s crystal clear when we go to high def streaming at 4k. you can see the hair detail on a horse in the far background. But the regional tv stations and direct TV are still at 1080i. Which absolutely sucks in quick scenery pans or in action scenes. Interlaced video was ok at 720i but sucks at 1080i. Then display that on 4k (shudder). The jerky jerky 1080i is enough to give me motion sickness
  2. Truth, Kenny…. Truth except for Bapu…… in his case it’s bass
  3. Happy belated birthday Ed!
  4. Are random thoughts now trash random thoughts? just asking for clarity sake there, Ed……
  5. Willamette yourself again Strummy?
  6. Straying from Rush to Maiden, there’s this kid, Seb Braganza who just shreds on anything he plays. He’s 13 and already has an endorsement from ESP Guitars and has an album out. He reached out to me when he was 10 and I was already astounded by how well he plays and how musically gifted he is.
  7. Thank you Gents! I do appreciate the well wishes. my mental age is digressing. Greg, you need to play Am at least once a day. Finger positioning is important.
  8. At least there is some consistency there, Paulo.
  9. I tend to take a sit down in places frequented by people. I pick one and make up a story about them by the way they look or what they’re doing at the moment. It used to be easier when there weren’t any thing such as cell phones….. then use the stories as a way of creating song lyrics and then build a melody around how the syncopation feel would,be from the lyrics.
  10. If I hear Harry Stiles, Sign of the Times again, Alexa will die a slow agonizing death. (My wife has been stuck on that song for weeks!
  11. Shane, if it’s any consolation I lasted a whole three weeks on that forum and bailed due to the aforementioned twit.
  12. Yup. They are back at it. Mentioned a possible alternative OS, but included Ubuntu, Windows and Chrome. Will we see a new DAW come to market? Something efficient. Something that ol’ Petey might not be able to complain about? https://atarivcs.com/pc-mode
  13. Anytime someone mentions Krull, all I can see is the glaive. That’s what I took away from that film……
  14. You said bass gear didn’t you Shane?
  15. For some weird reason I read that as TRS-80. And I was like what? And then reality kicked in.
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