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Doc H

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Everything posted by Doc H

  1. So shameless that \m/ ( . ) ^ ( . ) \m/
  2. Very shameless at that…..
  3. Shamelessly….. as usual….
  4. And since it’s a two fer Tuesday….
  5. And we can’t keep going without being called back to the Sanitarium
  6. You had to dig that one up from the old forum, didn’t you Craig?
  7. Paulo, punctuation mean everything for example Fbom Fbom Fbom in it’s proper use would be F-bom, F-bom, F-bom suttle differences change the meaning….
  8. I briefly thought about selling the 2 legged kids…. The four legged kids are just way too valuable in the studio to get rid of….
  9. Are you post count racing again Strummy?
  10. This can only mean that Ronnie must be represented!
  11. Unless you need one of these .
  12. Here, y’all are fretting about on Windows 11. Yet I sitting here dreading the day that intel Macs won’t see support anymore and I’ll be forced to sell a few guitars just to get an M1 MacPro…….
  13. Big Log > commercial fiber product…… not the one you were thinking of Craig?
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