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Doc H

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Everything posted by Doc H

  1. Yeah, I have. Even tried to profile the Darkglass Infinity that I have. It doesn’t quite sound right though.
  2. That’s it exactly! I hate lugging around what I don’t necessarily need. I’m just one of those guys that likes being Johnny on the spot when the stars don’t line up and the PA is crap, there’s a house bass back line and that amp is crap….. but there’s a cabinet that could get me half the way there. I’m probably overthinking this.
  3. Yes the Kemper would. But I just can’t get it to replicate the way that the Darkglass Infinity sounds. You’d think that wouldn’t be a problem for the profiler. But for some reason I just can’t get it dialed in. And like guitar, for me tone is part of the feel that inspires how I play. There is that one off gig every once in a while where the PA is…. Well, not all there but there’s usually a back line where the amp is crap but there’s at least a cabinet. I currently have a Positive Grid modeling bass amp that will fit in the back pack. But you know…. Sometimes you just don’t find out till you’re there. and I guess I’ve gotten an infatuation with the Darkglass. I’m thinking maybe a call into Seymour Duncan might be in order tomorrow.
  4. Hmm.... So Avid gets bought and less than a month later perpetual licenses are offered once again. I must of missed that press release. I've been on a perpetual license for the last 7 years. ?
  5. (I was going to drop this question on the Talk Bass forum but the musicians there seem to be rather against the idea of playing without a cabinet). I've gone with a Kemper for guitar and really have it optimized for what I play. All good there. I'd like to do the same with bass and I am looking to center everything around a Darkglass Infinity preamp. Its got everything I need for a plug and go rig. plus I use it already for recording bass in the studio. Here's the rub. For the Kemper I'll be toting a Seymour Duncan Power Stage for those instances that I need to power a cab (this is happening less and less with IEMs being affordable and most venues not arguing about supporting them anymore). But I come to a dead end for the bass, with the only option I can find being the Ashdown Ant. However this would mean using the Ashdown preamp that's built-in (maybe - if it doesn't color the sound I've already gotten with the Darkglass). Is anyone aware of a throw it in a backpack Class D pedalboard power amp that would support the frequency range of a bass?
  6. I found this both humorous and interesting. McDonalds after 17:00
  7. A golden would never leave a smelly present. ok maybe. Our Gracie would leave some smelly farts and smile from the relief.
  8. Nice Ed. I hope it brings many hours of recorded joy.
  9. Kenny, think of it this way, the dog will never sue you for half of your music gear outta spite.
  10. Alex had a set of Taurus pedals on his side of the stage too. (I worked several of their shows when I was with Bill Graham Presents). Crafty little devils, weren't they?
  11. It's bigger on the outside than it is on the inside. No it's not my Tardis I'm speaking about. - Doc
  12. I confirm that the quote is accurate and attributed to Strummy.
  13. I started out using Tortex picks when I first started playing. I switched a US quarter back in the 80's (that was before I found out that Bill Gibons was playing with a Peso). Then copper picks that were roughly the same shape as Jazz IIIs just a little larger. Finally ended up with Jazz IIIs. the red ones as opposed to the black ones. That was about 10 years ago. That's all I use anymore. I'll try there ones but I keep coming back to the Jazz IIIs.
  14. On a Polyphia kick for the past month..... Boomer Bends and all.
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