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Posts posted by HIBI

  1. I'd like to mention to clarify the purpose of this thread.
    The point is users do not notice that there is an update of BandLab Assistant because no update message is displayed when running v5.2.0.

    I am just concerned what will happen when the next CbB update available. Will CbB be updated without any problems via old BandLab Assistant, or find no update?

  2. On 6/21/2020 at 12:37 AM, Dillon said:

    But, when I export the project (to WAV) the drums are just slightly out of time, by less than a second but it is definitely still audible.

    I may be misunderstanding but does it mean that the drums sound (e.g. Cymbals) is cut off at the end of the song?

  3. 7 minutes ago, Ralph Graham said:

    all good now     thanks all!

    Glad to hear that.

    1 hour ago, Ralph Graham said:

    the info on teh site says WIN 7 up  but part way thru instal says WIN 8 up

    For your information, that popup just mentions that it is not officially supported in Windows 7, however, Cakewalk by BandLab can be run on Windows 7 for now. (I don't know what will happen in the future.)

  4. 18 hours ago, bitflipper said:

    As long as it's not a silent workaround and the offer comes up in a yes/no messagebox. That way, users will have the option of either accepting the suggested fix or addressing it themselves. Some users are married to ASIO for one reason or another, and would prefer to troubleshoot the issue first. I'm normally not a fan of such potentially annoying verbosity, but it's not like this scenario is going to be an everyday occurrence.

    Completely agree.

  5. 6 hours ago, Caio Cavalcanti said:

    Same problem for me. Hangs on "Downloading ...4/5" and that's it!

    You might want to try with no Add-ons are checked because 4/5 download is done in the case of you. If it works, try to install Add-ons in addition.

  6. 16 hours ago, Jim Roseberry said:

    Be aware that some Z490 motherboards are active cooled (meaning small high-RPM fan).  

    ie: Gigabyte Z490 Vision D (quality board) looks passive-cooled... but there's a fan under the heatsink.

    You can hear that tiny fan ramping up with CPU usage.  It's high-pitched and annoying.

    Can you control RPM of that fan on the BIOS?

    and just wondering... Which is better choice 9th i9-9900K or 10th i7-10700K?

  7. 2 hours ago, Toy said:

    A bug in the display of the Arranger section.
    In Japanese environment, characters are displayed outside the window frame.
    Others may be outside the frame, but not all have been found.


    I checked this dialog window height problem that will occur when language setting is Japanese and I could find some below. These dialog windows don't have height enough. It's caused by adding "Arranger" as a selection item.

    • Edit > Cut Special...
    • Edit > Copy Special...
    • Edit > Delete Special...
    • Project > Insert Time/Measures...
  8. 21 hours ago, msmcleod said:

    Yeah, I had 2 separate licenses. When I went for the upgrade, it said it would merge both my existing licenses to a single license (with a limit of up to 5 activations), for the price of a SINGLE upgrade from Editor v4 to Editor v5.

    So yes, two v4 licenses upgraded to one v5 serial number.

    Thanks for the info.
    FYI: This is the case with "editor" or "studio" serials only. (Celemony support said)

    • Thanks 1
  9. 4 hours ago, Kevin Perry said:

    You can revert fader changes to the previous value (right click on fader in track view at least).

    Good point! Yes, you can if you remember what you changed which track or knob. (It's even better if Ctrl + Z can revert it, btw) However, sometimes do not notice it for a while and can not remember it. (especially, when an accident is the cause) and then scream "What I did??? F#$%!!!". so I believe it helps if it's in the history.

  10. 10 hours ago, msmcleod said:

    I've just upgraded Melodyne to version 5.  It merged my two existing Melodyne 4 licenses into a single license (which was great, 'cos I only got charged once ? ), and it automatically moved 2 x Melodyne 5 licenses to my iLok account.

    What does "merge two licenses" mean?
    Two licenses will be upgraded with one serial for upgrade?

  11. Please log all operations to Edit > History.

    Especially, Moved fader or knob (the changed value) in the console because this can be accidentally changed with mouse wheel and can't remember what you did how much... It would be nice if you can undo it with Ctrl + Z.

    or... Add option to disable the value change with mouse wheel in the console view.

    • Like 2
  12. Mislocalization to Japanese

    [Global menu]
    File > Import > BandLab Project...

    [Preferences] MIDI - Playback and Recording
    Always Echo Current MIDI Track

    [Preferences] Customization - Keyboard Shortcuts
    Input Echo
    Unfreeze Track

    And...  most of assigned Keys are not displayed with BOLD font even if it is bound as default.

    FYI: If you need correct Japanese phrases, I can provide them.

  13. Melodyne installed as add-on via BandLab Assistant is 30 days trial version.
    If you've been using Cakewalk for a month, your trial period has probably expired and it works as Melodyne player.

    • Thanks 1
  14. 1 hour ago, Soundwise said:
    On 5/13/2020 at 2:20 AM, filo said:

    I have tried his ToneDeluxe in my CbB and only v 1.1.1 is working normally. Version 2.0.4 is undetectable with VST scan , I don't know why.

    Same here, although v2 works fine in Reaper.

    Hmm... I downloaded "ToneDeluxeV2.vst3" and put it under "C:\Program Files\Common Files\VST3" folder, it's scanned and working in Cakewalk.

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