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Everything posted by mibby

  1. Boz is a stand-up guy and meant nothing by it. I am certain. And he makes fantastic plugins. This is a crazy world right now, no need to add to fuel to that fire... Let's just move on. We're all in this together.
  2. I love Boz, but this is a bit insensitive. People are dying...
  3. ^^^^^^^^^^ THIS!! ^^^^^^^^^^
  4. Production Expert Premium Video Tutorial Subscription FREE for 90 Days To Help Those Affected By Covid-19 https://www.pro-tools-expert.com/production-expert-1/2020/3/20/production-expert-premium-video-tutorial-subscription-free-for-90-days-to-help-those-affected-by-covid-19
  5. If I could play like that I'd never have to leave the basement...
  6. Let us know when it's $29...
  7. NobleQ and Twin-L for me.
  8. I'm kind of wondering if they're going to pull a PA trick out of the bag and offer a bunch of them for $20 at the end of the sale? ?
  9. I knew this world has gone crazy! F'em! You're still very appreciated here Lars! PS. Thanks again to the Cakewalk forum guys for reviving this deals section from the old forum!
  10. That is so true, isn't it? If it's got "curb appeal", somehow it is more inviting and inspiring to use the plugin - at least for me.
  11. If any of you also have kids that are teenagers now, you might remember this version of Mambo No. 5 ...
  12. mibby

    SSD 5

    iLok dongle required...
  13. Little Clipper plugin is still just $10 here: https://recordingsoftware.com/product/boz-digital-labs-little-clipper/ If they're still doing the mailing list signup deal, I think that gave you another $5 off. --- Yep, they still are! https://recordingsoftware.com/rs-rewards/
  14. mibby

    Soundtoys 5

    Right, I had like 9 ST plugins. When I upgraded to the full package, all of those licenses were rolled into "one" license. When you "expand" the "SoundToys" license, it shows you ALL of the plugins.
  15. April 1st for PhoenixVerb, SoundSpot freebie until Mar 31st.
  16. Now that you're a human, I think I'll click your link and take a look around. If you've got deals, you've come to the right place!
  17. mibby

    Soundtoys 5

    Just curious, when SoundToys added new plugins, did the owners of the full bundl get them included?
  18. It works with just iLok's "software authorization" which has always worked fine for me and did this time too.
  19. mibby

    Noiiz Filter

    Good one! This looks interesting...
  20. mibby

    Soundtoys 5

    That's what I was thinking too, and that is also the plugin that got me interested in SoundToys too. Giveaways work!
  21. mibby

    Soundtoys 5

    This is the first Dev I've gone "all in" on and upgraded to the whole package. Whether or not that means they're "alive and well" I have no idea, but I LOVE these plugins!
  22. I just realized that and was coming back here to fix it! Thanks as always Lars!
  23. Anyone else getting "invalid serial number" when trying to register at Izotope??
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