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Everything posted by mibby

  1. Very promising! BTW, when you install the CM version of this plugin, you get a 50% Discount code for the full version!
  2. $5 for the single CM. Looking forward to trying out the pared down version of Hyperspace! PS. Over 3GB of other loops, FX, instruments and plugins to go through. Really a LOT of stuff for only $5!
  3. There are definitely some really good plugins in there. I'm really tempted to get this one just for the CM version of Hyperspace. But yeah, totally worth $5 IMHO.
  4. Sweet - thanks! I don't need any more plugins right now, but that one is supposed to be pretty good! I just may have to demo it....
  5. Is Hyperspace the CM FREEBIE this month??
  6. Bump. Heads up guys, last day for this one. I had been very tempted at $19, but then got a survey email on Jan 7 from APD and got a $5 coupon. Great deal at $19, total no-brainer deal at $15 for this one! Thanks Audio Plugin Deals guy!
  7. Yep, good with me too when I asked about getting the for my past purchase.
  8. The user Lawrence on the Presonus forum created this and gave it to everyone. You can adjust those colors to whatever you want as well... https://forums.presonus.com/viewtopic.php?f=151&t=34475
  9. Here's another one. It says good for 24 hours. 20%: IOP7K8JV7EVX
  10. $2.50 a plugin. That's a new bar! Waves?
  11. I thought that might be the case. But if you read the text from their website through GAS colored glasses, it almost seems like you could get 3 for $5. ? I know I know, I'm just being greedy...
  12. From the website: Last day for this one: I just picked up Head Crusher and HQ-2 for $5. Anyone know how the FREE plugin is supposed to work? Or am I reading this wrong? I may even jump on another too. Hard to beat $5!
  13. But does this need the full version of Kontact?
  14. But what if it's THE plugin you've been looking for all this time?? That ONE plugin that is going to give you the guitar sound you've always heard in your head but could never quite realize? It could be the missing element of YOUR sound... ?
  15. Happy New Year from Portland, Maine! Peace out. ☮️
  16. FYI guys, my "Upgrade Price" for the full SoundToys 5 has been $95 since Black Friday with my existing plugins. I didn't have this one, and out of curiosity, I picked it up for the total no-brainer $9 price - and NOW my full upgrade price is $70!! So for $9, I got $25 off! Woo hoo! I may have to ask for an early b-day present.
  17. Ditto to what he said! Great Blog you've got going!
  18. Yes, Merry Christmas to all! You guys are one of my favorite little corners of the interweb....
  19. This is the PERFECT complement to his top secret 432Hz plugin! Thanks!
  20. Sweet! I picked up the GEM EQ84 from them on Nov 26 so I think I qualify! Thanks guys!
  21. Half off everything. Be sure and check on your Bundle Upgrade prices too. Running until the 29th... https://www.meldaproduction.com/
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