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Everything posted by mibby

  1. Say it isn't so. How CAN it be???
  2. ?? Really? It's one of my favorites... https://www.plugin-alliance.com/en/products/vertigo_vsc-2.html
  3. Same here. It looks like they link the email from the free download orders then add them when you create an account...
  4. This was a freebie a couple of years ago too.
  5. I was going to post this but of course you beat me to it. Looking forward to trying this one out! These days it seems like drive/saturation plugins are the new "vintage compressor/eq".
  6. These looking interesting! However, the download links both point to "Driftmaker". Support has been emailed...
  7. I just found this. It looks like it was modeled after a ProTools plugin...
  8. I added the license to iLok first, then ran the installer, so it didn't ask when I started up. SLightly different method to get installed, but same result. A free and totally usable clipper/saturator. Really digging this plugin!
  9. ...and I can confirm that this plugin sounds as good as it looks! It's a keeper!
  10. I can confirm that you can use this without a dongle. It looks like the Cloud License model phones home when you start your DAW. I love the look of this plugin and the simple and intuitive UI. Looking forward to checking this out. Thanks Nembrini Audio!
  11. This is about as good as I've seen. I got the OmegaN a while ago on sale for about what it's on for now, and I keep an eye on them.
  12. And it looks like you can only use your Jam Points for 30% of whatever you're purchasing, including Credits... Correct?
  13. Can someone tell me if this s the correct way to use Jam Points to "buy" credits? 1. Open Custom Shop 2. Go to buy Credits and check out using Jam Points 3. Use Credits to acquire "whatever" in the custom Shop. When you have gear in the Custom Shop, is that available as a plugin in my DAW or do you have to play through the Custom Shop? Once again trying to get my head around the IK universe....
  14. In case any of you missed it last year, PureMix had a contest with a song of hers engineered by Al Schmitt. Really nice tracks too! https://www.puremix.net/zelab-mixing-contest/mixing-contest-al-schmitt-cyrille-aimee.html
  15. Is iLok Cloud different from "license manager" then? It doesn't sound like it. I guess I just need to try it on my DAW laptop and quit asking stupid questions...
  16. So.... you need a dongle with iLok Cloud? Dongle-berry required? Pffft.
  17. What is iLok Cloud? Hopefully the "license manager" option, otherwise...
  18. mibby

    Sonic Anomaly

    Amazing that the Bass Professor plugins are free! Great plugins! I use them all the time.
  19. Just in case - I WAS joking. No offense intended. ?
  20. Yeah! That's total click-bate or a "fake thread" if I've ever seen one!
  21. Here it is... https://www.waves.com/courses/soundgrid-101
  22. I got an email on the 7th titled "NEW: SoundGrid 201 Online Certification Course". It didn't say anything about a coupon though.
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