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Everything posted by mibby

  1. Ahhh... I just got the email. The 2nd code worked for me. Try it again guys. 11?? Mine only cost $9. ?
  2. mibby

    Kush AR1

    Smart move by Slate. I could get onboard with an offer like that - if I could just get over my issue with subscriptions.
  3. mibby

    Kush AR1

    Yeah, I know, but I still can't get past the fact that I, the customer, am paying a 3rd party company to "protect" the software that I, the consumer, am buying from a developer... The iLok dongle kept me away from Slate early on, but I have managed so far with the dongle-less Pace Authorization Software with SoundToys, selected Kush, Eventide, and SoftTube.
  4. mibby

    Kush AR1

    First off, I need another "vintage" compressor like a hole in my head. That's what I was thinking when I demoed this. But holy crap! I tried this one out on a drum buss and it is a balls to the walls @ss kicking character compressor. I am seriously considering RE-considering my anti-iLok and anti-subscription position and subscribing to Kush. It's up there with the VSC-2 as far as ease of use and dialing in a good sound. Love it!
  5. Check out the Mastering Bundle 1 for $49! It's got the VSC-2 in there. That thing alone is totally worth it!! Seriously, if you're wondering, demo the VSC-2. It is so easy to dial in a great sound. One of my personal favs! https://www.plugin-alliance.com/en/products/mastering-bundle-1.html
  6. That's a really cool idea! How do you get it?
  7. I'm not sure I understand why you say this. Just because it doesn't write automation? I use it for leveling my lead vocals (usually) and it does a really good job of it. Same as a bass rider too. You can use it to knock off high peaks on a track, then follow with a compressor so the compressor doesn't have to work as hard. You can side-chain it to make sure a solo or vocal keeps focus, etc. Lots of uses. Just because it doesn't write automation doesn't make it useless in the least. Not trying to argue or anything. Anyway, to each his own.
  8. Worked for me too - sweet! Thanks!
  9. I've just come back from re-reading the KVR forum where this is discussed. Basically - and I hope I'm getting this right - Mr. Melda says that, like compressors, automating what the plugin is doing doesn't make sense because it is too fast and much more precise than a DAW's drawn in automation curves. As you pointed out, it used to be there in the older version of MAutoVolume, but was deprecated because Vojtech wasn't happy with the quality of the results. FWIW.
  10. For volume riding it's hard to beat MAutoVolume... I stopped looking after picking this one up.
  11. The bx_townhouse is not the prettiest UI, but sooooo worth the $29 bucks! This thing sounds amazing - so snappy and tight with nice character...
  12. I was looking at their 1 Knob "Pumper Saturator" in order to pick up ProximityEQ, but went with another SoundSpot plugin instead. You'll have to let us know how you like them...
  13. Woo hoo! It's actually even cheaper! I've been watching MV2 and this sale dropped it to $15! I know it's silly to get excited about a $2 difference, but this IS the Deals forum...
  14. Ahhh... my bad. I stopped at $20 - I should read the whole email!
  15. $503.46 now. Koby must be scrambling to update his prices!
  16. Playing with it last night - it's basically a fancy gadget. It visually shows and let's you change the panning and gain and width of whichever tracks you put the Relay on. Interesting idea, but kind of a bit of trouble for something you're probably already doing. That's my first impression anyway. Neat idea though.
  17. Why not?? It's FREE if you demo Neutron3!
  18. 25% off what?? There's no price that I can find. I wonder if they're waiting to see how much interest there is before pricing it?
  19. The VPRE-73 is one of my favorites and a total no-brainer at half off! https://blackroosteraudio.com/en/products/vpre-73
  20. I played the crap out of Diablo, Hellfire and Warcraft back in the day. Great games! In fact, the boxes are still sitting on my bookshelf next to the desk. ?
  21. Really? I love the Console Shaper that comes with Studio One. It opens up the drums like nothing else for me. Just dial in a bit of drive on your drum bus, then A-B it with and without. It's on every mixbus of the mixes I do and I would love to hear these other "flavors"!
  22. I would be extremely grateful if they gave it to those of us already on SO 4 Pro!
  23. I'll give you a qualified "yes" because when I got Neutron Advanced, I asked Izotope about selling my Neutron elements since it showed up as a separate license and they had no problem with it. That was a while ago, so things may have changed since with all the new versions.
  24. Kudos to Izotope - this is a new way to get you to try their products. I have Neutron Advanced but haven't ponied up for other Izotope products. I've been curious about the Visual Mixer and the Tonal Balance Control - now if they'd just give TB away.
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