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telecode 101

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Everything posted by telecode 101

  1. yup. i am sitting back and waiting for the group buy to see how it pans out. didn't but SSSR just for that reason My price in cart for TS MAX is $399. But I have not need or desire for it. I just use T-Racks and AT 5. I even remove all the free Sample Tank stuff I got over the years. It just takes up space and I never use it. There is only one thing I am sort of interested in from IKM is MODO Bass if it shows up on group buy.
  2. that thing looks so fuggin cool. you know, if someone released a player that looked like that they would sell a ton of them. i remember the 8 track in my parents car back in the day. The thing abot 8 tracks where the colors were bitchin'!!! I remember thing one.
  3. I have a Novation MIDI controller. Yes.
  4. I use it almost exclusively in the DAW as an insert. Never bother using standalone.
  5. i think that was there a while. I recall getting this months ago. It's okay I guess.
  6. I am pretty happy with the collections I used on AT4. I mostly just use Leslie, Fender2 and Mesa and Orange sometimes. I only upgraded to AT5 SE to get the new VIR tech engine. There is nothing I really need or use in newer AT collections that justifies a purchase. The last you will ever see me doing is playing along to Queen or Surfing With the Alien. The upgrade to AT5 was worth it. I think the new GUI and workflow is really good. The load times is bad though. AT 5 loads slow as shit. Hopefully someone is working on a patch to address that.
  7. Peter. My point was, I think the wording of the promo ad copy was a little janky. When one reads the English sentence "free for all AmpliTube 5 and AmpliTube 5 MAX" one assumes it means across the board for all paid products. Yes, SE is a paid product last time I checked. It's not a biggie. Its not like I lost a whole day or something. What it did was make me think the custom shop was not working properly again because I applied the patch and launched CS and no new effects anywhere and I kept trying to clear cache. It took a little time to sniff through and wording to notice that CS and SE is considered by IKM not a part of " all AmpliTube 5". All good.. Moving on with life..
  8. argg.. i finally get around to updating and spent all this time looking for those effects and fixing custom shop looking for those stupid syntronik effects to try out. then i read the fine print. . "free for all AmpliTube 5 and AmpliTube 5 MAX" and then I remember I am on AT 5 SE. ? One more reason why I have grown to despise sleazy IKM.. Oh well. other than that, the patch works fine on W10. No issues.
  9. which ones? i like some of the waves i have. i just am afraid of WUP.
  10. All I can say is, I am a demoist/hobbyist. I frist dipped into effects with IKM. Then I tried some Softube effects and they just seem much much better. I am waiting for a console 1 deal one day and to see what they will bundle. Started thinking maybe I should invest in a DAW controller more than a new interface.
  11. this thing is on sale BOZ DIGITAL LABS Manic Compressor https://www.musiciansfriend.com/pro-audio/boz-digital-labs-manic-compressor No idea if a deal. Sells for $150 on their site.
  12. I will only buy if they give me a 90% discount. I want to see $3000 at 90% off.
  13. are these the same guys thank make session horns and strings in NI Komplete? i started really liking using those.
  14. hmm?? was't it that you could get all 3 exponentials for $20 not that long ago on PB?
  15. Madolin's are great. I have a few. Look up Sam Bush from New Grass Revival. He takes the art of mandolin to a whole new level.
  16. thanks a bunch. got it. never heard of sonible before.
  17. i am demoing C 11 LE on my spare computer. Its okay. I think I would wait for 11.5 to activate to see what else they throw in.
  18. I have to start blocking all posts by you. i will go broke.
  19. chandler only slightly more. https://www.jrrshop.com/softube-chandler-limited-zener-bender-for-console-1 Update: Chandler is even cheaper at BS. https://www.bestservice.com/chandler_limited_zener-bender.html If I only had a console 1. I am seriously thinking of returning my new interface and getting a DAW controller. I think I might get more value for my money from a moxing controller. Does anyone recall, what deals did Softube have in the past if you bought a Console 1 from them?
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