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telecode 101

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Everything posted by telecode 101

  1. i picked this up on sale. its useful. takes a little getting used to. i personally don't use the sampled basses within it and just drag and drop the midi into a different midi track and use NI Basses. To me, the NI Thomas Skarbye Komplete basses sound much better than both of the ones within EZBass. Maybe I just don't know how to use them properly. What I dont like about EZ is you are forced to work within and around the little song creator within EZ. you can't export that song structure out and import as a root chord progression in chord track in Cubase. Maybe I am missing something. I can't find that option so far.
  2. also can buy from their site directly. https://pulsar.audio/mu/
  3. it looks like all falcon expansions are at that price. https://www.audiodeluxe.com/search/site/falcon
  4. Hmm.. kind of interesting. It's sort of an the expansion of emo rockers and emo metal into more progressive territory. I am hearing a little bit of Adrian Belew, Robert Frip, Reeves Gabrels in the tones in it. This could be something I would use. I just don't know if I can ever get over the flashing visuals of the GUI.
  5. i dont get it. how do you get this.
  6. I just checked. Yup.. deal is dead. Oh well. there will be a next time. Perhaps a wakeup call to Softube. I think the sweet spot for plugin pricing is $10 to $20. Anything more than that is a little iffy IMO.
  7. I have their Focusrite console. Is there any benefit if getting this? Other tone coloration?
  8. Hi, not sure where to ask this. I assume Bandlab is allowed here. I started working with his jazz blues songwriter on her stuff remotely due to pandemic. Does anyone else use this and if you do, what is your work flow? Do you just use the Bandlab DAW for sharing mixdowns or are you using it also for multitrack collaboration? Any tips on how you optimized your workflow and got it working better in there? Things I am running into.. need a notes area to be able to sort our and arrange chord changes and song parts in the DAW. I usually use Cubase and the chord and meter tracks a lot.
  9. Wow.. Do Softtube do this often? I would love to have similar code for Dynamite or Mike E-Comp. The marshall is meh.. I already have too many amp sims.
  10. I now have two of the eight free. Filter and Louder. 6 more years to go. .:-) But seriously, I have never really used them. But I do use the H-Comp on almost every project. Got it freebie and that thing is amazing.
  11. I am eagerly awaiting to see what the group by will be this year to see if MODO is in it..
  12. Man alive.!! I finally got this thing to work. What I think was happening was, the password in authorization manager was out of sync with the password on IKM site login and the product manager. The password reset in authorization manager does not generate an email to change your password. So I fixed it by changing the password on the IKM site.. and then using that password when launching authorization manager. Tried it out this morning. Its cool.. sounds like a SampleTank piano.. ?
  13. the presets are also included in sale. they range from $2.50 upwards Some decent ones can be found in you have the collection. https://www.arturia.com/community/presets
  14. oh.. yeah.. i got banned from KVR too. in good company.. ?
  15. meh.. i want AAS to do another humble bundle ... that one was good.
  16. is anyone on here a big Jupiter user? Is the upgrade to Jup 8V worth it?
  17. i have issues with getting this item to authorize. it seems the login to IKM site is different than the login to the authorizer application. Trying to reset the password does not seem to generate a reset password email. Very odd.
  18. yeah. the metal video. similar grooves is cool features. hmm .. show similar grooves crashes cubase here. also, the alignment is little whack. bar 849 in cubase seems to align to bar 214 in EZbass.. but that i can work around updates. so looks like it doesn't crash on a smaller project that is a few bars long. works fine. no idea what to say about it. either way.. it is cool software. defiantly can make a bass sound more realistic than playing on midi keyboard. updates: all good. i found the manual.apparently lots of things it can do with the articulations. https://www.toontrack.com/manual/ezbass/6/6-2-the-grid-editor/#6-2-3-articulations updates: after extensive demoing.. i picked it up.. i guess i will get accustomed to the song mode. you can still articulations as per NI Scarbeee but you lose out the advanced articulations Toontrack has
  19. I still need to work through the other YT tutorials on EZbass. i havent seen the feature where it suggests other bass parts that are based on what you recorded in midi. it seems articulations are particular to tooktrack. when i tried the EZbass midi with NI Scarbee. no articulations. just notes. ? i guess not the end of the world. but the idea of having to start a project or chord framework within EZbass or manually replicating the existing chord progression in EZbass seems like it might be a problem. i am checking out tooktrack forums to see if this is indeed the case.
  20. just wanted to check.. is/has anyone been able to use EZbass song structure with Cubase chord tracks? It seems a little odd you are sort of forced to build around within the Toontrack interface of EZbass and then work outside it in the DAW.
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