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telecode 101

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Everything posted by telecode 101

  1. Fixes all bed wetting problems.
  2. Sound dust is cool.
  3. Thanks. so i assume this is the discontinued gen 1 model?
  4. great player. make some great albums. I have his box set.
  5. I really like the mutator. I use it all the time. unique piece of gear.
  6. Celestion is tempting. My dumb question of the day. Is this for using only within AmpRoom or with other products? I already have speakers in AT5 I experiment with and by replacing with others in the collection. So if one were to use this, one would disable the cab in AT5 and add this as a plugin after AT5?
  7. https://www.softube.com/atlantis-dual-chambers Coming in at $89 USD Code: LOOKFORATLANTIS
  8. $69 for me. Or $349 w/V collection. I think I will wait it out.
  9. i bought the last volume upgrade a month or so ago. was curious what it is now at for ppl that have vol 4 or 5
  10. now if softube would only put some od their others for $19
  11. i have yet to get into the ujam rabbithole
  12. yes. syntronik 2 sounds better to me. also, better GUI.
  13. looks inteiguing. anyone using it?
  14. nice product. but crashes on Mac M2. i am relegated to just using it on my old windows DAW setup. ?
  15. is there no factory reset on in that bring back presets and settings
  16. I keep thinking it did go lower at one point. A sale combined with a coupon. There should be an archive on this forum I think.
  17. if a abbey ever gets to $29 or $39 i might bite. i like these sorts of effects plugins.
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