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Everything posted by scook

  1. As a rule, Region FX clips should be rendered as soon as possible. If you need to go back to the unprocessed data start by cloning the track. Archive the original track then create and render the the Region FX clips on the clone.
  2. There are a couple links to free guitar synths in There are a fair amount of commercial libraries for Kontakt too.
  3. TH3 is an FX plug-in to simulate a guitar amp and effects intended for use on audio data. It is not a guitar synth plug-in. It can only process MIDI data to control the amp and effects. It does not make sound on its own from MIDI data. Of the synths bundled with CbB, TTS-1 has a couple of guitar patches.
  4. The only "problem" the OP had was understanding how the DAW works. Do not expect a different answer to the OP as it was answered in detail. Don't like the answer -- that's OK. Can't do much about that. Don't understand the answer -- that's OK too. Maybe if you start your own thread and detail the issue you are having you may get a more suitable reply.
  5. Dropout are accompanied by a toast message containing a dropout code and a link to the help. Starting with 2021.06 a new parameter MaskDropoutDetection was added to aud.ini to handle some dropouts differently. The problem may not lie with the DAW or audio driver though. It may be other processes running on the PC. I leave DPC issues to others. The tool used for diagnosing these issues is latencymon.
  6. This is a feature exclusively available in the Q&A area of the forum. But you may use the icon in the bottom right to "Like" replies in all the other areas of this forum.
  7. Buy the Suhr and all amps are $29.99 until Oct 16. The current sale will end before that.
  8. For me, after buying Suhr all ampsims are $29.99 unless I already own them. Then they show the current sale price.
  9. Sure but then there would need to be another. less obvious way. to add line breaks to the entry. The TAB key was already sacrificed to move between entry fields. If you don't want to use the mouse to click OK, use the TAB key. The ESCAPE key performs the Cancel function.
  10. Because unlike the single line entries above it, the ENTER key does not commit data in a multi-line entry.
  11. Maybe the driver mode is set to WASAPI Shared. This is the only driver mode with a fixed buffer size. The only other time the slider may be disabled is an ASIO driver that cannot be changed from the DAW.
  12. For now create a project template with the meters setup as needed. Use this template for all future projects. It is possible to designate the template as the default for new projects. When saving the project template make sure not to overwrite any of the templated suppled with Cakewalk. Or create a custom path for project templates and change the path in preferences. This is what I do. Either providing a unique name or custom path will prevent future updates from overwriting the custom template.
  13. https://www.sweetwater.com/c703--PCI_Audio_Interfaces
  14. I got the reset email at 7AM UTC today.
  15. If the themes were not regularly maintained they may have gone out of date years ago. Starting with 2021.04, CbB checks for incompatible themes. Most theme updates are cosmetic, however; when an image size changes, the theme must be updated or there are display issues. Fortunately, the updates needed are all documented in this thread
  16. There must be ContentLocations is under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Cakewalk Music Software\Cakewalk\Core\ContentLocations ContentDir is here several level up from HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Cakewalk Music Software\Cakewalk\Core\ContentLocations
  17. To recap there are user created themes that do not show up in the theme drop down in preferences in CbB 2021.04 or newer and the themes are compatible with CbB 2021.04 and the theme filenames have the file extension sth and the themes are stored in an uncompressed folder called "Cakewalk Themes" under "Cakewalk Content" and the path specified in ContentDir in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Cakewalk Music Software resolves to the "Cakewalk Content" folder containing the "Cakewalk Themes" folder. If all this is true, this is a problem for support@cakewalk.com
  18. When I suggest using them there is almost always an example in the post. They are not that hard to create and much easier and safer than editing the registry.
  19. Directory junctions are much easier than messing with the registry
  20. scook

    I need ASIO4ALL

    ASIO4ALL can aggregate devices because WDM can aggregate devices, Of course, neither can handle syncing the clocks on multiple devices as that is up to the hardware and not the driver.
  21. But the Easter egg is still there, right? Or am I giving away a CW/BL secret?
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