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Everything posted by scook

  1. Whether a simple zip file or executable installer, when possible this is always a good idea. Some manufacturers allow repeat downloads but keeping backup copies does not depend on their continued generosity.
  2. Finally belatedly pulled the trigger on the book, and within 5 minutes, mind blown. This is from someone who has been using Cakewalk almost daily for 3 1/2 years. I'd love to see an update or addendum with the Arranger Track and Articulation Maps. @Craig Anderton 's book is a great resource. It started as a collection of posts on the old forum. There are more tips that came after the original SONAR book still on the old forum site http://forum.cakewalk.com/Friday39s-Tip-of-the-Week-167-Behold-Dual-Mono-Becomes-Stereo-m3074655.aspx
  3. The free metronome from SoundBytes may be a solution. Here is a short writeup and download link. On reviewing the writeup probably not. Unless one wants to toggle the track on/off while the transport is playing archive may be better than mute and if a synth is involved disconnect the synth too. Because mute may be toggled while the transport is running, whatever resources a track uses are still used when the track is muted. An archive track on the other hand is ignored by the DAW and a disconnected synth is unloaded from memory. To disconnect a synth, in the synth rack click the power button or if the synth rack docked in the browser click on the synth in the synth rack use the synth setting menu. For more info see http://www.cakewalk.com/Documentation?product=Cakewalk&language=3&help=Browser.11.html
  4. You must install the samples before they are available to the DAW. If they are delivered as a zip file, they must be unzipped into a folder before use.
  5. The plug-in menu highlight is a regression error. It should look like it does in 2021.06. Expect this to get addressed before the final release.
  6. It is common to see ,DS_Store files in zip files made on a Mac. Zip files made on Macs unpack just fine on Windows.
  7. 2x is the default. You may set the oversample rate as desired either by modifying Aud.ini see http://www.cakewalk.com/Documentation?product=Cakewalk&language=3&help=Mixing.25.html or use the Upsample Editor in my CbB Tools suite. Link in
  8. see Improved plug-in exception handling / crash reporting in http://www.cakewalk.com/Documentation?product=Cakewalk&language=3&help=NewFeatures.012.html
  9. After playing around a bit with file I think it may be related to the file names. If the files are unzipped in an uncompressed folder and If extensions are turned off in Windows Explorer and the files are only visible in the Cakewalk media browser when "Show All Files and Folders" is enabled - it is likely the files actually do not have the appropriate file extension. To see if this is the case enable "File Name Extensions" on the View tab on Windows Explorer. My guess is the file names will not change. IOW, they will not show the .wav extension. If the files are really wav files adding the extension will make them usable.
  10. This shows the file is compressed. Try putting the file in a folder that is not compressed.
  11. The files in the media browser do not have a valid audio file extension. If they are wav files the files will have to be renamed to add the .wav to their names. Forget that, you still have extensions turned off in Windows. Are the clips on the C drive?
  12. There's no image. I see the image in the post. It is from the documentation. Follow the link in the post for the image and more info about the browser.
  13. Not sure what means. The plug-in menu was changed in 2021.04. It was completely rewritten and is a larger format. See http://www.cakewalk.com/Documentation?product=Cakewalk&language=3&help=NewFeatures.012.html
  14. You don't need to mess with the tmp files. They are built as needed by the DAW. To create a custom layout based on "Sort by Manufacturer" set the layout in the plug-in menu to "Sort by Manufacturer" select "Manage Layout" from the plug-in menu edit the layout in the plug-in manager save the layout change the plug-in menu to use the new custom layout Unlike the three "Sort by" layouts, custom layouts do not get updated automatically when plug-ins are added or removed. Custom layouts must be updated by hand.
  15. The three "Sort by" layouts are built on the fly by the DAW. While "Sort By Category" may be customized, the other two cannot. Temporary copies of these layouts are stored with the user created layouts. Alternate versions of "Sort by Manufacturer" may only be done with a user created layout. The plug-in layout path is set in Preferences > File > Folder Locations.
  16. For now, to select a collection of notes/nodes that do not fit in a single rectangle, hold down the CTRL while using the smart tool to make multiple selections.
  17. Instead of export and re-import, why not use Bounce to Track(s) to create the new track containing the isolated audio?
  18. The Melodyne 4 installer that shipped with Platinum was the same as the one that came from Celemony when the Platinum installer was created. There is only one Melodyne 4 installer. It includes Essential, Assistant, Editor and Studio. The license unlocks the feature set. That said, it is unlikely the Melodyne installer included with Platinum was the last version so might as well skip it and grab the last one from your Celemony account.
  19. Please start creating new threads. Also post just the error message. Tiny error messages in the middle of the screen shots are hard to read. This problem is often caused by software on the PC preventing the DAW from creating new files. Could be anti-virus or anti-malware software. Bytefence has a history of causing this problem. If it is installed...uninstall it. Update your AV software and whitelist the DAW.
  20. Yes SONAR 8 required registration when initially installed. After that, subsequent installations used the serial number and registration code provided during the initial install. It was not possible to register SONAR more than one time. When Cakewalk was shutdown by Gibson, the customer account database was archived. No new accounts may be created. If you are receiving a "cannot create account" message, it means you are trying to create an account on the Cakewalk website. Installing Cakewalk by BandLab relies on a BandLab account (the same account used for this forum) NOT an account on the old Cakewalk website. The image shows a problem with IK Product Manager. This is not a Cakewalk or BandLab product.
  21. The two common reasons files cannot be dragged from the OS into the DAW are The DAW is running as administrator. The DAW does not run as administrator by default. You would have had to explicitly change this in the compatibility tab in the program properties. The files are not files recognized by the DAW. While the OS prevents drag and drop when running as administrator, the media browser should always work, however; by default, the media browser in the DAW applies a filter to show certain types of files. Refer to the media browser documentation for this list. Generally files blocked by the filter are not used by the DAW. If you believe the files should be displayed in the media browser, verify the file names have the proper extension. Note: the image in the OP has file extensions turned off so there is no way to tell what the full file names are. There is a setting in Windows Explorer View tab to show extensions. There is an option in the media browser menu (B in the image below) under Views to "Show All Files And Folders" If the files are on an external drive, try copying a couple to the C drive and see if they can be imported into the DAW.
  22. Rollback installers are linked in every release announcement. The maximum activation period is 6 months regardless of the activation method. For info about activation see
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