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Everything posted by scook

  1. Google is a great place to find out how to use Windows; in this case how to map drives to unc paths and using mklink with unc paths. With either method, choose the uppermost directory to reduce the number of drive letters or directory junctions. The media browser in CbB may be used to add subdirectories as needed from the drive letters or directory junctions.
  2. Either map driver letters or use mklink to create directory junctions on a local drive to the NAS UNCs.
  3. Forget about the integrated mp3 encoder that Cakewalk sold and ultimately gave away for free when they no longer had to pay the royalty fee. Cakewalk went out of business in 2018 and there is no legitimate way to get any of their products today. It is possible to use Lame or any other free mp3 encoder to create an mp3 file from the wave file exported from SONAR. OR If you are running a Win7 64bit or newer consider installing Cakewalk by BandLab. It is free, originally based on SONAR Platinum and includes an integrated mp3 encoder. CbB can work with SONAR project files.
  4. There is a link to a rollback installer in every release announcement. Here is the 2022.06 release announcement
  5. Email service for the old Cakewalk machines was shut down when the company went out of business. To access your old Cakewalk account contact support@cakewalk.com for password reset. https://help.cakewalk.com/hc/en-us/articles/360021666254-I-used-Cakewalk-a-long-time-ago-but-now-Cakewalk-com-says-account-creation-is-disabled-
  6. While a parent track is always displayed, there is no requirement to have them expanded. The take lanes toggle SHIFT+T and automation lanes toggle SHIFT+A work regardless of the size of the parent track.
  7. The original paths are shown in the help file image. From http://www.cakewalk.com/Documentation?product=Cakewalk&language=3&help=0x201D9
  8. I had X2, X3, Platinum and CbB installed prior to adding non-bundled Cakewalk plug-ins. The error message is misleading as it indicates the problem is the installer not finding the correct version to use this patch. The CL installer is patching nothing. It is a full version of the plug-in. It may be Cakewalk built a check in the CL installer to look for a modular version of the PC in SONAR. The reference to patch in the error message may be the referring to patch level of SONAR X series. None of the PC add-on modules run in the original X1 PC. Instead, the original X1 had to be patched to support the modular PC (IIRC it was part of X1 Producer Extended). My guess is this check is preventing CbB only installs from working with the CL installer. Probably the same for the other add-on PC only modules from Cakewalk. If this is the case, a minimal install of SONAR X1 Producer Extended, X2 or newer with PC support will be necessary to get past the check. Installing any version of SONAR after CbB requires re-installing CbB after the SONAR install in order to get the CbB shared utilities back. Unlike CL, which is PC only, the CA2A shipped regular VST2 and VST3 formats of the plug-in. In fact, the CA2A VST2 pulls double duty as a PC module and regular VST2 so the installer does not need to check for a modular PC. It's a shame BandLab has not released the CL and the rest of the non-bundled PC modules like they did with the PC2A, the PC only predecessor of the CA2A.
  9. I don't have a UFX but on my Babyface Pro there are two types of i/o ports with names like 1+2 ASIO Fireface USB Analog 1 (1) and 5+6 ASIO Fireface USB Adat (1) reported in CbB. The Analog i/o are the 1/4" and XLR ports on the interface. The interface also has a connection for an ADAT device so these are listed in CbB even though I have no ADAT device connected to the Babyface. I used Totalmix to setup one of the ADAT connections as a loopback connection to the DAW.
  10. In 2021.04 there was a setting added for this. Check out the Windows 10 high DPI rendering option (experimental feature) section about 2/3rd down this page I just stumbled across the setting while looking for something else in the help.
  11. Turn off Always Echo Current MIDI Track in preferences. This is causing the old-style Omni setting and behavior. Manually set input echo as needed.
  12. Yeah, that thread and the other threads referenced in it are accurate, at least at time they were written. The current behavior is slightly different. Starting with 2021.01, if a project has a plug-in with "Enable MIDI Output" turn on anywhere in the project and an instrument/MIDI track input is set to None and input echo in enabled for the track instead of changing the input to "All Inputs - Omni" the DAW will use "All External Inputs - Omni". The change was made to address the problem of tracks unexpectedly picking up MIDI data from plug-ins in the project. FWIW, audio tracks will change from None if input echo is enabled for them too. IOW, input set to None and input echo on are mutually exclusive settings.
  13. Could be sends going nowhere
  14. Normally the project files entry in preferences is set one time, by default it is "C:\Cakewalk Projects" but may be any path always available to the DAW. If the DAW cannot find the project files path the DAW will silently reset the project files entry to the default. The DAW cannot run without a valid project files entry. Projects may be created and opened anywhere the DAW has access. Because of this, if a project is opened any subsequent saves will be relative to the open project's location. Starting with 2021.09 the default audio export changed from the wave files entry to the export audio files entry. Generally, these preferences are set one time just like the project files entry. For info about the current export process see http://www.cakewalk.com/Documentation?product=Cakewalk&language=3&help=NewFeatures.010.html
  15. The company that made the CA-2A went out of business in Nov 2017.
  16. If the program is asking to sign in, it is trying to refresh the activation and the login information has expired. Initial installation, updates, (re)activation are the only times an internet connection is necessary. (Re)activation uses the DAW or BandLab Assistant if the PC running the DAW does not have an internet connection.
  17. When a previous installation is detected, the Cakewalk installer follows the same rules as the in-app update process. If the installed version is the previous release the update installer is applied otherwise, the full installer is used to update the installation.
  18. The signal flow diagram is in the documentation. Of course, the image is also in the user reference and local help. I have posted it in the old forum and in this forum as well but did not in this thread because the OP already mentioned it.
  19. Every clip has an FX rack. It works just like the track FX rack except it happens in the clip before the data is sent to the track. Using clip FX racks may require multiple instances of the same plug-in; one for each clip needing the effect. Or add the de-esser in the ProChannel and put the ProChannel before the FX rack. Or move the contents of the track FX rack to an aux track or bus and put the de-esser in the track FX rack. Except for the location of the track gain, pan and interleave, all three methods are all functionally the same as adding the de-esser to the top of the track FX rack. Of course, gain and pan may be augmented with additional plug-ins in the FX racks and ProChannels.
  20. IDK, my experience when working in the PRV using the smart tool following these steps lassoing a note with Click+drag copying a note to the clipboard with CTRL+C positioning Now time by clicking in the PRV pasting with CTRL+V produces a clip that is one note in length.
  21. When adding new notes, clip creation is automatic and based on the following: the DAW creates a new clip when the distance between the new note and existing clips is at least one measure a new note less than one measure away from two clips is added to the closest clip a new note equidistant from two clips and less than one measure away from both is added to the clip on the left
  22. All FX racks and ProChannels signals flow top to bottom. All clips have an FX rack. All tracks and buses have an FX rack. All audio and instrument tracks have a ProChannel. The ProChannel may be before or after the track FX rack. Sends are all post FX. The Send PRE/POST switch refers to the position of the send relative to the volume fader.
  23. If one wants all the audio in one track, there is no need to split the instrument track. Change the channel on the instrument track and add MIDI tracks for the other channels and point their outputs to the same plug-in. If one wants separate audio and MIDI on separate channels, append instrument tracks will do this and keep everything as instrument tracks. Finally, separate audio and MIDI tracks may be added to a project and pointed to the same plug-in too, leaving the original instrument as is except for the need to force its channel just like the first option above.
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