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Everything posted by scook

  1. For now... CTRL+Drag the plug-in to the new FX rack. Select and copy the automation in the old track then paste it into the new track. Delete the plug-in from the old track.
  2. scook

    Zero Audio

    Behringer offers ASIO4All on the UM2 web page. ASIO4All is a wrapper for WDM drivers. The device itself is class compliant so it should work with WASAPI on Win10/11. Class compliant audio devices used WDM prior to Win10.
  3. Might as well keep the software. It cannot be resold or registered.
  4. The 32bit VST format was a separate purchase. The purchased version also included the DX format. The 32 and 64bit DX format were bundled with some versions of SONAR for years.
  5. I don't have the VST to test. It is a 32bit plug-in. If it has any registry entries that need modification, they would be under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node look for an "rgc:audio software" folder. Then it is not trying to write to a protected area of the registry. When Pentagon was released, users had full control over HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\rgc:audio software\DXi\Pentagon I. The permissions for this area of the registry changed with Vista requiring the user to run the DAW as administrator or modify the registry.
  6. scook

    Zero Audio

    Unfortunately, Behringer did not create a driver for the UM2. Their website only offers ASIO4All for this device. This is why the OP, in their other thread, was told to use one of WASAPI modes.
  7. I created the image above in 2017 for this thread http://forum.cakewalk.com/How-do-I-get-my-Sonar-X1-Pentagon-I-to-install-correctly-PLease-m3661844.aspx The earliest reference I found to changing the registry was in this thread from 2015 http://forum.cakewalk.com/tm.aspx?m=3163595&p=5 IIRC, I figured out the registry entry using Sysinternals ProcMon.
  8. scook

    Zero Audio

    In short, when using an external audio interface with a DAW, all I/O for the DAW should be handled by the external audio interface. Forget about any audio I/O built into the laptop.
  9. Right-click the duplicate track button and review the Duplicate Track Settings dialog Events needs to be selected to copy the audio from the source track.
  10. This used to happen with Win7 when updates were pending. Making sure Windows was up to date, then re-installing was the fix. It also can happen when MS redistributable libraries are messed up. BandLab built a special installer for these libraries -
  11. Here is an example of lassoing some notes in the staff view
  12. Then there are the presets using the Valleys simulator.
  13. The Event Inspector module is in the Control Bar. Here is a video discussing Duration in the Event Inspector module
  14. There are links in the main ProChannel help page for each plug-in's detailed help. As noted above, the DAW records the signal at the track input. Here is a signal flow diagram that may help. If you wish to record an incoming signal with the ProChannel or other effects applied, add a send to an aux track and record the aux track. This works because the aux track input is after the original tracks ProChannel and FX rack. My want to record the original track along with the aux track, just in case.
  15. With the Smart Tool, right-click and drag to lasso notes. Enter 200% in the Event Inspector Duration entry to double note duration of selected notes.
  16. When sharing with others, always use wav files. DAWs have to convert mp3s into wavs which may result in the timing not being exactly the same as your original project. This would not account for an offset of an entire measure though. Different sample rates would not either. Usually, broadcast waves end up far down the timeline, not just a measure off and not early. There are two ways to avoid sync issues, broadcast waves or always starting clips at 0.
  17. Either run CbB as administrator or modify the registry. Users need full control over HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\rgc:audio software\DXi\Pentagon I. Here is an image showing the process in regedit:
  18. Not update related. Check the On Stop, Rewind to Now setting. Keyboard shortcut CTRL+W.
  19. While the example above works for anything that can be grouped, if I needed shared/inverted volume automation, I would not mess with MIDI and CbB volume controls instead opting for free Blue Cat Gain plug-ins. In this video the Blue Cat Gain plug-ins are added to two tracks, then set to Group A (the plug-ins have their own built-in grouping) with one reversed (again built into the plug-in) and automated using one of the plug-ins gain settings.
  20. Could group the controls to automate and use a MIDI track to host the actual automation (as MIDI data) using a virtual MIDI cable to drive one of the grouped controls via remote control Here is an example of two tracks with volume grouped, one of them is inverted and a MIDI track sending modwheel data via LoopBe1 to one of the controls in the group.
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