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Everything posted by scook

  1. It is no different than any other MIDI controlled plug-in that manipulates audio data. Create an audio track with input set to the appropriate audio source and enable input echo Drop the xils vocoder plug-in into the audio track FX rack Add a MIDI track with input set to your controller, input echo enabled and output set to the xils vocoder The setup may benefit from adding a compressor before the vocoder in the audio FX rack.
  2. This or bounce+archive (+disconnect for synth) to ensure access to the audio and save custom presets by project or take note of factory presets used in the project notes and when possible, save installers. KORG leaves installers on disk after install so, they make it easy to backup installers. KORG is new to VST3 and they have struggled with their first attempts. Might be best to use the VST2 plug-ins for a while longer at least until their VST3 release notes are clear of showstoppers such as lack of persistent presets.
  3. Like the page says at the bottom - "Login to get your personal offer"
  4. As a rule, all audio should ultimately pass through the master bus and the master bus should be the only source of audio data coming out of the DAW to the main monitor inputs of the audio interface.
  5. Since the introduction of VST settings in X-series preferences, scanning and setting scan preferences in the Plug-in Manager has been discouraged in favor of using preferences. The plug-in manager supports a subset of the VST settings available in preferences and is intended to be used with older Cakewalk products that do not have VST settings in preferences.
  6. Yes, tracks or lanes, mute is not solo. This is the process This is how take lanes work in the PRV. The PRV works at the track level. Instead of take lanes for MIDI consider using separate tracks.
  7. Soloing a track does not mute clips; it causes the DAW to ignore non-soloed data. Muting clips is a separate per-clip function and is the only function that works with "Hide Muted Clips."
  8. To have more than one plug-in UI open at a time read the Recycle Plug-In Windows section on this page.
  9. CbB no longer includes the Melodyne 4 Trial Version and BandLab no longer distributes the Melodyne 4 Trial either through BandLab Assistant or Cakewalk Installer. If you did not retain a copy of the Melodyne 4 Trial installer there is no way to install it.
  10. A VST Reset: clears the VST Inventory in the registry then runs a VST scan The VST Inventory contains information about the plug-ins gathered by the scan along with has some parameters that users can set. The VST Inventory contains all VST2/3 plug-ins scanned whether they passed or failed the scan. This is why plug-ins that failed to scan may be listed in the scan log. The VST inventory is used by the DAW, along with registry entries created at install time for DX plug-ins to create plug-in lists bundled with the DAW.
  11. Make sure HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\ASIO in the registry only contains an entry for the Behringer UMC 204. If there is an entry for RealTek, delete it.
  12. There is no need to ever change a plug-in from an FX to a synth. If an FX plug-in can use MIDI data, open the VST2/3 drop down in the plug-in standard header to turn on "Enable MIDI Input". When an FX plug-in has "Enable MIDI Input" turned on, the plug-in will appear in MIDI track output drop downs.
  13. Try enabling "Input Echo" the button right of Record in the instrument/MIDI track header.
  14. May need to use WASAPI Exclusive driver mode with RealTek to adjust the Mixing Latency Buffer Size. This may help with distortion.
  15. This is the first thing a VST Reset does before re-scanning plug-ins. Aside from the time it takes to run, a VST Reset is an easy way to fix most VST scan issues. When running a VST Reset, it is a good idea to enable "Generate Scan Log" just in case the Reset does not clear up the problem. The log may be useful as a diagnostic aid.
  16. The solution is as old as the Digidesign interfaces pre-dating CbB by years. I am sure that read about the issue and solution on the old forum.
  17. By default, CbB will "Enable MIDI output" for any synth plug-in capable of sending MIDI data. Jamstix4 likely has "Enable MIDI Output" enabled. If this is the case, any instrument or MIDI track input set to omni will receive the MIDI data from Jamstix. If the track has input echo enabled, the data from the Jamstix track will play. Track one in this image shows input echo has been automatically set because Always Echo Current MIDI Track is enabled in preferences and the input was likely set to None prior to giving the track focus. As a result, track one is now setup to play the data in the Jamstix track. Here is a similar thread
  18. It is not a bug. The Console View has a function to show/hide the ProChannel in the Console view for selected track(s). The Track View does not have a ProChannel to display so there is no show/hide ProChannel function for the Track View. The image in the OP shows the Inspector left of the Track View. The Inspector contains a ProChannel and there is a default global binding CTRL+I to display the ProChannel for the track that has focus. Because this is a global binding it works in both the Track and Console views. This function is not exposed for re-binding. Currently there is no way to re-map CTRL+I in the DAW. Here is a similar discussion
  19. How would I use these; is there a particular Cakewalk folder where I would place them? Or is there another method... (noob but learning! ? There is a brief explanation of how to install the ARP presets on my Goggle page.
  20. install the driver and update the firmware (if necessary) https://zoomcorp.com/en/us/digital-mixer-multi-track-recorders/multi-track-recorders/r8/r8-support/ It is very common for ASIO drivers to work at a single bit-depth, usually 24 bit.
  21. To record the arpeggiator output, duplicate the track and MIDI data (in order to have a copy of the original MIDI clips), select the MIDI clips in either the original or cloned track and Bounce to Clip(s).
  22. Yes, PTN files and the ARP files created from them were made using Project 5. PTN and ARP playback was added to SONAR but it never got the editor. I have no idea if the original file is still available on the internet or not. I do have the ARPs installed but it came from a large collection of customizations that get copied from machine to machine. Found a copy of "Alesion ARP Presets.zip" in a snapshot of one of my old PCs incoming files folders made in Aug 2007. The file is now on my Google page under presets.
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