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Everything posted by scook

  1. This describes using the web-based app called BandLab run from BandLab Assistant. To work with old TTS/Cakewalk files use the Cakewalk Installer (direct link) near the bottom of this page to install Cakewalk by BandLab. If you had any experience with Cakewalk products released in 2011 or later, the interface should look familiar.
  2. First start by opening the MIDI file (File > Open) instead of importing. As long as there is no MIDI output device specified in preferences, opening a file will add TTS-1 to the project. At this point the project is ready to go with a synth already setup in the project. Then swap out the synth for any or all of the MIDI tracks by adding additional synth plug-ins and audio tracks. This is discussed in detail in this thread: Also importing MIDI data into an existing file will strip certain data from the file, such as tempo. Open is intended for full performances. Import is intended for clips. When opening a MIDI file make sure to save as a Cakewalk project or all the non-MIDI data such as plug-in assignments will be lost.
  3. Freezing does not permanently bypass the FX rack. It is possible after freezing to enable the FX rack and modify as desired. Of course, to fully retore a frozen track, the changes to the FX rack must be undone prior to the thaw. In order to perform a lot of processing on a frozen track and retain the ability to unfreeze the track, it might be easier to copy the contents of the frozen track to a new track and archive the frozen track. However, I'd use bounce+archive(+disconnect synth if necesssary) instead of freeze in this case.
  4. I don't have access to a FF400 but it appears its version of TotalMix supports loopback. This should do what you want without additional cabling. Check out section "32.5 Recording a Subgroup (Loopback)" in the FF400 manual.
  5. From http://www.cakewalk.com/Documentation?product=Cakewalk&language=3&help=EditingMIDI.26.html
  6. It is in MIDI tab of the instrument track inspectors and MIDI track inspectors The top control pointed to by Q It has been there since X1 was released in Dec 2010.
  7. From http://www.cakewalk.com/Documentation?product=Cakewalk&language=3&help=Mixing.49.html#1687561
  8. Yes, they are handy. Really would like to see iZotope catch up with Steinberg's ARA implementation of SpectraLayers. I prefer RX but not having an ARA implementation of the editor makes it a little clunky to use with a DAW.
  9. scook

    Effect in Timeline

    Depending on the plug-in automating the on/off or mix is my first choice. Splitting the clip where the effect is needed and adding the plug-in the clip FX rack is another way.
  10. Yeah, RX Connect is unnecessary. CbB can share a copy of a clip directly with any editor that accepts file names on the command line. This is done by extended the Tools section of the CbB Utilities menu. The information is stored in the registry. I wrote a tool to edit this part of the registry. In fact, it was in response to a discussion about RX Connect on the old forum. The Tools Editor is part of CbB Tools mentioned in this thread Here is my setup for RX9. Download the program. Put it anywhere on your PC. Run it Select Tools Editor Set Update Registry to Yes Enter the Required Entries. Double-clicking in Exe Path opens a file browser. Click Submit To use Run CbB Select a clip and run RX from the Utilities menu. After saving and closing RX, CbB will prompt to load the new clip.
  11. These two plug-ins were sold separately and have their own installers. They do not depend on any SONAR installation at all. Update: this is true for the CA-2A but apparently not for the CL (and possibly the other PC only add-ons.). See the posts below. While it is possible to manually install and active the plug-ins, the easiest way is the Cakewalk Command Center. This will install and activate the plug-ins in one step. Then delete the CCC if desired. Keep in mind if you ever need any of the bundled SONAR era plug-ins, it is best to follow these instructions now update: it appears, PC only add-ons may require SONAR X1 Producer Expanded or newer with a ProChannel installed.
  12. I do not know if the real Behringer ASIO drivers are multi-client (FWIW RME drivers are). If not, enable Suspend Audio Engine When Cakewalk Is Not In Focus
  13. scook

    I need ASIO4ALL

    To see Q&A posts in chronological order make sure to click SORT BY DATE on the right just below the question at the top of each page. The default is SORT BY VOTES.
  14. If you really want to create/modify MIDI data programmatically, MIDICSV may be a good starting point. This converts MIDI data to a CSV file. It also includes a utility to convert CSV back to MIDI. The page contains worked examples in PERL but anything that can read a text file will work.
  15. The DAW permits one sample rate per-project. Sample rate is set one of two ways. Whan a project has no audio, the sample rate is set by reading the default sample rate in preferences. The sample rate of these types of projects may be changed anytime by modifying preferences. When a project contains audio, the sample rate is read from one of the audio clip headers. Here is the documentation on how to change the sample rate of projects containing audio.
  16. Don't have the plug-in but when I read about a problem with a synth that works OK until the transport is stopped, my first guess is the per-project Zero Controllers When Play Stops setting.
  17. There is a free Kontakt player and a paid full version of Kontakt both work in CbB. Some sample libraries require the full version. Unless the sample library specifically says it will work with Kontakt player assume it requires the full version. The license fees developers pay for libraries that work in Kontakt player are higher than the fees paid for libraries requiring the full version.
  18. Files with a .vst3 are DLLs. The .vst3 extension helps the scanner tell what to scan as VST3 folders may contain additional support DLLs along with the actual plug-in binary. is an FX plug-in just like the name suggests and not a synth. Part of a suite of FX plug-ins by LANDR.
  19. scook

    Can't install Cakealk

    This happens when re-installing without cleaning up the registry. Here are the clean install instructions https://help.cakewalk.com/hc/en-us/articles/360034066393-Clean-Install-Cakewalk-by-BandLab
  20. WRT legacy installs nothing has changed since this post The last SONAR installer that included the Blue Tubes bundle was the Studio Mixing FX Suite for SONAR Platinum. If you don't want to deal with legacy installs pick up a license for the Blue Tubes Bundle from Don't Crack.
  21. This may be the problem. Dial it back to 1 (the default). I only set it to 7 when troubleshooting.
  22. I deleted the post, however; at the bottom of posts should be thumbnails of the uploaded images. There is a trashcan on the right side of the images to delete them. It is also possible to manage images by opening up My Attachments in your account.
  23. I do not have either bx_MasterDesk True Peak or bx_rooMS but have no problems with other bx plug-ins including bx_MasterDesk. If you are not getting error messages in CbB, try setting ExceptionHandlingSeverity to 7 in Preferences > File > Initialization File
  24. If you are using the drum map for kit piece names only, consider using the Instrument definition instead. Most of the drum map videos predate changes made to the DAW to support persistent alternate note names in the label pane next to the PRV note pane. Instrument definitions are easy to create and add to the master.ins file and one already exists for AD2. Once added, right-click the keyboard next to the PRV and load the names.
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