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Everything posted by scook

  1. Within days of the announcement theme creators were posting notices about updated themes.
  2. Again "ProgramData\Cakewalk" contains much more than the DAWs. 8.5GB is unusually large for ProgramData unless some CCC installers are still there.
  3. There are a lot of shared components. Those have to be factored out when trying to skinny down a Cakewalk install. That said, my guess is there may be some samples included in the 12GB. By default most Cakewalk sfz engine synths put samples in the "C:\Program Files\Cakewalk" tree. I don't count plug-in data when trying to determine Cakewalk's footprint.
  4. Not a bug. Custom themes need to be updated. See
  5. Couldn't duplicates be filtered out when writing the scan path to the registry? Also remove children probably a bigger cause of duplicated scans. I believe the only reason the scanner is still available in the PIM is for backward compatibility. Maybe it is time to disabled the scanner when running the PIM from CbB.
  6. Have a look at Sitala and TX16wx Sitala is designed for drums. If you wish to see drum names in the sequencer instead of notes, I have written a drum map for the default Sitala kit. It is available in the preset section at the top of my Google page. Copy the drum map into the drum map preset folder. The default location is %appdata%\Cakewalk\Cakewalk Core\Drum Maps After adding Sitala as an instrument track, change the MIDI output (below I in the image below) in the Inspector to the drum map and the drum names will appear in the step sequencer.
  7. You can do it yourself From @Craig Anderton's post http://forum.cakewalk.com/FindPost/3755601 on the old forum
  8. SONAR Professional and Platinum owners have Channel Tools Free alternatives are available such as MUtility part of the MFreeFXBundle A1StereoControl Edit: CbB includes Channel Tools as of 2020.08
  9. By default step sequencer clips are linked From http://www.cakewalk.com/Documentation?product=Cakewalk&language=3&help=Views.26.html
  10. It would be better to deal with these issues one at a time in the main forum. Some may have nothing to do with CbB at all. Have a problem specific to one project like the fader issue in track 1, send the project to support or see if one of the devs who frequent the forum will take a look at it. Usually they just need the cwp file. Have crazy things happen after leaving the DAW unattended for an hour or so? Simple solution, don't do that. Just because you left the machine alone don't think for a minute the machine is idle. Or worse, don't put a PC to sleep while a DAW is running and expect it to wake up ready to go. If you are going to leave the machine unattended for any period of time, at a minimum, shut down the program. Dimension Pro crashes. Plug-in crashes are the fault of the plug-in not the DAW. If you need help determining if the problem is a plug-in or the DAW send the dump to support. Here is how to report a crash I have seen reports over the years by users saying DP crashed while browsing presets. While I have not experienced myself, there is probably not much that can be done about it. Cakewalk stopped updating the program 10 years ago and replaced it in their product line with Rapture Pro. That said, if you can keep track of what program crashes the plug-in, I may be able to help. WRT, color customization in preferences, this was whacked when Cakewalk introduced the Skylight interface in X1 and progressively got worse with every release. As a result, Cakewalk added a theme editor with the later versions of SONAR. This handles image and color customization albeit not as easy as preferences. CbB also has a theme editor. Regarding updates in general, if one is mid-project there is no rush to update. In addition to rollback, there is a way to have more than one version of CbB available to run at a time.
  11. Maybe because most everything in the core installer has a fixed location. There is no extensive library of VST2 plug-ins.
  12. There can be only one instance of shared folders on a PC. All versions of SONAR and CbB use them. They are installed on the same drive as the program. All versions of SONAR and CbB must be installed on the same drive. If s SONAR or CbB installer detect a previous installation in the registry, folder locations are read from the registry. At that point, the ability to modify folder locations in the installer is disabled.
  13. It was BandLab Assistant. This tool is used to install/activate and update Cakewalk by BandLab (a Windows program based on the SONAR code purchased by BandLab). See http://www.cakewalk.com/Documentation?product=Cakewalk&language=3&help=Introduction.30.html for step-by-step installation instructions. It is also a front-end for the BandLab audio/MIDI loop library and a way to launch their web-based DAW called BandLab.
  14. Using Windows to uninstall SONAR is going to uninstall everything except for files modified by the user and registry entries. Platinum is a little different than X2 and X3 because it uses multiple installers. It is possible to uninstall SONAR Platinum and not affect the other plug-in installers. However, uninstalling any version of SONAR runs the risk of removing the shared folders used by CbB. One could manually remove the DAWs but I don't believe it is worth the effort. Here are some numbers for 64bit SONAR X2 Producer, X3 Producer and Platinum full installs on my PC. I do not have any version of 32bit SONAR installed. The space used in "Program Files" totals around 446MB. The space used in "Cakewalk Content" varies based on installation. Tutorials alone take up several GB. I removed the tutorials some time ago. My three SONAR folders total up to ~700MB. Of course, they are mostly duplicates of each other and all the DAWs could be set to use CbB. The space used in ProgramData is ~22MB. User directories vary quite a bit. Mine take up ~37MB. Having all three versions of SONAR and CbB installed takes less than 2GB (without the tutorials). Considerably less if one cleans up the duplicates in "Cakewalk Content". I did not include loop libraries in "Cakewalk Content". These take up quite a bit of space, almost 9GB for everything bundled with SONAR and extras like the EDM Euphoria Audio Loops.
  15. In Cakewalk there is no concept of a VST MIDI effect. Still effects can send and receive MIDI data. The scanner determines the plug-in type and while this may be manually overridden it is not necessary. The VST2/3 drop down above the plug-in UI has switches to enable MIDI input and output. By default, synths always have MIDI input enabled. For those capable of sending MIDI data, MIDI output is enabled by default otherwise it is disabled. For effects, these options are turned off by default and depending on the plug-in's features may be disabled. There is no way to pass MIDI data from one VST effect to directly another so, even if one puts VST MIDI effects in an FX chain, the MIDI data would not flow from one plug-in to another. With very few exceptions, to send MIDI data to a plug-in requires an instrument or MIDI track. Plug-ins with "Enable MIDI input" enabled appear in MIDI track output drop downs. Plug-ins with "Enable MIDI output" enabled appear in instrument and MIDI track input drop downs. Even if a synth does not create audio an audio track is required. When using VST plug-ins such as MIDI sequencers, they must be added using an instrument track or audio+MIDI track pair.
  16. Check the size of the audio files. Often this error is the result of trying to import zero length files.
  17. Yes, Waves side-chain support requires their VST3 plug-ins.
  18. scook


    The add-ons may be downloaded and installed at any time. While the full Melodyne times out causing the editor to stop working, monophonic audio to MIDI and tempo track creation continue to work after the trial period.
  19. There is no way to directly route MIDI data to an audio track. It must be routed to something that can interpret the MIDI data. To make a plug-in available in a MIDI track output drop down select "Enable MIDI Input" in the VST2/3 drop down above the plug-in UI. This should be enabled by default for synth plug-ins.
  20. At least until the next revision to the dll.
  21. Which driver modes have you tried? Do not install the Realtek ASIO driver. Does Windows see the chip?
  22. Are the plug-ins in the VST3 folder on the D drive. This is a non-standard location for VST3 plug-ins and may not work.
  23. Not trusting my memory any more tonight, I reviewed the code. Guess I could take my own advice and read the Launchpad pdf. It has a section about this issue. From the "Cakewalk Launchpad.pdf" CbB 2019.09 is the first version requiring a dll using the format CW130Auto-{version number},dll Anything older than 2019.09 can use bucwa.dll. Thanks for pressing for clarification. Sorry for the confusion.
  24. The default location for CbB (Cakewalk by BandLab) is C:\Program Files\Cakewalk\Cakewalk Core Does CbB load the project OK? Were there any error messages during CbB install?
  25. I have X2, X3, Platinum and several versions of CbB installed on the same Win10 machine. This has nothing to do with beat detection, it is the 32bit plug-in bridge software. It is loaded only when 64bit SONAR/CbB encounter 32bit plug-ins in a project. While I do open X3 regularly for testing purposes; I do not recall testing 32bit plug-ins in it. Just tried loading a 32bit plug-in, shutdown X3 saving the project and restarted X3. All worked OK. Installing CbB acts like an upgrade to 64bit SONAR. This means, the CbB and all of its data are in separate folders EXCEPT for the "shared" folders. These folders are updated with backward compatible files. BitBridge is in one of the "shared" folders. It is the shared folders and registry entries that make it necessary to install CbB on the same drive as SONAR. Is it possible that CbB and X3 are on different drives? On a related note, it may be time to stop using 32bit plug-ins in new projects.
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