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Everything posted by scook

  1. I am pretty sure some of FX Chains bundled with CbB depend on plug-ins that are not included with the product. They were built using SONAR and many of the plug-ins bundled with SONAR are not included with CbB.
  2. Orphaned envelopes used to be more common.
  3. With input echo enabled (the button to the right of the record button in each track) the input signal can be heard with effects. Depending on the mixing latency and plug-ins used there may be a noticeable delay. Also tracks always record the input signal only.
  4. Very few plug-ins ship with CbB. Specific plug-in names may be helpful.
  5. Try SHIFT+click on the envelope to select then right-click for the context menu.
  6. ASIO4All may be aggregating the PC sound chip with the UM2. Go into the ASIO4All software and disable input from the sound chip.
  7. @msmcleod may be able to help with the control surface issue
  8. Don't believe so. Then I usually close all the plug-in windows before leaving a project. I was using a mouse and the plug-in UI to select patches. Don't use a control surface either. There may be excessive chatter between the controller and the DAW. It may be a bug in the control surface interface or something originating in the controller. MIDI-OX will let you inspect the MIDI data stream.
  9. Is Always Stream Audio Through FX enabled? This should help flush plug-in buffers when the transport is stopped.
  10. By default it is the PLUS key above the typewriter keys http://www.cakewalk.com/Documentation?product=Cakewalk&language=3&help=KeyboardShortcuts.html#1306571
  11. This error is usually the result of the tool (Audition in this case) being set up to run as administrator but the DAW is not. Windows does not allow this. Both programs must run with the same permissions. It does not matter that the program is 32bit.
  12. The 32/64 Bit drop down tells the Tools Editor to work in the 32 or 64bit area of the registry. CbB is a 64bit DAW so this drop down should be set to 64.
  13. Deleting an automation lane does not delete the automation envelope. To delete an envelope, right-click the envelope and select Delete from the context menu. For more info see http://www.cakewalk.com/Documentation?product=Cakewalk&language=3&help=Automation.11.html#1154521
  14. Sounds like this thread (includes a CAL-based solution)
  15. AFAIK, Scuffam SGear2 VST3 does not work in SONAR or CbB. The VST2 does but it is not automatically installed. The dll is in C:\Program Files\Scuffham Amps\S-Gear_VST and needs to be copied into the scan path. Might have to bite the bullet and run a VST Reset from preferences with "Generate Scan Log" enabled. In your case, it will create quite the log but it may provide some clues. If you prefer to avoid a VST Reset move the Scuffam and KiloHearts plug-ins out of the scan path, run a scan, put the plug-ins back and run a scan from preferences with "Generate Scan Log" enabled.
  16. If the scale is zoomed in, the names appear in the track keyboard but there are no names in the notes themselves.
  17. Maybe there is problem with the channel assignment in the notes and forcing the channel for the track with the drop down fixes it.
  18. scook

    Rewire Issues

    CbB reads HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Propellerhead Software\ReWire for available Rewire clients.
  19. Running out of ideas. The only common element that I see are the problem plug-ins are all sample based. Voltage modular is not sample based but there are some dedicated sample modules. I use external drives for backup only. The internal sound chip was disabled when the machine was built. My DAW audio interface handles all audio. Is the external drive also the project drive? What virus scanner are you using? Try disabling it and see if the problem goes away. May want to try shutting down some of the background processes. I believe there are dropbox, Roland and Steam clients running.
  20. It seems to work OK here. I stepped through a bunch of patchs, even with the transport running it played OK. I am running a Win10 on an i7-4970K @ 4GHz w/ 16GB of RAM The samples are on a regular internal HD separate from the system drive. I did not install the included Rex Shared Library in case it messes with the one included with CbB. It doubt it matters in this case. All the Trickster programs appear to be sfz files containing wavs. What version of CbB are you running? What is the ThreadSchedulingModel set to in CbB Preferences > Audio > Configuration File?
  21. Is this 64bit Zampler-RX v1.07? If so, I will install it and see what happens. Any particular free sample pack to try?
  22. With spinning drives...yes. With SSDs it comes down to disk capacity. If there is room on the disk, a single drive will do.
  23. Have you tried lowering the buffer size? Sometimes extreme settings high or low can be a problem.
  24. The images indicate there is plenty of memory. What are your ASIO buffer settings? Have you tried adjusting them" Have you tried WASAPI driver mode?
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