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Everything posted by scook

  1. It is not so much that it "degrades" audio quality but rendering is a destructive process. May want to work on copies and archive before rendering preserving what the clip looked like before applying changes. I'd like to see archive added to take lanes but for now it is a track level operation. The notes fields in the take lane and track inspector may be handy for documenting the changes.
  2. from http://www.cakewalk.com/Documentation?product=Cakewalk&language=3&help=Region_FX.01.html Rendering the Region FX will restore the clip to a regular wav file. It's all covered in the link.
  3. I believe the artwork (F in the image below) in notes is used for projects and project templates When I added artwork and saved the project template under a new name, the image appeared in the start screen.
  4. It is best to create your own thread rather than append an unrelated question to an existing thread.. You can work with multiple instances of TTS-1 and ignore the other 15 channels. Not really a bad idea. Or force the MIDI channel on a track to any one of the 16 channels using the channel drop down to access all the channels in an instance TTS-1. The channel drop down is on the track inspector and track header. Like most softsynths, drums may be played on any channel but TTS-1 does default channel 10 to the MIDI standard.
  5. Any ImageLine software installed?
  6. Which version? DP may be available from Cakewalk Command Center and your old Cakewalk account (if you created a single sign-on account). The best install method is Cakewalk Command Center if their is a CCC aware installer, otherwise; grab the installer from your account. The program files (files with .prog extension that DP uses for presets) are in C:\ProgramData\Cakewalk\Dimension Pro\Programs I have the DSF Mellotron package. The installer is Digital Sound Factory Sound Center Mellotron.exe. The PDF in the for this installer says it is for Cakewalk Sound Center. I remember building my own programs for DP and Rapture. Even through CSC is a DP and Rapture player, its .prog files are not compatible with either synth. CSC pograms play in Rapture Pro and Session. Either of those synths is preferable to CSC.
  7. This often proves to be faulty reasoning. Always use the manufacturer supplied ASIO driver unless there is a compelling reason to avoid it. If you have a problem with the Focusrite driver, there are plenty of users here who use their hardware and may be able to help. Otherwise when running Win10 use WASAPI then ASIO4All as a last resort. Generic ASIO "drivers" like ASIO4All can conflict with other ASIO drivers so it is a good idea to delete them when running a proper ASIO driver.
  8. The transport shows the Record Bit Depth NOT the Audio Driver Bit Depth Try the WASAPI Driver Modes Make sure Windows and CbB use the same sample rate and that Windows does not have Exclusive mode enable.
  9. Maybe a compressed folder. DP reads programs from C:\ProgramData\Cakewalk\Dimension Pro\Programs DSF create folders for their programs under this path.
  10. To get the physical location of clips Select the clip(s) Right-click on one of the clips or a blank part of a track to bring up the context menu Click last option on the menu - Associated Audio Files
  11. The only time I have seen that error the plug-in was trying to load programs (AKA presets, the files with .prog extensions in ProgramData) made for a different synth such as opening Rapture programs in DP.
  12. All Cakewalk DAWs and Cakewalk by BandLab share all the content in the "Shared" folders and some registry entries. There is no way to keep them completely separate when they are installed on the same machine.
  13. The quick way is to set the track interleave to Mono The track interleave button may look different than the image in the help. The track interleave in the track inspector is just above "E" in the image below. It also may be on the track header and console strip. The best way is Bounce to Track(s) set the Source Category to Tracks, select the Track and set the Channel Format to Split Mono. After bouncing the track pan the track containing the audio to center and delete the empty track. In the future instead of recording the track in stereo set the input drop down on the track to the appropriate channel (in this case the left channel) and set the interleave to Mono
  14. All of the Add-ons are optional.
  15. It is a 30 day trial of the full version of Melodyne. After the trial expires, the editor stops working but monophonic audio-to-midi and tempo detection continue to work. BandLab Assistant keeps track of what it has installed by writing records into the registry under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Cakewalk Music Software\Cakewalk\Installers
  16. move the audio interface buffer size slider to the right in preferences
  17. The 64bit FX2 Amp Sim was last bundled with X2. It is the one installed when running the 64bit install option.
  18. It's pretty old but the 64bit version still loads in CbB This series of DX plug-ins were never ported to 64bit. They cannot be used in CbB or any 64bit host. Having a 32bit version of SONAR installed can ease transitioning old project to 64bit by allowing the projects to load all their 32bit plug-ins.
  19. Here are two ways Cakewalk provides to create custom MIDI note maps: Drum maps and the Tranpose MFX
  20. In general, it helps to provide information about your hardware and OS. In this case some details about the hardware used to record the audio and how the signal is being monitored may help isolate what is bleeding into the other tracks. If there is a "What you hear" setting on whatever device is playing back the audio this can be the problem. Sometimes users with mixers accidentally route some of the playback back to the recording track(s).
  21. maybe because the option in the red box is checked
  22. Here is the process for handling crashes and dumps If the reinstall fails, it is a support issue - contact support@cakewalk.com
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